Chapter 658

“Yuzan… Is it true that Grandpa’s previous speculation was wrong… Or Grandpa was right when he said it was all right, but Grandpa was fooled by the two old foxes, Ornest and Albert…”

Seeing Yuzan and Albert sitting opposite each other and “talking and laughing”, Xavier suddenly flashed a bad feeling, and he couldn’t help but doubt whether his grandfather Warner’s previous inferences were wrong.

His expression also became uncertain, but after all he didn’t say much. He signaled that Joe, who looked at Yuzan with a jealous look, walked into the crowd of his line of people and began to arrange some related matters on the court today.

And here, Yuzan and Albert did not reach an agreement after all. Although Albert did not explicitly reject Yuzan, he did not dare to make a private decision. He just replied to Yuzan, “This is the need for your majesty’s approval. .”

Then Albert watched Yuzan’s Budd with a slight anger and walked out of the side hall. He didn’t know if he was going to report to Anthony that Yuzan wanted to mobilize the other two thousand guards into the Imperial City or simply went out. go……

As time slowly passed, the number of people in the originally slightly spacious side hall began to increase at this time.

In addition to Xavier and Joe who arrived early, Adam and Carl have also arrived, but after entering the side hall, neither Adam nor Carl’s party came to Yuzan, but looked at Yuzan with a little playfulness. Then he looked at Xavier again. Obviously, these two people were told by their subordinates about the conflict between Yuzan and Xavier and his party under Miyagi. They wanted to see the battle between the two so that Take advantage of your own fisherman!

However, facing the playful and scrutinizing gazes of the two parties, Yuzan was indifferent and drank the drink on his table calmly without arrogance or rashness.

“Hmph, Adam and Carl, these two bastards, since you want to watch the show, I don’t want you to be happy…”

Yuzan can behave indifferently, but Xavier’s mood is obviously not as good as Yuzan. Seeing Adam and Carl’s eyes, Xavier’s heart suddenly became angry, and there was a slight anger on his face, but he was Forcibly endured no seizures.

“Dang! Dang! Dang!”

When Adam saw that Xavier was holding back his anger and Yuzan was indifferent, he wanted to stimulate Xavier in the past, but three bells rang out to summon the upper court, making his footsteps. Stopped.(Read more @

Because Yuzan and Stockton were in the court for the first time, there will be a waiter who is responsible for greeting. Following the court waiter who is responsible for greeting, Yuzan is led by the waiter all the way from the side hall of the assembly hall to a huge and magnificent hall. , This temple is the most solemn and majestic place in the entire empire-the Imperial Assembly Hall, also known as the Glory Temple.

This hall is the largest hall in the entire palace, and it is also the place with the longest history. Thousands of years ago, it was in this hall that the founding emperor announced the establishment of the empire to his civil servants and generals for 500 years. Previously, Emperor Zhongxing, who ended the civil strife in the empire, also held the emperor’s enthronement ceremony here. It can be said that this is a place of great significance for the empire…

When Yuzan walked into the main hall, he saw the golden armored warriors standing on both sides of the main hall, and then saw the throne high above the highest point in the middle of the main hall.

There are already many figures in the hall at this time, but the emperor Anthony on the high throne has not yet arrived, so there are also waves of discussion in the hall at this time, or talk about the current situation, or talk about several princes. Fighting, or not discussing political affairs at all, but talking about Fengyue, even Yuzan heard talking about himself…

But Yuzan didn’t pay attention to those, and followed the waiter’s steps slowly to his position. At this time, he found a cold gaze staring at him tightly, and when he looked up, he saw himself. Standing on the opposite bottom right was the second prince Joe, who had been humiliated by him before, and next to him was Xavier.

But Yuzan also felt a little strange. The eldest prince Xavier was directly opposite to him, and he was standing in the first position on the lower right side. Standing next to him was General Albert. Especially, at the same time, his attackers were Adam and Carl, but at this time, Adam and Carl’s faces were also like Xavier and Joe’s, and they both looked at themselves with cold eyes.

“Since you are so anxious, don’t blame me!”

Yuzan instantly saw that his position was different, and suddenly understood that this was deliberately arranged by his father, and the purpose was to make himself a target of public criticism. Thinking of Yuzan here, he suddenly had dark eyes like ink. The cold light flashed away, causing Albert, who was standing next to Yuzan to observe Yuzan, in his eyes…

“Look, that’s the prince Yuzan, your majesty is really to him…”

“I’m afraid the five princes are uncomfortable in that position…”

“If he is a little self-aware, he will be like your majesty…”


At this time, other people in the hall also saw the difference in Yuzan’s position. In the past, Yuzan’s position was Adam’s, but at this time it was robbed by Yuzan. How can this convince Adam, and at this time, Except for a small number of people, almost everyone’s impression of Yuzan is still in the “trash” of the year, so even though Yuzan is now named as the “King of the North” by Emperor Anthony, they still don’t like Yuzan and feel that if Yuzan is uneasy. If it is divided, there will definitely be “no bones left.”

“Your Majesty, come here!”

As everyone talked and thought, with a loud voice, after a buzzing in the hall, they immediately fell into absolute silence!

As the voice fell, and immediately afterwards, an old man with a majestic face and hair already showing signs of silver and silver, who had already entered the old age, slowly walked into the hall. It was His Majesty Anthony, the ninety-ninth emperor of the empire.

Slowly walked to the high throne and sat down, looking at the officials below with majestic eyes. A trace of satisfaction appeared in Anthony’s expression. This is also the desire for power in Anthony’s heart as he gradually enters old age| Hopes are getting bigger and bigger. He has almost reached a kind of pathological obsession. Otherwise, at his current age, he would be able to give himself up to enjoy the blessing, but he didn’t want it.


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