Chapter 826



I saw that Brand’s entire chest was stuck with a white palm, and after the seemingly weak white palm was stuck, his whole body was knocked out, and what made him horrified was that he There were tiny cracks in the place where the emperor’s “Evil-ridden Operation Armor” was hit by the white palm!

“Brand, don’t you think that what I just said is just to distract you!”

Yuzan didn’t continue to take advantage of the victory after knocking out Brand. Instead, he moved slowly towards Brand, who had been struggling to climb up after being hit by Yuzan’s attack just now.

And this time, as Yuzan took his steps and the distance from Brand got closer, the oppressive feeling he gave Brand was highlighted for the first time!

As for the four of Cornelia and Liva, they had retreated to the side after seeing Yuzan knocking out Brand, and controlled the tower that wanted to get up and fight alongside Brand. Zimi!

At the same time, what Yuzan showed just now also surprised everyone present. Until this time, people except Brand truly believed what Yuzan said just now, but Liva and Niu couldn’t help worrying. , After all, they are Esdes’s subordinates, and Esdes is Ornest’s. Now seeing Yuzan’s strength, is it really right to be right with such a person? The two of them couldn’t help but think of it in their hearts.


Although Yuzan’s attack just now caused Brand to be injured even under the protection of the Emperor’s armor, but after he coughed up the blood in his heart, he was mostly healed, and it was not a major problem!

It’s just that he is truly terribly jealous of the regent now! But then, he laughed again!

“Haha, hahaha, good, great! The bottleneck that has not been improved for many years has been loosened. It is really great. It seems that the human body’s potential can only be stimulated by a life-and-death battle with a master! Great! Regent, you deserve to be admired by me, Brand, and regardless of your political achievements, you are worthy of admiration by your background and your current strength. This strength is how much you have to pay. Only to achieve it! Come on! Although I am not necessarily your opponent now, I will definitely try my best!”

At this time, Brand was full of fighting spirit.

Yes, Brand is also a person who is strong when he meets the strong, but since he defeated his master and took over the opponent’s imperial equipment, his strength has been a bit slow in recent years. This is actually him. A secretly distressed question.

But today, he met Yuzan and met the most powerful opponent he had ever encountered in his life. The pressure that the opponent brought to him was not on any opponent before, including when he challenged his master! And at this time, he also remembered the words of his master that year, if he wants to quickly improve his strength, he can only break through with opponents who are stronger than himself and bring more pressure to him!(Read more @

Now, this opportunity he has dreamed of for many years has appeared. Even if he, Brand died in battle, he would die without regret!

“Very good! This look of Brand is what I want to see! Hey, it is a pity, if your heart is not too firm, I don’t want you to die young! Now that your fighting intent is all Excited, so now, I will use 10% of my strength to ruin you!”

Even though he admired the other person very much, Yuzan’s eyes became cold, and he attacked for the first time just after he had finished speaking.

“Yicheng? Really underestimate me, I will definitely make you regret it! But this is also an opportunity!”

Although Yuzan’s words made Brand very angry, after all, no one likes to be underestimated, but in this situation, although Brand also wants to make a breakthrough in the battle with Yuzan, if he can survive, who Will give up again!

It was only after the blow that Yuzan just now that he had confidence in his own strength, but he didn’t have a bottom in his heart, but now, Yuzan’s words gave him a glimmer of hope, although he didn’t know what Yuzan did. Just how much water is there in 10% strength, but the other party has despised himself after all, this is a rare opportunity!

“call out…”

Just as Brand’s “Cransial Thinking”, Yuzan’s attack has arrived!

I saw Yuzan once again show his elegant body skills in Brand, although the speed is not as fast as before, but it is still dazzling!

And Brand, he is much smarter this time, even though there is some ‘crank thinking’ in his mind, he is still very serious in facing the offensive of his most powerful enemy in his life!

At the moment Yuzan launched his attack, he also launched his counterattack, and the spear shadow appeared again, and Brand used the strategy of offensive against offensive!


However, the bigger Brad gets more frightened! Although the opponent’s speed is not fast, at least it is not fast in Brand’s eyes, and it is even vaguely inferior to his own attack speed at this time, but the opponent’s pace seems to predict his own every time. The next time the attack trajectory, the moment he fired his gun, he could evade his own attack. This kind of battle was too weird, and the pressure on him was doubled!

However, while Brand was frightened, he couldn’t help shouting loudly as he attacked:

“Is this really just 10% of your strength? I don’t believe it, I don’t believe there is such a powerful person in the world!”

Brand’s words are not for the other party as they are for himself. If the other party is really capable of playing like this with him at 10%, how strong the other party’s strength should be! If that’s the case, what else can you hit yourself, just wipe your neck! Moreover, he also wants to distract Yuzan and intends to be in it!

“Don’t you believe it? Hey, Brand, it doesn’t matter whether you believe it or not, and I don’t have to explain to a mortal man!”

Brand’s words still had a slight impact on Yuzan, allowing Brand to seize the opportunity to move faster, but after Brand launched a stronger offensive, Yuzan immediately understood the other party’s plan. This It is also somewhat inconsistent with Brand’s information in his own intelligence! However, now that he understood the other party’s plan, Yuzan answered the other party with a smile indifferently. Then suddenly he saw that one of his white palms abruptly found a gap under the attack of Brand’s spear shadow. It was so natural. Squeezed in!



“Bah… Bah…”


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