Chapter 807

“Everyone, do you have any opinions about this general attack on foreign nations?”

In the coach’s big tent, Yuuki and Esders took the lead separately. After the meeting began, Yuuki took the lead to speak.

At this time, the atmosphere in the big tent was not as harmonious as it was on the surface.

This is the fact that Esdes’s subordinates and the Northern Legion generals under Yuki’s subordinates dissatisfied each other. On the one hand, they regarded themselves as their masters, while on the other, they felt that they had the right to occupy the imperial capital. Some of the problems in the distribution of military exploits and other aspects of the battle have been carried out since the beginning of this war… If it weren’t for the suppression of Esders and Yuuki, I’m afraid this time the Northern Expedition might be due to Infighting and losing…

“Yuuki-sama! After so many days of fighting, the opposing soldier is also very tired, and they have one less man. For this, I think as long as our Northern Army is pressing on the whole line…”

General Genn, the commander of the Northern Legion, who was sitting at the head of Yuuki, spoke first.

As the commander of the Northern Army Corps, who was entrusted by Yuzan to stay in the north, Jean was recruited by Yuuki to his headquarters after the beginning of this war. He also served as the second in addition to Yuuki and Esters in this Northern Expedition. The highest-ranking general, even he was older than Yuuki and Esters in terms of qualifications… but he was very convinced by Yuuki.

As an old man under Yuzan’s membrane, he is also one of the few people who understands Yuuki’s true strength, and he also knows some things between Esders and Yuzan. After all, the Baruts thing was at the senior level of the Northern Army. The generals are still very clear.

Therefore, as soon as he opened his mouth, he deliberately provoked the conflict between the Northern Army and the Asdes Ministry. This was also in order to prevent outsiders from knowing the true relationship between Asdes and Yuzan…

Sure enough, before Gene’s words were finished, he was immediately interrupted by Esdes’s subordinates. Dajdala, who spoke, saw the brash man suddenly stand up, and slapped the table with a very arrogant appearance. , Angrily said:

“Fart! What do you guys say? What do you mean by handing over to your Northern Legion? Should your Northern Legion eat meat and let us drink soup? Believe it or not, I will cut you off now! Just let you guys sharpen my strength. !”

“Yeah! Why do you Northern Army Corps?”

“Do you still think that the North is now dominated by your Northern Army?”

“I don’t know who lost so many cities in the north, but now he is ashamed to say these things shamelessly!”(Read more @


After Dajdala spoke, the other Esthers also immediately yelled angrily. In their perception, the northern foreign races are already a group of turtles in the urn. It is not a concern at all, as long as who can lay down Landuras, then this is a great credit… Now these people in the Northern Legion want to leave them alone, it is impossible to say anything!

“Fart! You guys from outside are too arrogant! Some kind of gestures come out!”

“That’s right, do you really think this is the imperial capital? This is the north, and what you did in the imperial capital doesn’t work!”

“You will soon know who is the real master of the North!”


With the clamor of the people of the Asides tribe, the generals of the Northern Legion, who had long been unable to understand the arrogant and arrogant counterpart of the other party, also immediately screamed, and there was a stance of inconvenience and fight!


However, just as the two sides quarreled together, Yuuki, who had not shown that before, was sitting on the sidelines, but suddenly broke out!

Without warning, Yuuki suddenly slapped the conference table with a palm, and the solid conference table suddenly fell apart in an instant!

Immediately afterwards, the temperature in the entire large tent suddenly became hotter, and a substantial golden flame flashed in Yuuki’s eyes, and the entire large tent suddenly fell silent. The generals, no matter what Is it the generals of the Asdes Ministry or the Northern Army? You look at me and I look at you, but after all, no one dared to touch Yuuki’s mold at this time, including Dai who caused the trouble before. Darla!

“Go on, why aren’t you arguing? You guys are arguing very happily! I don’t think you guys should fight those alien races anymore, just bring your men and horses to a plains showdown on this grassland!”

After calming down in the big tent, Yuuki’s indifferent voice suddenly rang in everyone’s ears. The temperature in the big tent was rising, but everyone couldn’t help but shudder… After all, Yuuki The strength of has been proven, and in the first battle with Nanuma Seka, Yuuki was even called a flame demon by the prairie people!

This name is not a joke, she will really take action without hesitation, and no one can appeal for grievances, after all, she is the regent’s person!

Thinking of the regent, at this time, the people in the entire big tent thought that this is indeed not the imperial capital, it is not a place where they can do whatever they want. Here, the regent is the law, he is not a puppet emperor in the imperial capital, even if he is At this time, Ornest said that he wanted to play the autumn wind in the north, but if the regent comes true, who knows Ornest will not sell them! They are not Esthers!

“Hey, General Yuuki! Why did you make such a big fire! I think Dajdara is right! Everyone knows that the group of aliens is over. No matter who makes the shot between you and me, the other party is absolutely irresistible. Yes, and the reason why we have not taken action for so many days is just to let the soldiers adapt to fighting in this low temperature environment! What do you think?”

It is true that women are born to act. Look, even Esders who can only kill people can play a good show, so that everyone can’t see how good the relationship between her and Yuuki is. …

“Oh? Esther, what do you mean, you also support what your subordinates say and give you the task of attacking Landuras?”

Yuuki glanced at the opponent with a squint on his face. It looked like he didn’t put Esides in his eyes. If this kind of action weren’t for the people of Esides who knew that he couldn’t beat the opponent, he would even take the shot. If I was killed by the opponent in a second, I was afraid that I would have rushed up at this time, but even so, they would glared at them one after another…

“Why? Don’t you think it’s wrong? Also, didn’t we talk about the prisoners on the grassland before it was too troublesome? If this is the case, then I will help you carry a black pot, the hundreds of thousands of foreign prisoners Guys, I helped you solve it all, how?”


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