Chapter 623

An Ning Dao, this religious organization on the east side of the imperial capital with the creed that doing good will lead to happiness and longevity has been founded by a handsome young man two years ago.

Since these years, the situation in the empire has gone from bad to worse, and the high-levels in the imperial capital have also been busy fighting for power almost every day, so that the ordinary people living in the imperial capital have become more and more miserable.

It is also under this deteriorating situation that the people are unable to receive material protection in their lives, and even suffer spiritually. It is at this time that the leader of An Ning Tao turned out to be born.

No one knows where he came from, no one knows how old he is, from the outside, he makes people feel like a young man, but there is also the illusion of his age, from his vicissitudes of life. But it can reflect his many experiences.

He first appeared in the civilian area on the east side of the imperial capital. At that time, the life of many poor people in the civilian area on the east side of the imperial capital was very difficult. Many people looked down on illness, and his arrival belonged to the kind of real life-saving and healing. .

He not only treats people for free, but also instills his philosophy of doing more good deeds to everyone. Therefore, the development is very rapid, and the high level of the empire is because of the fight for power and profit between each other, and the struggle between the princes has also been When it turned white-hot, the rise of Anning Road did not cause substantial damage to the empire, and even eased the people’s “resentment” towards the empire to some extent.

The teachings of Anningdao are actually somewhat similar to a certain religion on the earth in Yuzan’s previous life. For example, if you teach people to do good, you will get happiness, such as…

Therefore, the empire’s senior officials will tolerate this religious organization that has developed under their own eyes, and will turn a blind eye to their gatherings and other activities.

Of course, although Anning Road has risen, it is still a small religious organization in the entire empire, and its influence and influence on the country is still limited.

The imperial capital, many nobles in the south of the inner city, the residence of the Four Princes.

“Asshole! Xavier and Adam, these two assholes!”(Read more @

Carl cursed at his two brothers in a rage at this time, without the usual grace and grace.

This is to start from the beginning.

In the past three years, although the situation in the imperial capital was mild and watery on the surface, it was actually undercurrents, and a little carelessness would be forever.

Especially the Emperor Anthony, his body began to turn sharply after the birth of the little prince Odysseus two years ago, and his whole person seemed to be getting old all of a sudden overnight.

This situation also makes everyone even more puzzled. It is reasonable to say that getting a child when old is a joyful thing, and this joy will also make people healthier, but the situation of the emperor is just the opposite. Not only did the joy of getting a son from old age make his body and mind healthier, but because of various reasons his body went from bad to worse.

According to various information from the palace, the emperor’s majesty is obviously a kind of “happiness creates sorrow.” Because of the birth of the little prince, great joy has shocked the emperor in recent years, especially after the death of Queen Vivian. That “tight” nerve was instantly liberated, which made him become what he is now.

However, the actual situation is that the emperor’s princes have started to divide their camps, whether they are in the court or the locality, because of the competition for the throne of the emperor. Although these are all facilitated by the emperor, he But he was still dissatisfied, and, as Karl Tenten grew up, he also found that Karl was not well controlled, so that he also moved another idea, whether to support a prince in the upper position, so his own The position will be able to sit for a few more years.

It is precisely because of his thoughts that he is in the midst of calculations every day, and it gradually makes him mentally exhausted. At this time, Odysseus’s birth gave him a hope, and he immediately took his cronies, Orness. He was specially assigned to his youngest son, hoping to make the whole dynasty more chaotic, so that he could balance the parties from it and continue to control the empire.

However, the ideal is very good, but his sons have almost become the climate at this time. Of course, he is very dissatisfied with the continuous support of the emperor, and their party members are also all over the court. Especially at this time, apart from the factions of the three princes, the other neutral factions in the court are almost all overwhelming or waiting for the price. At this time, how can other people let a young child intervene in it?

Although they could not fight against His Majesty the Emperor, they were able to do some small actions in some decrees and implementation aspects. Although His Majesty Anthony knew it, he was helpless. At this moment, his three sons are almost full of wings. He is If you want to move, you need to weigh it. This is not to say that it is not a cocoon, so the emperor’s body is deteriorating.

Carl scolded his two imperial brothers because, today, on an issue with the north, the two factions of Xavier and Adam actually joined forces, and the object they were targeting was naturally Carl.

The reason for this is that after Yuzan issued a bilateral trade decree in the north in the name of the Northern Legion three years ago, the big princes and the three princes who have had this kind of smuggling trade with the north all the year round can do so every year. The results were quite abundant, and even the two of them were tempted to join the feast under the “introduction” of his own men.

However, the two of them made a profit, but none of Carl’s men had business dealings with the North. Watching the huge profits flow into the pockets of the other two, Carl was of course jealous and wanted to get a share, after all. Although he had the support of Marquis Solomon, the chancellor of finance who was known as the first chaebol in the imperial capital, no one would feel too much money, so Karl wanted to reach in.

But I didn’t want to. The two people who had been strained because of the interests of the North suddenly joined forces. They both thought, since the other party has already reached in, it is not so easy to drive the other party away, you Karl There is still a need to plug in, which will not work, and therefore what is happening today.

Of course, all of this is actually Yuzan’s intentional arrangement. After all, the two people who had matched Xavier and Adam to enter the northern trade were actually Ornest’s people, but no one knew it.


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