Chapter 830

On the day Jaegers was founded, the spies lurking in the revolutionary army in the imperial capital conveyed the information, and even some of the detailed staffing and other information were clear. At the same time, Najie Xitan of NightRaid felt the heavy pressure.

Although I know some of Jaegers’ situation, I haven’t played against each other after all. I am not too familiar with the four newly-joined opponents, and this time to save Tazmi is in the imperial capital. In case they fall into a heavy siege, The consequences can be imagined.

But time is running out. After weighing the pros and cons for a long time, Nagesitan finally decided to rescue Tazmi. Although this may cause their entire NightRaid to be annihilated, this is not an opportunity, an opportunity to consume Jaegers. And the other party doesn’t know that their personnel have been replenished, as long as they are fully prepared, then there is a great chance of winning…

Of course, this is just Na Jie Xitan’s personal thoughts. Of course, she didn’t know that at least half of the combat power she added this time was the undercover agent of the “enemy”, and she also didn’t know that all her calculations were actually made by others for herself. As designed.

The imperial capital, the imperial city.

“His Royal Highness, according to our information scattered throughout the imperial capital, the only son of Ornest, who has disappeared for nearly ten years, reappeared, and on the same day that the kid appeared, a varying number appeared near the imperial capital. According to the analysis of the doctor, these dangerous species are probably created by artificial means!

In addition, General Bud has also rushed back from the front line. He seems to be somewhat interested in the public execution of the guy named Tazmi this time, but it does not rule out that his return is the secret action of the little emperor! ”

Listening to the report of bald Hughes, Yuzan’s eyes that had been closed and rested suddenly opened, and a smile appeared on his face:

“Onest’s son? Oh, you mean Sheila, it turned out to be that idiot! Well, he didn’t disappear back then. When I was still working with Ornest, that guy was almost never in me. It appeared before, and then Ornest got in touch with Huangquan Temple. He said that he sent that guy to Huangquan Temple for training! It seems that Ornest was not honest at the beginning! But it doesn’t hurt, That guy is a idiot who can’t bear to use it. It doesn’t have much influence on our plan. It’s just that you have to investigate the dangerous thing. In addition, I will let fashion cooperate with you. Be sure to check it out. Does the dangerous thing have anything to do with Sheila, and the people who followed Sheila after he appeared!

As for Bud, this stubborn guy doesn’t care about him. I still can’t find a reason to clean up if he doesn’t come back. Since he’s back, then don’t leave! By the way, I remember that the religious organization called Anning Dao in the eastern part of the imperial capital seems to be insecure. You have to keep an eye on this organization. Okay, that’s it! Finally, you go and call Nahasiu, I have a task to give him! “(Read more @

As the sentence for the public execution of Tazmi approached, and seeing his plan to be launched tomorrow, Yuzan also gradually noticed that an undercurrent of the imperial capital was surging. Obviously, the public execution of NightRaid members was just an introduction… …But now that all the Gyūki snake gods are beginning to surface, Yuzan is of course very happy, at least he is not far from the day when these guys can be wiped out!

Just as Yuzan was making some plans for Hughes to make final arrangements, there was also a ‘secret’ meeting in the military command.

“These damn guys, those idiots in the south, don’t they think that if they follow the revolutionary army in the future, even if they win, the revolutionary army won’t be liquidated! It’s so stupid!”

Looking at the markings on the huge empire map on the conference table, the atmosphere in the entire conference room seemed a bit depressed.

This bitter voice came from a middle-aged general.

It turns out that the latest information returned shows that the revolutionary army in the south is not the same as that circulated in the imperial capital. They are all disordered people. The current revolutionary army has already formed the empire in terms of morale and number. A huge advantage, of course, the empire here only refers to the Imperial Central Army, not including Yuzan’s Western Army and Northern Army.

As for the Southern Army Corps, except for the headquarters of Esders who were transferred to the north to guard, the others were either dispersed or surrendered. The Southern Army Corps now has only one number left, and the entire corps is almost composed. No longer exists!

The empire in recent times can be said to be truly in the midst of wind and rain, whether it is the strong rise of the Southern Revolutionary Army, the invasion of foreign nations on the northern grasslands, or the lurking of Anning Road in the East, of course, Anning Road has not yet been there at this time. The slightest piece of news indicates that there will be rebellion, and the most worrying thing is the West.

Although the north is also the territory of the regent, because the aliens have just been defeated and the guards of the Asides headquarters, although the number is not as good as the northern army, it is also an army of hundred battles. The northern army does not even move. It may be possible to hide it from the other party, so this is also a deterrent, but in the West, there are not so many hidden dangers!

Although foreign nations in the West have been eager to move again in the near future, the deterrence of the Western Army of the Northern Legion is still safe. At this time, the special status of the Western Legion has been highlighted, and it has also made the imperial capital’s middle and high-level leaders to the Western Legion in recent times. Extraordinary tolerance and humility, the other party will give whatever they want, but if people know that the Western Army and the Northern Army are actually one family, it will definitely make people vomit blood!

“Okay, don’t say more. After all, it is the kind of border governor who was originally assigned to the past because of conviction or other reasons. It is normal if there are not many brains. Reversing is also in line with the thinking of those short-sighted generations!”

The only person in the conference room who is not the military is Ornest. He is still very calm at this time. After all, he still has a lot of trump cards that have not been revealed.

“But, if you just let the opponent attack the imperial capital regardless…”

“Don’t panic, all the elites of my headquarters have been stationed in the Baoshuiguan area. As long as the group of insurgents dare to attack, they must come and go! The top priority now is to deal with the public execution tomorrow! It stands to reason that our generals It’s not allowed to do politics. This rule has lasted for nearly a thousand years, but now is a very moment, and I can’t stand by and watch it! Ornest, since you did it, then you can give a plan. Things to do tomorrow!”

Not waiting for other high-level military officials to refute, they were immediately interrupted by a proud voice. It was General Bud who drove back from Bangshuiguan a day ago!

“Ah, it’s rare that the general is interested. If so, then I will just say it! In fact, the new army established by your Majesty this time is not only the Jaegers of General Esders. In addition to Jaegers, my Majesty and I have already discussed After that, we still have a stronger security and peacekeeping force. Now, let me introduce to you, WildHunt!”


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