Chapter 811

“Bah… Bah… Bah… Bah…”

The sound of a series of weapon collisions sounded, and two extremely fast shadows were constantly interlacing in the middle of the road with no one at night.


There was another series of gunshots, and the purple figure kept dodge the gunshots of the woman wearing the armor of the Imperial Guard forces on the opposite side, waving the big scissors in her hands and slashing towards the opponent.

“Unexpectedly, her own strength is also very strong, these are a little troublesome!”

In the past, as long as the opponents Hill encountered had been close by her, the opponent could hardly walk five strokes in her hands, but the woman she met now in the guard unit, apart from possessing a biological imperial tool, He could even rely on his own strength to avoid his own attacks while still having a degree of offense and defense, which made Hill’s heart startled…


“Bah… Bah… Bah…”

Although in terms of his own strength, he can be regarded as one of the best in the entire imperial capital garrison, but compared to Hill, Seleuc is still a little worse, whether in strength or actual combat experience.

No, by accident, Seleu didn’t even notice his feet while avoiding the opponent’s attack intently, but was tripped over…



Seleu and Hill showed diametrically opposite expressions, but even in this extremely unfavorable situation, Seleu still made the best defensive posture before he tripped to the ground.



Although Hill’s attack was also very fast, Seleu’s reaction still gave her a moment of stunned. Although both of the opponent’s hands were cut off at this moment, the opponent’s kind of thing that can save her life in such a short period of time The decision to abandon his hands also gave Hill a new understanding of this enemy.

“Damn it, even if you cut off my hands! Justice will never fail!”

A pale color appeared on Seleu’s face, who had lost too much blood, but her eyes told Hill that the other party did not give up because of the loss of both hands, but revealed a touch of madness.

But at this time, Hill saw that Seleu’s hands that had been cut off by him suddenly appeared two guns and aimed at him.

“This is, human body modification?”

Although she was a little surprised that the other party was still a guy who had received a human body modification, Hill’s intention to kill the other party was not eliminated, and neither his hands nor feet did not slow down, because he saw the appearance of the other party’s body modification. A little bit faster.

“Night Raid, this is the stunt that the captain gave me! Take it to death, take me a blow!”


However, Seleu was destined to be disappointed. Her originally full-fledged blow was blocked by Hill, who reacted quickly, using the imperial equipment, and the bullet that Seleu spoke out was without exception. It was crossed between the two before hitting Hill’s heart.(Read more @


It wasn’t until the bullet dropped and a crisp sound was made in this quiet night that Seleu reflected.

“Unexpectedly, it was prevented!”


“Ah ah ah ah ah!”

However, Seleu’s self-talk has not been finished yet, and Hill did not give the opponent another chance this time. Instead, he took advantage of the fact that he blocked the opponent’s dark spear and made a decisive move, and once again connected Seleu. The arms of the gun were cut shoulder-to-shoulder!

The screams of pain came from Seleu’s mouth, but Seleu was a persistent person, and she would not always show her own side to the enemy, so she did not scream again. , A smirk appeared on his face again.

“Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. ”

With a shout, even when Hill was about to quickly kill Seleu, he saw Seleu’s Teigu Xiaobi who was playing a game of “peek-and-see” with Main on another “battlefield”. ” “The Hundred-armed Giant of Beast Change” quickly undergoes a visible change after receiving Seleu’s order.

Originally, it had become like a two-story-tall body that was constantly swelling, and its white hair became blood red. Crazy vertical pupils appeared in the pupils, and the aura radiated by the whole body became closer to the super dangerous species. …



“Damn it, the other party has this method too!”

A huge roar resounded throughout the street, and the air wave diverged like a wave toward the surroundings. This huge roar was even more directed at Main who was about to attack it and Hill who was about to kill Seleu. This caused a huge impact. Even Ma Yin, who was low in strength and too close, had to abandon the imperial equipment in his hand and cover his ears with both hands to slightly reduce the effect of the sound wave on him…

“call out…”

The “Warcraft Transformation Hundred Arm Giant” who has already used the madness method, Xiaobi has undergone earth-shaking changes in both speed and strength. It was briefly disrupted by its sonic attack in Main and Hill. It appeared in front of Main in an instant, and one of its giant claws had already grasped Main in his hand…



“Little Bi, crush her for me!”

The change in the situation at this moment immediately attracted the attention of both sides of the battle, and with Seleu’s orders, Xiaobi, who had turned into a “dangerous species,” also continued to increase his strength, as if he really wanted to pinch the opponent. Broken in general.

“Ah ah ah ah ah!”

There was a violent pain, and Ma Yin only felt that the bones of his whole body would be crushed by the opponent, and made a painful sound.

But Hill was very contradictory at this time. She was able to kill Seleu originally. In this way, the opponent’s Teigu would naturally lose its effect, but she could kill Main before she lost its effect. Main was not like that. Waiting for a long time, in this one-thousandth of a second, Hill finally chose the latter between killing the opponent and saving his companion.


The light of the knife shining in the moonlight passed, Xiaobi’s huge arm holding Main was cut off, and Hill’s figure appeared in the sky.



Main originally thought he was going to die, but now even though his whole body is still aching, he can see from the left and right to observe, after seeing Hill, he immediately understands Hill’s thoughts and is deeply moved…

“Fortunately to catch up!”


However, Hiller’s expression of relaxation and joy because he saved Ma Yin hasn’t receded from his face. Suddenly, a gunshot that broke the short silence sounded, and Hill’s chest also bloomed with a bright blood flower… …

“This is… the body… can’t move… anymore…”

Although Hill felt bad the moment he felt the pain, it was too late at this time. She found that her body had become a lot duller, and at this time, her profile showed a huge body again. shadow……

And Ma Yin, originally she was also glad that she was not dead, but Hill… and the appearance of Bi on Hill’s side immediately stunned Ma.

“Hey, how can such a cruel punishment be used on such an innocent woman? This is not okay!”

When it was said that it was too late, then, just at this critical moment, an untimely voice suddenly reached the ears of the three of them, and between Xiaobi and Hill, there was also a man’s figure… …


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