Chapter 605

“We are not talented, and I am willing to share the worries for your majesty, and go to the north to represent your majesty to negotiate with the barbarians of the empire and foreign nations!”

As Ornest’s “candid” words fell, the room that was originally noisy was silent for an instant, and the needle fell quietly to the ground.

“Well, Ornest, you deserve to be my Qing Qing, then I will give you full responsibility for this matter, and I hope you will not let the empire lose face. As for that rebellious son, I allow you to do things cheaply!”

Seeing that only Ornest was the first one to stand up to solve his problems, Anthony’s heart warmed and nodded, but when he finally said Yuzan, he was still gritted his teeth.

“Yes, your majesty, the minister must do his best!”

Ornest replied respectfully, and he also consciously filtered out the last angry words of Anthony.

In fact, Ornest didn’t want to mix up this mess, but he had received a special letter from Yuzan before he entered the palace. This was the special way of contact between the two of them as an alliance at the beginning.

Therefore, Ornest knew some of the general situation before entering the palace, and he also knew that in this matter, Yuzan had “colluding” with people from other nations in the north. The scene was over, and Yuzan also specifically asked him to go to the north in person, but this was something he couldn’t refuse.

For an unscrupulous guy like Ornest, Yuzan’s unscrupulous behavior this time fits his character and his expectations of Yuzan. Therefore, he is more determined to continue his alliance with Yuzan. , But at the same time, he has so much defense against Yuzan. This is because Yuzan cuts him first and plays later without discussing with him in advance. Even though he also knows that time is too late, he still keeps an eye on him. Nestor is such a contradictory person.

That’s why Ornest, a guy who usually doesn’t show up, will be “big show” in the royal study room today, beyond everyone’s expectation.

Just as Ornest was more determined in his heart to ally with Yuzan, but at the same time he was secretly guarding Yuzan, but Yuzan was also guarding Ornest in the same way.

This time Yuzan only informed Ornest that he had a little cooperation with the foreign nations and needed Ornest’s help, and the urgent mail sent to the empire only indicated that he was arrested. Taking the hostages, he believes that Ornest is a smart man who will definitely help him settle this matter, and it can also allow the other party to see his abilities clearly, and only a few days to go to the north, he can get on the line with people of different races. .

The Yushufang meeting was completely over here, and Ornest also left under the slightly worried gazes of the various Carls in Yuzan…

“Tap…Tap…Tap…”(Read more @

On the prairie, a bloody black and red horse carried two ragged all over, with messy hair, and eyes full of the desire to survive. The obvious prairie people’s appearance and silhouette quickly ran forward.


“Quickly, don’t let him run away!”

“The leader has an order, and there is no mercy to kill!”


The ground trembled violently. Nearly 3,000 meters behind this black and red horse that was running hard, there was a prairie cavalry with more than 5,000 people chasing after him. Vaguely you could still hear the scolding from behind. sound.

The figure of this black and red horse is the Lord of the Prairie Royal Court, Dahan Balk, and his guard captain, the 8th-level powerhouse Troy, who was ambushed by his own brother in the Qiulin at the border of the empire and the grassland a day ago.

At this moment, the two of them can be described as embarrassed. Yesterday, Barker’s troops were almost completely wiped out after passing through the unintentional ambush of Saladine. Most of them surrendered to Saladine, and a small part of Balk’s diehard loyalists. However, they were also killed and wounded. Only Troy, a level 8 powerhouse, single-handedly took Balk and took advantage of the chaos in the scene to break a bloody road and escaped all the way. At this time, the road they were on was rushing to the grassland. Wang Ting Ran Duras City is located.

“Damn, the guy behind is really lingering! Troy, how long will it take us to reach Landuras?”

Even though he was already embarrassed at this time, his eyes were full of the desire to survive, and he kept thinking in his heart that he would return to Landuras and then order the whole team to kill the damn Byakugan wolf of Saladin in order to eliminate him. Hate in the heart.

“Sweat, we are going to Randuras. At the current speed, it is estimated that there will be less than a day, but the horses have been running day by day|night without rest. I am worried that our horses will not be able to carry them. Live, after all, there are two people, and there are chasing soldiers behind…”

After calculating the time secretly, Troy slowly explained to Bark and expressed his concerns.

“Damn it, I blame Saladin, it’s all his fault! Saladin, wait for me, I must… Troy, you are not sure that you will survive alone!”

And Troy’s words were interrupted by Barker’s furious yelling and cursing. But then, after Barker yelled, he suddenly asked Troy an unbelievable question, and said It’s a problem, it’s better to say it’s an order.

“Sweat, you, you!”

Troy’s heart was cold at the moment, thinking that he himself was loyal to Barker, but didn’t want to end up like this in the end, this suddenly caused his beliefs in life to begin to collapse.

Bark, who has a weak nature, did not think about the consequences of his actions at this time on his loyal and loyal subordinates. When he saw the other party stuttering, he suddenly became a little unhappy, and said indifferently:

“Troy, now is the time for you to be loyal to me. I order you to block me from the chasing soldiers behind me. Do you understand?”

Bark knows the opponent’s character too well. He knows that although the opponent is an 8th-level strong, but he will never take action against him. The opponent is such a silly and loyal character…

“…I, I understand! Sweat, this is the last time I told you to sweat. Take care from now on. From now on, there will be no more relations between us!”

After Troy on horseback was silent for a while, suddenly his eyes were piercing and he said this decisively to Barker, then he suddenly jumped off the horse, turned his head, and walked slowly towards the chaser behind. .

“Huh! It’s just a dog I raised, who dares to talk to me like that…”

Bark was very dissatisfied with the other party’s tone, but at this moment, the other party had already jumped off his horse. He didn’t think too much about it, and continued to drive his horse towards the distance. go with……


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