Chapter 700

Ornest’s sudden words made everyone feel incredible. Now it is obviously a game between Yuzan and the first emperor. Even if you are the Deputy Minister of State, Ornest, even if you are a cronies of the late Emperor Anthony. I am not qualified to intervene.

But Ornest’s words and his sly smile gave Yuzan a bad feeling. After he warned the opponent with a stern warning, everyone looked at Ornest. It’s different…

“Onest, old fox!”

“Unexpectedly! Unexpectedly, it turned out to be Ornest…”

“The vision is unique…”


Everyone on the scene looked at Ornest with envious or suspicious gazes, thinking that this old guy had long been hooked up with Yuzan’s embarrassment.

Emperor Shi also heard Yuzan’s words in the same way. Suddenly, his eyes toward Ornest were full of scrutiny and vigilance.

He is not like the others. Everyone thought that Ornest was surrendered to Yuzan’s feet, but the first emperor heard the “illness” sentence in Yuzan’s words. Yuzan said the word “agreement”. You must know both sides. If there is any agreement between the two parties, then the two parties are not in a subordinate relationship, but in a cooperative ally.

Thinking of this, the first emperor looked at Ornest’s eyes differently. A civil servant, how can He De be in alliance with someone who can keep pace with him…

“Ahahahaha! Your Highness Yuzan, of course I remember our direct agreement, but now the minister thinks that the empire must elect a new emperor as soon as possible, and now you and His Majesty First Emperor are at odds, so why not both of you? How about taking a step back each?”

After all eyes were gathered on him, Ornest didn’t care, and slowly said his suggestions.

“Impossible! Why, this old guy is not my opponent now, it is only natural for me to be in that position!”

However, Yuzan gradually understood Ornest’s intentions at this time, and immediately objected.

“Huh! Junior, don’t deceive people too much! Yes, my combat effectiveness is indeed weaker than yours by half the pay! But it’s only half the pay, don’t forget, you are more than one person! Don’t you Force me to…”(Read more @

As the founder of the empire, the first emperor quickly realized that Ornest wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to suppress or weaken Yuzan’s power in disguise, so as to benefit himself. Now that he has such a natural helper, he also doesn’t mind being used by the other party to threaten him immediately after Yuzan’s objection.

“You…huh! Okay, Ornest, go ahead! Take a step back for what it is!”

Yuzan also never expected that the first emperor, as the founding emperor of the empire, even though he had refined himself into a biological imperial tool, how could he still be a king, but now, he would actually say this in front of so many people. Normal words, this made Yuzan somewhat unexpected. In desperation, Yuzan could only forcibly hold back his anger and looked at Ornest with cold eyes.

“Your Majesty Yuzan, His Majesty First Emperor, the biggest difference between the two of you now lies in the issue of the ownership of the throne. Since you both refuse to yield to each other, then take a step back, okay? For example, let His Majesty Anthony’s other heirs succeed… ”

“Enough! Ornest! Do you know what you are talking about?”

However, this time Ornest still failed to finish his words, but was interrupted again by Yuzan. At this time, Yuzan’s eyes on Ornest also began to show a trace of murderous intent.

Although he had known that Ornest’s ambitions were not small, even though he had known that Ornest was not so easily controlled by himself, he did not expect that Ornest would have this ambition. He was so bold and blatantly pulling his teeth out of his mouth under this situation to snatch the fruits of victory in his hands, which was unacceptable to Yuzan!

However, this time, after facing Yuzan’s threat, Ornest did not choose to retreat. Instead, he straightened his chest and looked at Yuzan with a sly smile and smiled:

“Hehe, Your Royal Highness Yuzan, of course the minister knows what he is talking about! In fact, if you can reach an agreement with His Majesty First Emperor, then there is no need for the minister’s suggestion! However, now your stalemate can continue. It’s not a solution! Then only let the ministers break the deadlock! His Royal Highness Yuzan, His Majesty First Emperor! His suggestion is that the throne should be inherited by His Royal Highness Odysseus, the younger prince of His Majesty Anthony! And His Royal Highness Yuzan will be the regent to supervise the country. , To take charge of the affairs of the government… What do you think about this suggestion of the minister?”

“The regent? Supervise the country? Take charge of the government?”


After Emperor Shi and Yuzan finished talking to each other, they both looked at each other and fell into their own deep thoughts.

“Damn it! Unexpectedly, at a critical moment, this fellow Ornest would come such a hand, I am afraid that this regent is not good! But, yes… this can only be done, otherwise such a stalemate will not be good for both parties. Now, it can only wait for the next chance. It seems that it needs time to wake up…”

After figuring this out, the anger in Yuzan’s eyes was gradually suppressed by him and calmed down. Then, he said to the first emperor and Ornest:

“Huh! Ornest, okay, you are fine! I promised you this ‘step back’ proposal! However, I have a few conditions!”

“Junior, don’t be unsatisfied! Your regent, everyone knows in their hearts…Don’t have to make an inch!”

Hearing that Yuzan had conditions, the First Emperor suddenly became alert and threatened Yuzan. Although the words were full of threats, the underlying meaning was that he agreed with Ornest’s suggestion.

“Humph! Don’t worry, I won’t make any unacceptable conditions too much. You will agree to this condition!”

With a cold snort, Yuzan looked at each other calmly.

“His Majesty First Emperor, please stay calm, let us listen to His Royal Highness Yuzan’s conditions first, His Royal Highness Yuzan, please say it!”

“My condition is that now, the entire North is mine, then I want the entire Empire West! Also, no one can intervene in the North and the West! At the price, I can surrender my authority to oversee government affairs. !”


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