Chapter 731


Sharp silver light poured out from the cracks of the rockery, and the target was Yuzan’s neck.

The silver light came very suddenly, and even Yuzan himself did not expect that the assassins who were not weak before this assassination against him turned out to be just a bait that attracted everyone’s attention, and the real murderous intent came from hiding all along. The killer in fake Yamanaka…

This silver light was like a crescent moon in the sky, with endless murderous intent hidden in the gorgeousness.

However, if the target of this attack is not Yuzan, even if the target is Douglas, the 8th-level powerhouse, or even General Albert, the deceased former empire’s strongest 9th-level powerhouse, it is possible to get caught. Killed or severely injured.

But at this moment, the assassin hidden in the fake Yamanaka is facing one of the strongest opponents in the world, and her strength has been restored to the 10th intermediate level, Yuzan with rich combat experience.

Although Yuzan himself did not feel any murderous intent or murder when he passed the rockery before, he had been uncomfortable after walking out of the hall, and he couldn’t figure out why he was so inexplicable. After feeling that, Yuzan also kept an eye on it secretly.

And just as he passed the rockery, a sudden burst of extremely strong murderous intent erupted from the fake Yamanaka, and then a silver light followed, but Yuzan was already aware of the murderous intent at this time.

The reason why I can feel that way is that the other party has been hiding in this fake Yamanaka waiting for an opportunity since the beginning of the previous assassination.

What Yuzan doesn’t know is that if the black eyes of another soul in his body are awakened at this time, he will definitely be shocked, because the inexplicable feeling before Yuzan is due to his own strength or cultivation level reaching a certain level. Degree, the omen that will only appear, this is a law called’destiny’. Although it is very common in the’heaven,’ in this barren world… But Yuzan, at this time, is only 10 The level of level, even the’demigod’ level can not even be able to awaken this kind of ability can be described as blessed…

This kind of ability is called “great prophecy” or “great prayer” in the words of the people in the “Divine Realm”. When believers pray to the gods they believe in, their gods can hear them, and some people Calling the gods directly or insulting the gods can also be sensitive, unless your strength is stronger or higher than the opponent.

And of course, the other domains also have similar abilities, but the names are different, but the effect is the same.(Read more @

For example, the sages in the “Xianyu” have reached a level of superb application of this ability, and often they can know what they are interested in or want to know by just a finger…


The half-moon-shaped silver light slashed on Yuzan’s body without exception, but Yuzan did not avoid it this time. Instead, it only condensed a layer of crystal-like ice crystals all over his body.

The silver light smashed the ice crystal on Yuzan’s body but couldn’t shake Yuzan at all.

And Yuzan also saw that the person who attacked him was an old woman with a stooped figure and wrinkles on her face, but she was slightly taken aback, but Yuzan smiled shortly afterwards.

“Hehe, I really didn’t expect that the old woman who looks like ordinary people or even worse than ordinary people, turned out to be the trump card killer of the assassin’s organization! Old woman, since you have been exposed, then…”

The crooked old woman opposite is the hidden trump card in the assassination of Yuzan this time.

Her existence even followed the other people all the way to this place, and was not even discovered by the others. This shows how deep she hides, and the information given to the assassins before the assassins formed the association obviously regarded them as The gunman means that these guys are the best to succeed. After unsuccessful, there will be her trump card, double insurance…

The old woman standing opposite Yuzan is called Barbara Oberg.

No one knows her real name. The name Barbara is also the name after she became famous, while Oberg, this is a title.

The history of the assassination group that claimed to be the death god Oberg in this mainland myth cannot be traced back, but it can be known that many of the famous assassinations in history were written by them.

And Barbara Oberg was the trump card of this assassination, but she was sent forcibly, not because she wanted the generous reward, but from the high-level’Oberg’ hidden behind the assassin’s organization. The order made her have to come and participate in this task.

“So young, but so powerful, and so cautious! It seems that the rumor is true! Albert, who claims to be the strongest in the empire, died in your hands! The old man admits that I am not your opponent. , But now that you know your strength roughly…”

Seeing that Yuzan defended his own attack so easily just now, and because the opponent did not put himself in his eyes at all, and before Yuzan in the hall in the lobby, he solved the group of assassins in an instant, even though the location of the rockery was somewhat different. The conspicuousness prevented her from fully observing how Yuzan killed the group of assassins in the hall, but the screams and howls that came out of it were not difficult to imagine, so at this time Barbara Obel Ge, the old assassin who has the title of’Oberger’, already has the intention to retire in his heart…

PS: In the setting of this book, the strengths of humans and dangerous species are divided according to levels 1-10, etc. Of course, the first 6 levels are a hurdle, and the strength gap at each level of 7-9 will gradually expand. Especially level 9.

Among them, the Teigu mentioned now has a bonus, but it also depends on the person.

For example, the same emperor tool “One Strike Kills Murakami” has different strength bonuses in the hands of Gozzi and Chitong.

This is not to say that the difference between the two of them is too large, but it is determined by the degree of matching with Tegu. Of course, one thing that needs to be explained in Tegu’s bonus is the hidden skills in Tegu, and there are also differences. The bonus is higher for those with high matching level, and low for those with low matching. Just like Main, “Romantic Turret Pumpkin” is more powerful and more powerful than Najetta in her hands, even though Main is more powerful. Maybe it’s not as good as Najta, but Main, who possesses Tegu, can instantly increase his strength, at least his offensive power, to the point where he can kill Bude…

In addition, this chapter also reveals some relevant information about the “Heaven Realm”, which is the place where “Sakura” goes. The information that can be released for the time being, the “Heaven Realm” is divided into several major domains, the “God Realm” and the “Xian Realm”. The domain’ is just two of them. the above……

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