Chapter 603

“This, indeed, except for the emergency in the north, but at least it is still in a stalemate, and even if Lelang City is lost, it will be at least a month later, and in this month I believe the second way in the north. The line of defense can be roughly completed, as long as the general suppresses the group of barbarians of the Western foreign nations and frees his hands and feet, then it will be time for our empire to strike back!”

Immediately afterwards, the head of civil servants whose opinions were rarely unified with General Warner, Secretary of State Jolly also slowly added.

After Jolly finished speaking, with a “buzz…”, many senior empires present also began to whisper and discuss with each other. Most of them nodded frequently. Obviously, it was a rare unity between Jolly and Warner. The opinions agree.

The great general Albert came after the spread of a large-scale southward invasion by foreign nations in the north, while the empire was preparing for reinforcements, but the west was the same with emergency reports, and the situation was even more severe than in the north.

Because of the secret support of the Western kingdoms, the Western nations are not inferior to the empire in terms of weapons, clothing, and supplies, and they surpass those of the northern nations. The western legions of the empires that fight directly can also only do the same. The tortoise was shrouded in the city, even breaking through ten cities. This made Emperor Anthony very annoyed, but even if he became angry at this point, he could not help, so he could only send General Albert to lead the original North. The reinforcements of the legion rushed to the west.

In fact, the two of Jolly and Warner have reached a certain degree of compromise and alliance here. As for the reason, it is obviously because of the “aggressive” posture from the four princes Carl.

Since Yuzan left the “exile” north with the help of the Deputy Secretary of State Ornest, the political situation in the imperial capital has also undergone certain changes.

Maybe it was a little regret, maybe it was unbearable, maybe it was out of compensation. In short, during this period of time, Emperor Anthony has been more honorable and favored for the four princes Carl.

Not only allowed Karl to enter and leave the palace at any time without notification, and even allowed Karl to let the other party follow when he reviewed the memorial.

This is not a good signal, and it has also made the four princes and one party even stronger in the past period of time.

This is also an important reason why Jolly and Warner thwarted them after a large-scale attack by foreign nations in the north.(Read more @

Because if the guys of the different races in the north can break through Lelang City, the fifth prince Yuzan is very likely to be captured or killed.

Although the fifth prince Yuzan is a “trash” and he is not liked by the emperor, he will be named a prince after all. You must know that in the final race for the throne, a prince still has a lot of right to speak. Carl is already so strong, and they have no way to start with Carl, so they can only start slowly from the people around him. If Yuzan is removed with the help of foreigners, then at least in future battles. Let Carl lose the support of a prince.

In short, the strategy of the two of them is just one word, “drag”. The longer the delay, the better. As for the imperial citizens in the northern part of the empire who were brutally ravaged under the iron hooves of foreign nations, no one cared about them at all. Life and death.

If it is in line with their own interests, the senior empires like Jolly would still not mind helping these “untouchables”. After all, this can get a good reputation, but at this moment, it is obviously related to him Jolly himself. If your interests don’t match, I’m sorry, you “untouchables” can only depend on luck…

However, although their ideas are good, they would never have thought that at this time Yuzan not only defeated the northern aliens, but also controlled Stockton, the commander of the Northern Army Corps, so as to “carry the emperor to command the princes.” “Completely control the entire north.

They didn’t even think that in a few years, the one who really won the final victory from the few princes was the previous “trash” prince that everyone despised. Of course, this is also a later story.

“Your Majesty, no. Although the Northern Legion can still resist those foreign nations, if it is exactly what the two adults, Jolly and Warner, have just said, then it is equivalent to abandoning the north, which will make most of the empire. The nation is chilly, and if it is not possible to block foreign nations in the north, then the central location of the empire is all fertile plains, and there is no danger to guard, so please think twice!”

Seeing that Anthony was listening to the words of Jolly and Warner, he nodded frequently. This is not a good signal. Therefore, he had received Karl’s reminder before he came, the imperial chancellor of the Exchequer Solomon, Marquis Solomon. The lord couldn’t sit still, and immediately stood up and respectfully said to Anthony, who was sitting on the throne.

“Also, if your Majesty is not at ease, there are two strategies in the Weichen that can also be used for your Majesty’s reference!”

Seeing Emperor Anthony’s expression, he seemed to be lacking in interest in his proposal, gritted his teeth, Marquis Solomon continued.

In fact, he is also very helpless. Even if he is, he still thinks in his heart that it is best for him not to mix with the situation in the north for the time being. After all, the north is a pool of muddy water at the moment, but in the face of Karl’s strong request, He was helpless.

“Oh? Solomon, you say!”

Originally, Anthony’s heart was actually moved by Warner and Jolly. After all, the North is far away from the imperial capital, and in his opinion, the northern nations are just a bunch of barbarians, and the empire does not have so many available. Soldiers, not only did the foreign nations of the West have been so powerful in the West, he also received news from the Intelligence Agency that the foreign nations in the southwest were also ready to move at this time, and there were still those damn nasty, deadly revolutionary troops in the south, so he also hoped to be able to do so. Step by step, wait until General Albert has cleaned up the foreign nations in the West before turning his gun to clean up the foreign nations in the North!

“Your Majesty, in fact, I personally think that it is possible to negotiate with the group of aliens in the north. As we all know, the group of barbarians in the north, for so many years, every time they start a war against the empire is for money, women, etc. Resources, why don’t we just negotiate with them to ease the other side temporarily, and wait until the general defeats the foreign nations of the West, then we can also…”

“Kei, your majesty, urgently from the north!”

And just before Marquis Solomon had finished speaking, at this moment, there was another anxious footsteps and the voice of the guards outside the door.


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