Chapter 844


“call out…”

Without reminding Esders, Bud on the side also noticed the enemy as early as the gunfire sounded. Without hesitation, he saw that his whole body was flashing with dazzling electric lights, and a thunderball was on him in the blink of an eye. Shaping in his hand, he threw it in the direction where the gunfire sounded by listening to the sound of his position!


After a loud bang accompanied the strong smoke and dust dispersed, I saw that the iron gate in the big Colosseum was already in a mess, and a big hole appeared on the ground, but no one was visible.


On Esdes’s side, the long sword in her hand is getting closer to Tazmi’s chest, but even when Tazmi himself thought he was bound to die this time, the sound of breaking through the air rang!


He raised his eyebrows. In fact, Esthers himself knew that only the Red Eyes in the NightRaid could stand a fight with him, but just from the momentum of the bursting sound, the enemy was not the Red Eyes, but the same Brings a sense of threat to myself.

“Is there any hidden master in NightRaid that we don’t know about? That Brand is dead, and it is Yuzan’s own hands that can’t fail. Forget it, that’s okay, there has been no such battle for a long time Up!”

This also made Esdes a little puzzled. Since I can’t figure it out, I don’t want to. The body quickly flashed to his side. The sword in his hand that was originally a stab at Tazmi quickly changed and slashed directly behind him. A cross cut!


The sound of a weapon collision sounded, and the opponent’s figure immediately entered Esdes’s sight. This is a tall man, but the weapon in his hand is a rare mace, and the most surprising It’s the other person who has a pair of horns on his head.(Read more @

The collision between the weapons of the two sides did not last long, and it was almost a retreat. However, Esders already knew the strength of the other party in his heart. He was weaker in speed but slightly stronger than himself. Other aspects are unknown.

As a biological imperial tool, Susano never knows what fear is. Therefore, even if the one who is fighting with him at this time is known as one of the three strongest in the empire, he has no stage fright at all. And after grasping the advantage that the opponent’s strength is slightly weaker than his own, it forced Esders away from Tazmi’s side!


On the other hand, the enemy Bude faced showed the same figure. It was a girl with a pink ponytail. The imperial tool in her hand was even more familiar to Esdes. It is Main holding the Emperor’s “Romantic Fortress Pumpkin”.

Although Main’s own strength is far from Bude, she relied on the characteristics of Tegu to greatly increase Tegu’s attack power, and she only started long-range battles with Bude for a while. , Although there is Bud’s arrogant temperament for the reason that he disdains to fight as hard as he can!

Since Main and Susano appeared and launched attacks to fight against Bud and Esders, at this time, the original loud voice in the entire Colosseum was even more noisy, and everyone was terrified. One after another began to exit, the scene was extremely chaotic.

And in those boxes, these upper-class people in the imperial capital were very calm, and even watched the battle of Bud and others below and they were applauded. This is actually because they are also afraid of the infamous NightRaid, but they are very enthusiastic about Bud. There is even more information with Esdes, don’t you see that the little emperor, Ornest and others in the largest box are very calm, and even the regent is surrounded by another empire’s strongest protection.

In fact, quite a large part of these people are Ornest’s people. Among them are Ornest’s confidants. They also know some inside information. They know that today’s matter is one of Ornest’s. The purpose of the game is to attract NightRaid to appear in a single sweep to restore the reputation that he has lost in recent times! Let the people in the imperial capital know that the chips in his hands are not smaller than the regent!

In the largest box, Yuzan had already sensed it the first time Main appeared. He was also watching the battle below with great interest, and even discussed the character of the people beside him from time to time.

But the little emperor didn’t know why. Today he always felt that something would happen, and he was very upset. Such a reflection fell in the eyes of others but it became a sign of timidity. He wanted to leave this right and wrong with Ornest. Land, but I don’t want to lose face.

But at this moment, Yuzan seemed to perceive his embarrassment, and smiled directly at the little emperor and persuaded:

“Emperor brother, have you been unwell after having worked too much on national affairs in recent times?”

“Well, yes, yes, I have been a bit tired during this time, but these are all trivial things, but I still have to thank the emperor for his concern!”

Seeing Yuzan’s question, the little emperor also understood what his emperor brother meant, although he himself had some malicious guesses that Yuzan might be taunting him for this.

“Ah, in this case, please take care of your own health! Look, how old you are now… Your body is everything. Since the emperor is unwell, you should go back to the palace first. Come! As for the matters here, just leave it to Master Ornest and Gu!”

At this time, Yuzan’s true intentions were finally revealed, but he wanted to distract the little emperor.

“Oh? Your Majesty is unwell? It’s okay, if there is any, then the minister will die!”

Ornest hadn’t spoken before, but now he saw Yuzan suddenly coming so he was a little bit confused. Why did Yuzan distract the little emperor at this time and even separate himself from the little emperor? What kind of conspiracy, or he wants to control the little emperor, but in this way, isn’t he going to turn his face with him? Is he completely sure if he turns his face now? But I watched him closely enough, and the West and the North did not change at all. I couldn’t figure it out, just as Yuzan’s series of actions during the previous period made him very puzzled.

But even if he couldn’t see the real intention of the other party, he couldn’t risk the little emperor’s handing over. So he had to destroy the other party’s ‘purpose’ to separate the little emperor from his own. That’s why he cared about the little emperor!

And Yuzan, when he saw Ornest speak, a smile flashed in his eyes. In fact, he also said this deliberately, but the purpose was to make Ornest stay here. In order to achieve his goal of catching everything in one go!


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