Chapter 828

Facing Brand’s question, Yuzan had no time to answer in the future. Suddenly, the hull of the huge ship shook violently, and the cracks that had just appeared on the hull became more and more spreading towards the surroundings.


A huge roar sounded, and then I saw the huge ship, all made of the strongest wood, shattered. The fragments of the hull were scattered on the entire canal, and the keel of the huge ship formed a huge Uzumaki in the canal. …

Fortunately for Yuzan’s reminder, otherwise, even if Liwa had a water control emperor, he would be extremely embarrassed at the moment.

However, before Liva carefully controlled the water flow to hold up Niu, Cornelia and others, and when he looked in the direction of Yuzan, his eyes were round and his mouth opened wide. As if seeing something incredible.

“Liva, be careful, what’s the matter with you? Huh? That’s… my goodness!”

“It turns out that the sky is the home of His Royal Highness…”

“This, how is this possible, is he still a human?”

Liva’s mood was so agitated that he was faintly unstable while controlling the flow of the water, causing Niu to complain slightly, but before he asked him about the situation, he found that Liva’s expression was not right and looked towards him. He screamed even more after looking at it, and Cornelia and Tazmi couldn’t help screaming.

At the moment when the hull crashed, Brand thought that his limit had come, and he could die in the hands of the best masters he had only seen in his life. He was convinced. The only regret was that the other party had not answered his question, but now the ship It’s going to sink, presumably the other party can’t answer even if he wants to answer, so he can only say something silently in his heart:

“Everyone at NightRaid, I’m sorry, I have tried my best, if there is another life, I would still be with you…Huh?”

However, when Brand heard a loud noise from the hull, he had already closed his eyes and waited quietly for the arrival of death, but after a while, he found that he was still conscious and had not been caught. When he went into the water or was hit by something, he opened his eyes and saw a scene he will never forget.

I saw the mysterious regent standing calmly across from him, looking at him indifferently, and he still maintained the posture of falling to the ground just now, but, looking around, he was no longer on the boat at this time. , But in mid-air, I just lay in mid-air so quietly, and the regent’s feet are all air, they are flying in mid-air now!(Read more @

“You…you have broken through that limit!?”

Until this moment, Brand truly understood that the other party must have done it because he was not involved in the water. At the same time, he thought of a legend that the master told himself when he was studying art.

“Brand, you must remember that there is no end to the improvement of your strength. Although you are better than me now, I am very pleased because I have taught a good disciple, but you can’t be complacent, just like what I just said. As said, you must maintain an insatiable heart in order to make a breakthrough. As a teacher, I also hope that one day you can break through the boundaries and reach the legendary level! Even though the strong at that level only exists in the legend , But since there is a legend, someone must have achieved it, so this is my last expectation of you!”

“Oh? What’s the limit? If you mean level 10? Yes, I was level 10 as early as ten years ago!”

Looking at Brand’s surprised look, Yuzan nodded lightly.

“Level 10, level 10, I never thought I could see a level 10 powerhouse in my lifetime, hahaha! Why did you save me? Didn’t you mean to give me a warrior-like death method?”

After being confirmed by Yuzan, Brand suddenly burst into laughter. He clearly remembered when he asked the master what level it was, but his master had never seen it before. He just said the most basic level of that level. The performance lies in being able to fly freely from the ground and stand in the sky!

“Huh? Save you? No, no, no, I’m not saving you, I just don’t want you to regret it! After all, although your strength is not very good for me, your heart is very strong, and I admire you very much. So before I can solve your doubts, I will not allow you to die, and even if you save you now, you will only live for a while!

Okay, let’s talk about business. Since you want to know why I didn’t stop Ornest, in order not to let you leave with regret, I will tell you. As for whether you can understand it, it doesn’t matter to me! Well, how do you say, eight words, do not break or stand, break and then stand! Do you understand? ”

Yuzan was very calm at this time, facing the other party’s doubts very calmly to solve the other party’s doubts.

After hearing Yuzan’s answer, Brand froze for a while, suddenly laughed again as if thinking of something.

“‘If you don’t break or stand, break and then stand’, hahahaha, good, good, what a’break and then stand’, you deserve to be the regent, you deserve to be a 10th-level superpower, your skill is really no one Comparable! Although our positions are different, I admire you, I, Brand, and I am convinced! Maybe it was right that I should come to you as soon as I left the Southern Army, but unfortunately there is no regret medicine in the world. It’s a pity that time can’t be turned back. It’s a pity that I don’t have a future anymore. It’s a pity…”

Having said that, Brand’s voice became weaker and weaker. His internal organs had been shattered earlier. If he hadn’t been forcibly holding a breath and he would have died if he was a non-ordinary person. Now, after passing by just now, his internal organs have been shattered. After seeing Yuzan’s “real” strength and getting Yuzan’s explanation, he could no longer control himself under the shock of his mood, and gradually stopped breathing, but although he was dead, the corner of his mouth was at the last moment of his life. Sketched out an inexplicable smile…

NightRaid headquarters, on the outskirts of the Imperial Capital.

“What! Tazmi was captured alive and will be publicly executed in three days!? Where is Brand?”

Najie Xitan, who had just returned to the headquarters from other bases of the Revolutionary Army, received the news that was like a bolt from the blue as soon as she returned.

It turned out that Tazmi and Brand did not return together after they went to perform the task. The people who had already had an ominous premonition in their hearts immediately went to the imperial capital to inquire about the news before Najiexitan returned. Such an information…


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