Chapter 838

Yan Xin’s fate was terrible, even worse than those on death row in the imperial capital or the’offended’ Yuzan when the regent returned when Yuzan was killed by the inspector Qibul in front of the civil and military forces of Yuzan. !

Before Zibul was only blood splattered on the spot, but Yan Xin, this guy was tortured after being taken back by Yuzan, and even after being’interrogated’ out of some of his previous convictions, he was made into a human being. He was also arranged to show the public at the gates of the outer city and inner city of the imperial capital, and he also released a series of charges against him!

Although Yuzan and Sheila met by chance in the outer city and had a conflict, the entire event lasted a short time, but it was still in full view, so it spread throughout the upper circle of the imperial capital in a short time.

And those powerful in the imperial capital, those who have not yet made a choice between Yuzan and Ornest, or those who have chosen to become Ornest’s party, guess how Yuzan will treat Yan Xin as a person. When the confidant of Ornest’s only son, Sheila, made any kind of punishment, news from the outer city and the inner city came at the same time, and for a while, the entire emperor seemed a little worried.

Although Yuzan’s action seems to be a punishment for offenders who offended him, everyone knows that Yuzan did not do it sooner or later, but it was a move like this when the Southern Revolutionary Army’s power was in full swing. It’s a bit incomprehensible. Isn’t the Regent that he’s not afraid to let him and the Ornest Group tear up the civil war ahead of time? Wouldn’t this be a way of benefiting the group of southern guys…

In the inner city, the Green family mansion.

Ornest listened to the information he had just received without saying a word.

It is not Sheila who sits under Ornest.

It’s just that Sheila at this time no longer looks like arrogant and domineering outside. In front of Ornest, he is as docile as a’kitten’, and the atmosphere does not dare to breathe. It can be seen that O’Neill How much shadow does the father of Stur have on Sheila…


“father!”(Read more @

I just heard that Yuzan actually made Yan Xin into something like that and it was put on display, which immediately made Sheila angry, but in front of his father he didn’t dare to act on behalf of him, but he was still very unwilling. The opponent didn’t give himself face in that way. Although he had guessed that Yan Xin would definitely not end well because of his understanding of the opponent, but at most he killed the opponent. But now, this is a naked face slap, not only him, Also slapped his father Ornest in the face!

And when Sheila looked at her father’s vacillating complexion, she even flashed through the thought, “I’m not going to turn my face with each other just because of this time.” Sheila, who was thinking this way, still had a slight joy in her heart. But he didn’t want to get a slap in the face from his father for no reason.

“What! Do you disagree if I hit you!”

Glancing at Sheila contemptuously, Ornest asked with no expression or even the slightest emotion.

From childhood to adulthood, Sheila also understood that as long as her father showed this kind of unsalty or indifferent tone, it showed that the other party was very angry. This also made Sheila, who had just received a slap in the face for no reason, calmed down a little. When he got down, he lowered his head and said:

“No, dare not! I, I know I was wrong!”

“Huh! You know it’s wrong? Why can’t I see where you are wrong!”

Ornest is also very annoyed at this son who has just returned from ‘experience’.

For the son of Sheila, I was satisfied with him at first, but it was also because Yuzan, who was “offended” by Sheila when he was young, that he and Yuzan had reached a series of partnerships afterwards. The incident also made Ornest realize that his son would definitely become a waste if he continued like this, so he would be strictly disciplined and even sent him to Huangquan Temple to learn art and practice.

Originally, he was very happy when Sheila returned this time, especially when Sheila told and demonstrated what she had learned and heard over the years in front of him. He was quite satisfied with Sheila, and even more. Needless to say, the few people Sheila brought back were not good things, but they still had some talents and usefulness. That’s why he asked Sheila to set up a WildHunt, so that she could meet those strong men under Yuzan so that he could interact with them in the future. Yuzan was not too passive in the collision.

However, what happened today has changed Ornest’s view of Sheila again. He used to think that even if Sheila is still as stubborn as before, but at least he has learned a little skill, at least he can judge the situation with insight. But now, as soon as he came back, he provoked himself a lot of trouble, and made Yuzan even use the topic to play a trick!

And this chicken is his Ornest, which makes him not angry, not to mention that Ornest can only swallow his anger because he is not yet fully prepared to turn his face with Yuzan! And he still needs to explain to Esders, which makes him very angry.

“Father, I, I really know that I was wrong, I, I shouldn’t have caused you such a big trouble as soon as I came back, I, I shouldn’t have been challenged by that guy…”

Seeing Ornest’s wrongful “reprimand”, Sheila’s hatred for Yuzan increased even more, but she could only look at Ornest sadly and said.

“Asshole! You still don’t know where you are wrong! You damn thing, if you weren’t my son, I would have… You can listen to me clearly, my son of Ornest wouldn’t be afraid Troublesome person, but you have to recognize yourself, don’t be too arrogant, and this matter you still provoke Esders…Okay, you can withdraw!”

After all, Ornest still didn’t punish Sheila too harshly, but Sheila did not leave. Instead, she watched with a little nervousness as Ornest bit her scalp and continued to ask:

“That, that, that father’s thing two days later…”

“Huh! You’re so embarrassed! Even this time, I will still leave it to you, but I don’t want you to make mistakes again, otherwise, even if you are my son, I won’t take you lightly. Yes, and if I can give birth to you a son, I can also have other sons! Remember it!”


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