Chapter 816

This is a village on the outskirts of the Imperial Capital.

This small village is located to the east of the northern acropolis of the imperial capital, and is the only way to the northern acropolis and the imperial capital.

There were still many villages nearby that were the same as this village, but in recent years, as the situation in the empire has become more greedy, the people have become more and more miserable, which has also caused other nearby villages to gradually disappear or move. In the north and the west, or people walk into the empty village, even what is left in the current village is almost the old, weak, sick…


There was a sound of footsteps and wheels in the distance, but only a group of about less than twenty guards wearing heavy empire-style armor guarded a spacious carriage slowly approaching.

After the carriage entered the village, the curtains on the carriage were raised to look at the depression of the village, and a worried mutter flashed in the calm eyes of an old looking old man in the carriage:

“This village is also so depressed, it is clearly a rich country, but now… how long has the old man left…”

“So for the country and the people, I have already retired. Although there was that paper edict, the father who insisted on returning to the capital of the venomous snake nest is really great. My daughter admires it!”

This old man was the former Minister of State of the Empire, Marquis Jolly, who was implicated by his nephew because of the coup.

Although there is a time factor in it, how high-spirited Jolly was back then, but now he looks so old, even the previous acquaintances may not recognize him when standing in front of him, and I have to say good luck.

This guy Jolly was a bit resigned. After all, he knew exactly who his enemy was. Over the years, he was always thinking about reviving his family and wanting revenge. But as time goes by, his enemy. Once Tenten is strong, he also seems even more desperate, which makes him look very old now, if he is not accompanied by his own little daughter, I am afraid that he already…

But now things have turned around. His two enemies are almost in the same situation now. When the imperial capital’s decree was issued to him, Qiaoli didn’t mention how happy he was. This was his last chance. .

But as a political expert, Jolly also quickly saw the deep meaning contained in this paper edict. He has become a pawn in the confrontation between the two big men. For the time being, he has no ability to resist. He can only let it go. At the mercy of the other party, although he can refuse for other reasons such as his own health, this is almost his last chance. Even if he knows that he may be extremely dangerous, he still can’t help but choose to accept the edict as the last one. Beat.

In fact, his choice did not escape the calculations of Yuzan and Ornest. Both of them had already seen and grasped Jolly’s mentality.

Listening to her daughter, although Jolly did not have too many expressions on the face, his heart was bitter. I wondered how beautiful his Oden family was at the beginning. As a famous gate of the empire for hundreds of years, it has stood tall in the power of the empire. Peak, but now…(Read more @

Although he is selfish, as a father, he still likes his last daughter very much, so he replied awe-inspiringly:

“This is not the time to live in seclusion to save your life. If you retreat at this time, then the country will not be the country, and the old man will fight the fellow Ornest to the end!”

“I will protect my father!”

“The old man really gave birth to a good daughter, but if you are too brave, you won’t be able to marry…”

“This, this has nothing to do with what we are talking about… Besides, there is nothing brave about me, I only know a little bit of marksmanship…”

In the carriage, the voices of Marquis Jolly and his daughter Sibia were heard from afar, and the conversation between the two was full of expectations for the future, and it also expressed that the two of them are in a better mood as they get closer to the imperial capital…but , Their good mood was shattered with the violent shaking of the carriage…

“what happened!”

After the violent shaking of the carriage stopped, Jolly asked immediately, and at the same time, he also had an unknown premonition in his heart.

I opened the curtain on the other side, and only a short distance away, I saw a young teenager with a small figure, a strong muscular man, and a middle-aged man with long silver hair and a ponytail looking very gentle. Man, three figures stood in the middle of the road and blocked this not wide road.

“This is…is it a bandit again? No matter how bad public security is, there will always be a limit!”

Although there are only three people in the other party, these three people do not feel like mediocre at first glance, and even guys like Jolly who do not know martial arts can see that the other three are not simple, and the unclear premonition in their hearts. It became more and more intense.

“Just like the way we came here, defeat them, everyone, although the number of each other is small, you should not be careless!”

Although Jolly’s daughter is not too strong, she has reached level 3 at a young age. She is a small master, but she has too little experience after all, and the other party has not exuded too strong aura. Relying on his own numerical advantage, he quickly rushed out of the carriage and greeted the other guards to prepare for battle.

On the other side, it was Liva, Niu, and Dajdala who were known as the Three Beasts under Esdes who appeared in the middle of the road.

“Dai Dara!”

Looking at the group of guards opposite with disdain, Liva couldn’t even give up the desire to fight. He glanced at Dajdala next to him, gave a light command, and stepped aside, preparing to admire Dajdah. Pull the fight.


This kind of battle is completely uninterested for Liva and Niu, but for Dajdala, he still has some ideas. Therefore, after Liva called his name, it was in line with his ideas and immediately moved forward. One step slowly walked towards the opposite side.

“Everyone go!”

Seeing that the other party was only dispatching one person, even though she felt that she and others had been underestimated, Sibia still felt that she had the opportunity to take advantage of her, and immediately ordered many guards to rush towards the other party.


One move, only one move, before Sibia had not reflected it, she saw a cold light flashing, and then she found a sharp pain in her stomach, and the spear in her hand broke into two halves. Kneeling on the ground, at the same time, the other guards behind her who charged with her were all split in half…

“Too, too strong, me, my marksmanship, finish, completely…”


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