Chapter 814

“It’s been a long time, the imperial capital!”

“General Yuuki, have you been to the Imperial Capital before?”

Another melodious female voice came. It wasn’t who Esther was.

It turned out that this dangerous species was just a means of transportation for Yuuki, Asdes and others to return to the imperial capital.

Seeing Yuuki’s slightly complicated look, Esters asked pretendingly curiously.

“Ah, General Esdes, I just walked out of the imperial capital back then. Okay, let’s not talk about this. We are ready to attack the face of Saints!”

Yuuki is also someone who knows Yuzan’s plan, so she can’t be too close to Esther in front of other people, even if the three beasts standing behind Esther are the confidants of Esther. Nor does it work.

“Huh, what an arrogant woman!”

“It’s rude!”

“Uncultivated woman!”

Seeing Yuuki’s posture, the three beasts were immediately angry but helpless.

Not to mention that the opponent’s strength is extremely powerful, and the forces behind them are not afraid of them, they can only think about it in their hearts, if they are really rude, the other party will definitely not give Esders face…

The imperial capital, the imperial palace, the hall of discussion.

Of course, the protagonists of today’s court meeting are Yuuki and Esters who have just returned to the imperial capital, and even the regent Yuzan, who is rare to participate in the court meeting after returning to the imperial capital for many days, is here…

“General Esdes, General Yuuki, you have done a very beautiful job with regard to the suppression of the north, and I am very satisfied! As a reward, I am prepared to reward you two with a lot of gold each!”

In the center of the main hall, Esdes and Yuuki knelt side by side on one knee and told the little emperor the specific situation of the Northern Expedition. The little emperor also seemed very excited, and Long Yan Joyous said loudly.(Read more @

“Thank you for the reward, Your Majesty!”

“Thank you Lord Longen!”

The two replied in unison.

“Well, but General Esdes, although you have just returned, I am sorry, I still have some work to give you! After you left the imperial capital last year, there was a killer organization called NightRaid around the imperial capital that has been in the imperial capital. The activities have caused a lot of trouble to the lives of the people in the imperial capital, and the guards are also helpless against those wicked ones, so I hope that I can use the general’s strength to wipe out this group of evildoers!”

Very satisfied with the attitude of the two, the little emperor continued to tell the decision that had been negotiated with Ornest long before the beginning of the court meeting.

The reason why it was only handed over to Esdes instead of being handed over to Emperor Yuuki and Ornest was also considered.

The current little emperor has also begun to grow up. Although he also knows that his teacher Ornest Quan is in the hands, he knows that his greatest enemy is not his teacher, but the emperor who returned to the imperial capital some time ago.

He knew that he could only rely on the teacher for the time being. Although there was a saying, “You must first settle in the outside world”, this sentence also requires strength. The little emperor thought that he could only add the strength and strength of the teacher Ornest. At best, his power was equal to his emperor brother, and he had personally seen his teacher reach an agreement with the’First Emperor’ back then.

And since he knew that Yuuki was from Yuzan, how could he dare to use it? Although the opponent’s strength is strong, if the opponent is used, why not increase the opponent’s authority? Isn’t this digging his own grave? At the same time, Orness Special had already seen the essence of Esders. The other party was only interested in fighting, and had no interest in other things such as rights at all, so this was also the reason why Ornest was relieved to use her.

At the same time Ornest is also testing Yuzan, testing the other party’s views on this matter and some of his next intentions, but Yuzan did not say at all after listening to the little emperor’s words, which also made Ornest a little relieved. Up.

“Well, is that so? I understand, but your Majesty, I have a request, please grant your Majesty!”

After thinking about it for a while, Esdes also understood the intentions of the little emperor and Ornest. Even if she is no longer interested in politics and other things, she can understand the intentions under the influence of ear rendering over the years. , And she is still Yuzan’s person.

“Huh? Is it a soldier? I will try my best to let the police force of the imperial capital and the Central Army Corps cooperate with you!”

After listening to the little emperor’s words, Esther shook his head slightly and explained calmly:

“No, your Majesty, I have also heard of this Night Raid, and I have learned a little about it after returning to the imperial capital. I heard that there are many imperial emissaries among them, and when dealing with imperial emissaries, there are also only imperial emissaries. It only works, so the minister suggested that your majesty allow me to summon six imperial envoys across the country to form a peacekeeping force with only imperial envoys!”

Esther’s words immediately made the little emperor a little wary.

Although he also knew that the best way to deal with the emissaries is to deal with the same emissaries, but Esthers openly demanded that he grant the other party the right to summon all the troops composed of emissaries. Some…As an emperor, even if he is now a puppet, he is very sensitive to this aspect, and immediately asked:

“Is it an emissary? General Esdes, I have also heard that you have a member of the emissary of the three beasts, right? Now that you have three, then add yourself, in this way Do you need another six people in this situation?”

Perhaps it was because of hearing some slight words in the little emperor’s words, Ornest’s eyes that were originally slightly muddy flashed a flash of light, and then immediately said:

“Your Majesty! If you are General Esders, you can rest assured…”

The moment Ornest spoke, the little emperor was shocked in his heart, and felt a little impulsive, so he changed his words immediately:

“Well, since Teacher Ornest said that, then I can rest assured, let’s do it! By the way, Brother Emperor, do you have any comments on this?”

A smile flashed in Yuzan’s eyes after the little emperor had revealed his request for Esders to summon six emperors before the little emperor, and he drew aside the two of Ornest and the little emperor. When I wondered if there was any place I could use, I suddenly heard the little emperor’s very reluctant question, and I was taken aback, but he quickly recovered his calm, with a slight smile on the corners of his mouth, opening his mouth. Road:

“Ah, no, it’s the first time I met with General Esdes today. General Esdes is really as shameless as the legend has it. Her suggestion is very good. I don’t think there is any disagreement. That’s right! It’s just that the emperor, presumably those thieves during this period also made you and Mr. Ornest a bit tired to transition. You see, the looks of you and Mr. Ornest are much different! So I just thought, If this is the case, let one person come to share with you, what do you think?”


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