Chapter 616

“Is it because Esdes has never entered the secular world?”

Yuzan thought so in his heart.

And at this moment, the middle-aged man who was shocked by Yuzan and Midnight’s appearance, the Patriarch of Baruts, and Esder’s father, Gerald, saw Yuzan’s treatment of his daughter Ess. After Des seemed to have a special treatment, his heart suddenly became tense and vigilant.

After all, he didn’t know Yuzan, and he couldn’t see through Yuzan, but just by looking at the power of Yuzan’s mount, he guessed that Yuzan’s strength is definitely not what he can imagine, but that one is just getting along well with his daughter. He is not an opponent of the super dangerous species of, and even here their Baruts people are tied together, they are not opponents of others, so he will have a trace of alertness in his heart when he sees the other side actually looks at his daughter differently.

After all, Asides is the hope of Gerald and the hope of the Baruts. For the current Baruts, Asdes is just a piece of uncut jade. One day she will radiate her brilliance, her talent is definitely hopeful to reach the realm of the Baruts ancestors back then, although that realm is only the 8th level peak, but this is for Gerald who is only 6th level. But it is beyond reach.

But at the same time, there was a hint of surprise in Gerald’s heart. In fact, he himself didn’t understand why he had such emotions.

For a strong like Yuzan, Gerald is fairly well-informed in the north, but he has never heard of anyone who can surrender a super dangerous species and still be a mount. What needs to be achieved? Kind of strength? He couldn’t think of it, and he didn’t dare to think about it. Although the age of the other party seems not to be very old, Gerald has always been a person who believes in the supremacy of strength, so age is not a problem at all in his opinion. Maybe this is a comparison. How about a super powerhouse whose daughter is even more talented?

After hesitating for a while, he finally plucked up the courage and walked slowly towards Yuzan.

“Your name is midnight, right? We will be friends from now on!”

As soon as Gerald approached Yuzan, he heard his daughter’s joyous voice, but this also caused a strange emotion to appear in his heart.

“Esdes is still too young, despite his unparalleled talent, and despite his high dedication to fighting,… it’s really hard for this kid!”

Gerald thought so in his heart, but he did not regret everything that caused Esders.

For him, who believes in the supremacy of strength all his life, sacrificing a little of the joy of childhood in exchange for strong strength, this kind of business is very cost-effective.

It was discovered by Yuzan as early as when Gerald was approaching here, but he didn’t pay too much attention to it, not to mention the fact that his eyebrows are somewhat similar to Esdes from the appearance. Similar, as far as hair color alone is concerned, Yuzan can guess what the relationship between the two should be. What’s more, even if it doesn’t matter, from the introduction of Esders before, she is also a member of her clan. The most important thing is to believe that it was midnight before. In terms of demonstrated strength, the other party did not dare to make any radical moves.

Sure enough, when he walked in front of Yuzan and looked at Yuzan secretly, Gerald couldn’t help but admired a handsome man in his heart. Then he immediately spoke:(Read more @

“Thank you so much for your help, my fellow Baruts patriarch Gerald, if it weren’t for your lord, I’m afraid that the little girl would be more auspicious, and I haven’t consulted yet…”

“Sure enough?”

Yuzan whispered in his heart, then nodded, looked at the other side calmly and replied:

“Oh, is Patriarch Gerald? Hello, my name is Yuzan!”

“Yuzan? Good name, dare you to be yours?”

As the leader of the family, Gerald is obviously not a child like Esders who has never seen the world. Although he knows the name of the other party, there is no other useful information in it. Therefore, Gerald is somewhat disagreeable. Continue to ask willingly.

“Oh, I just passed here and heard the sound of fighting here, come and take a look, Chief Gerald doesn’t have to worry about it!”

Yuzan said lightly.



Just before Gerald’s words were finished, there was a sudden sound of horses hoofs in the distance, and then a team of about a hundred people came in the distance.

“It’s actually an imperial army!”

The sound of horseshoes immediately attracted the attention of everyone present, because it was often necessary to sell the hunted dangerous kernels and some skins to nearby towns, so Gerald also knew the uniforms of the imperial soldiers.

Except for Esders, the others were even more nervous, but they thought that these troops had discovered that they were hunting here to snatch the results.

“Well, Patriarch Gerald, you should rest assured your people. These people are mine. They won’t snatch your things. They are not allowed in the army under my rule. This is the case!”

Just as these people of the Baruts tribe were preparing to fight, Yuzan saw their intentions and immediately explained to Gerald.

“Huh!? You, your army? Oh, oh, well, I get it! Don’t be nervous, everyone, these people are all the people beside me who have just saved the life of Esdes!”

Gerald heard that Yuzan said that his army was shocked immediately, but he was relieved immediately. As a believer in the supremacy of strength, he wanted to come, since his strength is so strong, even if he is younger, how can he be an officer, even General, then ordered the tribe to come.

This time he didn’t pay much attention to it. After all, he and Yuzan are so close at the moment, and Esders is next to him. If he doesn’t say the other party’s words, it doesn’t sound like a lie to him, even if it’s a lie. Then he can do nothing, after all, the form is not as good as humans, who makes the other party powerful.

“His Royal Highness, your speed is too fast, are you? They are?”

Just when Gerald ordered the tribe, the hundred-man army in the distance had stopped not far from Yuzan and Gerald. After dismounting, Charles and Yuuki stepped forward.

“His Royal Highness? Uh, what is your identity?”

Gerald was also shocked when he listened to the courtesy words of an officer on the other side to Yuzan.


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