Chapter 671

“What a mighty cavalry!”

“So handsome!”

“Is this the elite cavalry regiment of our empire?”


With a cry of exclamation from the crowd in the distance, I saw a heavy armored cavalry of about four thousand people galloping over!

These cavalry are obviously the elite among the elite, uniform black armor, uniformly black horses, the speed of the horses galloping is also highly unified, from a distance, Yuzan’s eyes are also slightly moved, secretly, this is indeed what he has seen. The most elite cavalry, even the elite cavalry regiment of the Northern Legion and the elite cavalry of the prairie alien races are not comparable!


The helmets that covered their faces made it impossible to see the faces of the cavalry on horsebacks.

The four thousand cavalrymen came all the way, their horses stomped on the cyan slate pavement, making a rhythmic roar. The horse control skills of these elite cavalrymen are also top-notch. The entire four thousand cavalrymen consist of a long The queue is tight and tidy, and even the sound of horseshoes trampling on the road is so consistent!

When approaching the square, the speed of the entire cavalry team suddenly slowed down. Under good control, none of the horses disrupted the rhythm of the entire queue. They stopped neatly under Miyagi. In an instant, it seemed to have gotten. What kind of order, the four thousand cavalry quickly separated into two teams like a wave, and then saw two cavalry wearing golden exquisite and gorgeous armor slowly walking out of the queue, and came to the forefront of the queue!

The cavalry on the two war horses took off the helmets on their heads and took a closer look. They were the eldest prince Xavier and the third prince Adam, who hadn’t appeared before.

Emperor Anthony stared coldly at the eldest son and third son who had already left the queue. An ominous premonition flashed in his heart, but he still couldn’t believe the possibility he had thought of, and he kept thinking about it. Consoling himself, maybe this is just a coincidence, maybe the two of them are just doing this specially to bring more shocking effects to the military parade…

“His Royal Highness, our people are also ready, just waiting for them to jump out!”

Contrary to what Anthony thought, Yuzan had already learned some of the opponent’s action plan. Although it was not comprehensive, as long as he understood a general idea, Yuzan could arrange it calmly, and even if the opponent’s cavalry was indeed better than his own. The army must be elite, but when there is midnight and in the city at this time, the opposing cavalry has almost no room to play, and the infantry, Yuzan firmly believes that his own elite who has been training with the Baruts for a long time, Moreover, the guards who are equipped with a musket can definitely be ten, not to mention completely defeat the opponent. As long as they can fight the opponent with half a catty, then he will catch those who need to be beaten by himself, then the opponent Ordinary soldiers in the group of dragons without a leader should be arrested or…

After receiving some kind of signal, a guard behind Yuzan ran all the way to Yuzan’s side and reported to Yuzan quietly.

“Well, I see, you give my order so that they don’t act rashly. Let Karl’s people be cannon fodder first, and our people will come out to clean up the mess at last!”(Read more @

Yuzan groaned for a while, then gave an indifferent command.


On the other side, behind General Warner, the same person who looked like a general came behind him, whispered to him, and the other person nodded frequently.

Some of the actions of Yuzan and Warner, as well as the anomalies and aura that Xavier and Adam showed up with the soldiers at the same time, the bad premonition in Carl’s heart became stronger and stronger. At the same time, he stood on a high platform. At the moment when Jolly saw Adam, his head also buzzed, and there was a dizziness. If at this time, Jolly didn’t understand what Adam and Xavier had to do, he also He doesn’t deserve to be in the position of Minister of State for many years.

Jolly also immediately thought of Adam’s attempt, and there must be other members of the Oden family involved in this, otherwise it would be impossible to hide it so tightly without hiding it, so he glanced at it coldly. The sons standing behind him glanced, and the anger in those eyes was clearly visible:

“These damn rebellious sons, this is to make my Oden family die out from now on!”


Just when everyone on the high platform had different thoughts, there was a burst of exclamation on the square!

I saw the big prince Xavier and the third prince Adam sitting on the horse. The two suddenly drew out the long swords in their hands. Far away, on the horse, pointed their swords at the high platform under the palace, and pointed to the seat. His Majesty Emperor Anthony on the high platform!



The two princes shouted in unison.

Their voices were heard steadily. Even in such a noisy occasion, their voices still fell into the ears of everyone present. Obviously, the martial skills of the two princes were quite good!

“Dear Father! May I ask if the sword in our hand is sharp!”

The prince Xavier took the lead to ask questions.

His voice just fell, and the four thousand cavalry and tens of thousands of infantry behind them shouted in their solemn voice at the same time:


The shouting in unison immediately silenced the noisy square, and even some unsightly people began to squeeze behind them faintly.

“Dear Father! May I ask if our army is mighty!”

Immediately afterwards, as the entire crowd shouted in unison, the voice of Adam, the third prince, came.


The same shout came from the 14,000 soldiers under the square again, and this time the sound went straight into the sky!

When the voice fell, Xavier and Adam pointed their swords at Yuzan and Carl at the same time, and they looked at Anthony on the platform with their sharp eyes, and asked loudly:

“The four princes Carl and the fifth prince Yuzan of the empire bewitched the sacred ears, caused troubles, gathered friends, and mercenaries respected themselves. Both of me are grateful that my father was used by villains. I hereby swear,’If we change, we will fight against the enemy. The Second Army, protect the Holy Lord, regain power, purify the emperor’s side, suppress the court, command if it is determined, and the karma of the world! “Respected father! Now, we have both a sharp sword in our hands, and a mighty powerful one. The army, dare to ask if we can cut through the thorns for you and clear the side of the emperor!”


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