Chapter 846

Imperial capital, outer city.

Because today is the day when Ornest and others deliberately planned to attract the NightRaid people to prepare to kill each other, and many wealthy and nobles in the upper circle of the imperial capital gathered in the Colosseum, and even the emperor personally went there, so The imperial capital guard forces that were supposed to be patrolling around today are all gone, and even the part of the Central Army controlled by Ornest and the Imperial City Guards controlled by Bud have all gone to the inner city.

Therefore, today’s imperial capital’s outer city is almost unregulated, and the task of defending the outer city is because Ornest has transferred a part of the Central Legion soldiers so that the remaining part of the outer city and inner city is controlled by Bud The pressure and workload of the Legion doubled compared to usual.

But at this time, the defending general of the outer city welcomed a great figure.

“Master Stockton, if there is anything, you can tell your subordinates to send a letter to the humble post, why not come!”

After learning that the Deputy Secretary of Military Affairs Stockton had come to the city gate to call him by name, the defender of the outer city rushed over immediately, very flattering.

Although the guard of this outer city is from Bud, although Bud has protected a large group of so-called “conscience” officials, not all the people who sheltered under Bud are so-called “conscience”. , The defender in front of him is just such a person. Although he is also a member of Bud’s faction, although he is very loyal to Bud, this guy is also not a good person, and he has been investigated for many problems. Yes, so now someone who seems to be nearly fifty years old is just a guard at the gate.

So this guy will actually not give up any chance to climb up, but in the past, everyone dismissed him, not to mention that he is very loyal to Bud, even if he wants to vote for another person, there is no way, but Today, the Deputy Secretary of Military Affairs who would never leave him at all came to him personally. As an old fried dough stick, he knew very well that Stockton was the regent’s person, but the meaning of finding himself at this juncture is just a matter of fact. Something is debatable…

“Well, let’s take a step to speak!”

Stockton nodded indifferently to the opponent, and a trace of disgust flashed in the depths of his eyes. If the task this time was not handed over to him by Yuzan himself, then he would never treat the guy in front of him with a’pleasure’. .

“I came to you today because there is something you need to do. As for whether you can do it or not, I need to remind you that this is not a private matter, nor is it my business. Think about it carefully, think Come to me when you’re done, I’ll wait for you on the tower!”(Read more @

Stepping aside, before waiting for the defender to ask a question, Stockton spoke directly, and the words spoken were even more imaginative, meaning that it was ambiguous for a time to make the defender feel a little at a loss, and Without waiting for the other party to speak, Stockton walked directly towards the tower on the city gate, leaving a mysterious back for the guard!

And at the moment Stockton walked towards the tower, several shadows hidden in the dark within a kilometer of the western gate of the entire imperial capital were closely monitored, and they would act immediately when something happened!

Fifty miles outside the capital city.


The neat sound of horse hooves resounded through the earth, and the dust splashed on the ground was like thick smoke. This was a huge army.

The front army has at least 50,000 neatly equipped cavalry. After that, if you don’t count the weight of other teams, there will be at least 300,000 people in various arms, including pikemen, muskets, crossbowmen, and heavy infantry. , Looking down from the sky is like a long dragon composed of’ants’.

“Brother, we really have to spare no effort to support that little…”


“Shut up! Goebbels, how many times have I told you, I want to call your Highness! Also, it’s not that we spared no effort to help Your Highness, but we are from the Western Legion who are originally His Highness, do you understand it? Otherwise, you But don’t blame me, my big brother for not being affectionate!”

At the forefront of the team were two armed generals riding on two horses. One of them was unwilling to speak to the other, but he was slapped by the’big brother’ before he finished speaking. Slap in the face and drink seriously.

“Goebbels, you are my own brother. Could it be that my eldest brother will harm you? This time you can’t do this again in the imperial capital, remember not! This time is actually our luck. The reason why your Royal Highness transferred our Western Legion is precisely because he doesn’t trust us too much. This is actually a test. Let me tell you the truth. Based on my knowledge of your Royal Highness, he must have a back hand. If we fail to follow his orders Acting, then I am afraid that we are dead now! This time is also an opportunity to know that this time… this is a great achievement!”

Seeing that his brother was still a little unconvinced, Goring had no choice but to persuade him in a persuasive way.

That’s right, this line is the Imperial Western Legion, and the reason why they are here is because Yuzan had issued an order before returning to the imperial capital to let the Western Legion continue to “act” on the surface, but the inside was from Minas. Tirith sent a large number of troops into the Clementine Fortress and pretended to be the Western Legion, so that the Western Legion could be broken into pieces and a large number of troops were quietly approaching the imperial capital. This is Yuzan’s secretive plan.

When Yuzan decided a few days ago that he was going to officially turn his face with Ornest and wipe out all the others, Yuzan had already contacted Hughes through the members of the assassination troops stationed in various places to contact the Western Army that was still reduced to zero. Legion commander Goring, let them travel to the imperial capital at the fastest speed.

And it’s obviously impossible for so many people to hide from everyone, so the Western Legion assassinated the troops after they converged and started their action. On the one hand, they cooperated with the Western Legion, which had been sneaking in secret for several months near the imperial capital. , On the one hand, there was a bloody storm in the city close to the imperial capital, which only concealed the information firmly…


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