Chapter 652


“Dog|Shit! What kind of shit is this! Is my father always confused? How can it be, how can it be issued such a thing… Damn it!”

In the study of the third prince Adam, Adam was flushing, his expression was abnormally annoyed, his eyes exuded devouring gaze, and the room was already in a mess at this moment, and all the things in the room had been smashed at this moment. Become fragments.

This is because after learning of the order issued by Emperor Anthony, he shut himself in the study, no one sees, and the people of his mansion only heard that the whole study continued after Adam entered his study. Adam’s roar and the sound of throwing things came out.

When the guards and servants at his mansion were very anxious, the Imperial State Secretary Jolly walked into the backyard, which also let these people breathe a sigh of relief.

For the guards and subordinates who have followed the Third Prince Adam for many years, they certainly know the character of the Third Prince Adam. Although most of the time, they are kind of approachable and gentle, but that is only most of the time. .

Once, there was a confidant of Adam who angered Adam because of something they didn’t know, but afterwards Adam did not remember the old feelings, and tortured the guy who had no credit and hard work, causing that person to suffer torture to death .

From then on, everyone in Adam’s Mansion also knew that his master was not the kind of person who would not punish his subordinates, but he and others did not violate his bottom line.

Today, looking at this abnormal Adam, everyone is silent, for fear that they will annoy their master and be executed, but now that Jolly is here, then they should be able to persuade Adam to live, as these guards and subordinates do. Thinking about it.

“His Royal Highness is in the study?”

Jolly obviously heard the movement in the study, and asked firmly.

After seeing the nodding of the guards, Jolly nodded, then motioned to these people to step back, and then knocked on the door.

“Tuk…Tuk…”(Read more @

“Didn’t you tell any of you not to bother me!”

The voice of Adam’s vulture was heard in the room immediately.

“His Royal Highness, it’s me, can I come in?”

Unlike the eldest prince Xavier and the third prince Adam, in the political group of the former two, Warner and Jolly both have irreplaceable positions. For Xavier and Adam, these two people are not only It’s just their grandfather and uncle, as well as their patrons and chief aides respectively, so after this unexpected incident, the two only discussed with Warner and Jolly first.

But in the political group of the four princes Carl, it is different.

In Karl’s political group, the academician Joey was the first to help him make suggestions. Although Douglas, the commander of the Imperial City Guards, has a pivotal position, after all, he is a pure military general, and he is responsible for political struggles and advice. In the end, it belonged to his weak side, so he played more of a role in building momentum.

But despite this, Karl’s position and power in the DPRK were far inferior to those of Xavier and Adam. He could only survive in the cracks between the two factions, but all of this was in the imperial finances. After the minister, Marquis Solomon, fell to Karl’s party, his power increased sharply, and he had the capital to compete with Xavier and Adam.

Therefore, the political group of the four princes Carl is in a state of microsecond balance. The finance minister Solomon, the imperial guards commander Douglas and the scholar Joey are also known as the tridents in the hands of the four princes Carl. halberd!

Therefore, after receiving the news, Dakar under the canonization of His Majesty the Emperor also asked his men to call all three of them to the mansion immediately.

“Solomon, what did you say at the beginning? You told me to impress my father and get him back, so that he can support us in the future team, right? After all, he and I are brothers! But what about now? You said, you said, what on earth is going on, you must give me a reasonable explanation!”

Carl was very angry at this time.

But the direction of his anger is different from that of Xavier and Adam.

As early as when he received Yuzan yesterday, he discovered that Yuzan is very different from the Yuzan in his own impression. This is not only because of people growing up and becoming mature, but because he discovered Yuzan. In terms of speech and manner, he unconsciously exudes an aura that makes people want to surrender, and he is very disgusted and disgusted with this aura.

Precisely because of this, and after Ornest took Yuzan to the palace in front of him yesterday, his heart became more and more disturbed, whether it was Yuzan’s changes, Stockton’s attitude towards Yuzan, or himself. The father’s kind of summoning Yuzan as soon as he entered the imperial capital. All these signs show that things are not simple. They are indeed intriguing, but he has a feeling that he has lifted a rock and smashed himself in the foot. At that time, I felt that I was not bringing back a supporter of the Imperial Capital, but an extremely tricky opponent!

Today, as expected, the canonization that could change the structure of the entire imperial capital came out from the palace, and it made Carl extremely helpless.

But then, Carl thought that when he was still hesitating, it was because of the continuous persuasion and enlightenment of Marquis Solomon that he finally made up his mind!

But the development of the situation today is completely different from what Solomon said to him at the beginning. It immediately gave him the illusion that Solomon deliberately misled himself at the beginning. He had colluded with Yuzan a long time ago. Because of this, he spared no effort to help Yuzan return to the imperial capital…

In fact, after he got the news, Solomon guessed that Carl would have doubts about him. After all, if he gets along in a different place, Solomon will have the same idea, but guesses and facts are two different things, even though Solomon has already guessed. But at this time, after seeing Carl really doubted himself, he still felt very uncomfortable. After all, I helped him with suggestions over the years…

“His Royal Highness, this time I really miscalculated! I really didn’t expect that things would change so much, but your Royal Highness, in fact, the most disturbing thing in my heart is actually His Highness Yuzan. Last night… That’s it, according to My guess is that the reason why your Majesty treats His Majesty Yuzan this time so honorably, His Majesty is also helpless. He is killing His Royal Highness Yuzan. So, Your Majesty, all we need to do now is…”


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