Chapter 821

Outside the Imperial City, NightRaid headquarters.

At this time, in the lobby of NightRaid headquarters, all the members of NightRaid were present, but today the atmosphere in the entire lobby seemed a bit depressed.

“Everyone is here, here I have three bad news that are not good for us, now please listen carefully to me!”

Seeing that all the members had arrived, Na Jiexi said straightforwardly.

But from the expressions of other people, I didn’t see any doubts. Najiexitan also knew that some of the people must have heard something. After all, during this period of time, except for the wounded Ma Yin, she worked hard to improve her strength. Tazmi, and then the red pupil who had been exposed a long time ago, several other people have gone to the Imperial Capital to inquire about the news…

“Well, looking at your expressions, I think some of you have already heard some wind noise! ​​First, we have completely lost contact with the local team!”




Although they have been mentally prepared, the news that other people have inquired about during this period is all about the return of Yuuki and Esdes from the Northern Expedition and the fact that in recent times there have been successive officials of the Revolutionary Army who considered the “conscience faction”. They were assassinated and all left the logo or leaflets of their organization to the opponent Tianzhu at the scene.

But at this time, I didn’t want Najiexitan to say this. Except Tazmi, everyone seemed surprised, and as a novice, Tazmi was just an “intern” who had just joined the group. He played well the good character of asking if he didn’t understand.

“Local team? What is this?”(Read more @

As if knowing that Tazmi didn’t understand, Tazmi had just finished speaking, and the red pupil had already begun to explain it.

“Tazmi, you must know that the empire has a large territory, and our revolutionary army is a revolution for the entire empire. Therefore, there are assassination squads that perform the same duties as us in the entire empire, and our Night Raid Only in charge of the imperial capital, of course there are people in other places!”

“Well, although it is still under investigation, and this incident has also alarmed some senior leaders of the revolutionary army, it is very likely that the teams in these places have been wiped out! And since our enemy has the ability to not go through any troubles. If you destroy the other party completely, then they will be able to deal with us, so we have to be more careful during this time, and you should also pay more attention!

In addition, the second point must be known to everyone, that is, Esdes has completed the Northern Expedition and has returned to the imperial capital. Also returning with her is the Absolute Sword mentioned by Chi pupil, and according to us According to the information, Esdes seems to have accepted a mission designated by the little emperor and Ornest, specifically to deal with our Night Raid! ”

The red pupil had just finished explaining, and before Tazmi asked again, Najiexitan continued to say, and her tone was full of heavy. Obviously, she still had a strong psychological shadow on Esdes in her heart.

“Hey, really, although we already know, that guy is really, no matter when it is the source of trouble!”

Lubbock obviously has some lingering fears about Esther. He is also one of the rare people who has seen Esther shot and survived, but of course he is only a soldier under Najiexitan. , Other people didn’t know that he owns the emperor, so no one paid attention to him.

“The only thing to be thankful for now is that at the time the Regent seemed to have proposed that the Absolute Sword also join, but it was rejected by Ornest! And because Ornest and the Regent were not in a’infighting’ relationship, Ai The army of the State Department did not come back with her, but stayed in the north, as a nail in the sphere of influence of the regent!”

Having said this, Najie Xitan’s complexion improved slightly, but immediately afterwards, her complexion became gloomy again.

“And the last point, I think you have also heard about it, that is that many officials have been killed in succession in the imperial capital recently. There were four victims and a total of 61 guards each, and one of them was even a former imperial guard. Secretary of State Joly, and he was assassinated on the way back to the imperial capital after receiving an edict not long ago!

But these killing incidents have one thing in common, that is, these incidents are not resolved at the end, no one has found anything at all, and what is more interesting is that the four killing scenes have left us with NightRaid. flyer! Although this is a very bad way of framing, but there is a saying that three people become tigers, and this kind of thing happens again and again. It is difficult to prevent people who don’t know the truth from doubting us! And being able to achieve this level also shows that they are people who have the same strength or the same means as us, that is, people like the emperor!

At the same time, the few people killed this time were also people who were more or less at odds with Ornest. Jolly was even forced by Ornest and the Regent to step down and go home for retirement, which can be said to be enemies. ! Therefore, all these signs also indicate that the main messenger of this incident is Ornest, and the occurrence of this incident also slightly coincides with the time when Esdes returned to the imperial capital! ”

After Najiexitan finished speaking, the atmosphere in the hall became heavy again.

Everyone knows what kind of opponent they will face next, and everyone except Tazmi is also full of thunder for Esther’s reputation!

“BOOS, have you ever thought that the purpose of this incident might be to bring us out on purpose!”

At this time, Brand suddenly spoke after a while pondering.

“Well, I also thought about this, but even if I know this is a trap, I also tell you that the people who are being killed are all capable ministers with outstanding abilities in all aspects, and they are all rebelling against Ornest. People like this are very likely to become our companions, and such people are indispensable for our revolutionary army after the empire is overthrown in the future, so I can’t just sit back and watch, I think we should get rid of Those counterfeit goods, whether the enemy is Esther’s or Esther himself! What do you think?”


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