Chapter 849

“Hey, Your Majesty, how can you grow up other people’s ambitions to kill your own breeze! Of course, the minister does not doubt His Highness’s eyesight, but the minister still believes in Sheila, although Sheila is of course nothing compared to His Highness. , It’s more than enough to deal with those rebels!”

Ornest retorted with a dry smile.

But Ornest also knew that Yuzan’s words could not be lost, and his strength was still fresh in his memory, so he was a little cautious in his heart, but fortunately, he is not the only one like Sheila. For the chess pieces placed in front of the stage, he has another arrangement in the dark so that it is considered a winning ticket!

“How can it be!”


However, Ornest’s voice just fell, and suddenly the entire box made several exclamations, which immediately made his face gloomy.

Because at this time he had already seen that two people suddenly appeared in the NightRaid camp after Budd and others launched an attack. One was a boy with green hair who stopped Sheila, and the battle with Sheila was difficult to solve. Points, although relying on the’teleport’ function of his emperor’s tool to give Sheila the upper hand, the’enchantment’ formed by the silk threads all over the opponent’s body is not a big deal.

And after Bud took the lead in the attack, the object he attacked was of course the Main who had been “humiliated” before, but this time Main was not the only one, and he was already wearing the imperial armor “Evil Ghost-ridden Operation Armor”. “Tazmi, the cooperation between the two is even more tacit. In addition, today’s Tazmi and Tazmi who were on the dragon ship are completely different from each other, and their strength is not much worse than the original Brand. For a while, Bud was even restrained.

Originally, NightRaid lost three combat powers at once, and all of them fell into the wind, which immediately increased the power of the empire, but at this moment, Barbara suddenly broke out. The murderous intent made Budd look at and guarded while fighting, and Barbara took the initiative to fight with Esther. It was Ace who made everyone stunned by Kagami. Des actually fell into a disadvantage for a while.

Of course, in addition to Barbara, Susano’s bio-type Teigu also stopped Champ and Kosmia with an injury-for-injury style of fighting, and there was also a new arrival and Tazmi on the side. The assistance of Chelsea, who gave God Gu, immediately made Champ and Kosmia passive, but fortunately, the power of both Tegu was quite extraordinary and nothing happened for a while.

(Note: The Chelsea in this book is strictly trained by Barbara. Although the strength is not high, the speed is first-rate)

And the most surprising thing was Chitong, Chitong and Leo Nai were confronted with Izang and Dotya.

Yi Zang, who claims to be the strongest guy in WildHunt, is worthy of the name, but he is too arrogant and blind, so it has caused irreparable consequences!

“Is that the rain of Digu Village? It is so fascinating and beautiful as the legend, but my Jiang Xue is the most shining! Now, I will prove it to you! Ah, look, the unique blood of Night Raid The smell makes my Jiang Xue already jike intolerable, kill!”

I saw Izang standing indifferently on the opposite side of the red pupil, although he was chattering endlessly, but in fact he was accumulating his own energy to prepare himself to achieve the best fighting condition so that he could kill with one blow!

“Fill you!”

But Chitong’s answer was simple and direct, and the feeling that Chitong gave Yizang changed before the voice fell. From the “full of flaws” just now, it seemed as if he had changed in a blink of an eye, what the whole person radiated. The fierce humiliation and murderous intent caused Izang’s long-term unwavering heart to stir a ripple.

“call out…”


Suddenly, I saw a black light flashing by, but the last memory of Yizang stayed in the indifferent eyes of those red pupils. After that, the whole person felt like he was flying without even speaking his last words. Then his eyes turned, but he saw a headless corpse standing upright on the spot, blood surging like a fountain, he only had time to think,’How can the corpse’s clothes seem to be me?’ and he lost consciousness!

The instantaneous eruption of the red pupil directly killed Izang and immediately changed the complexion of other WildHunt members nearby. They gave up their opponents and gathered together and looked at the indifferent Crimson pupil with a terrified expression!

The current Chitong is the real Chitong, the infamous super assassin who kills without blinking an eye!

“How, how is it possible! Yizang this idiot!”

In the tug-of-war with Lubbock, although Sheila also suppressed the opponent, he couldn’t take the opponent instantly, but it was too late to get out now, Lubbock was enough to hold him!

However, the effect caused by the red pupil’s second killing of Izang is a chain reaction. She also broke the original delicate balance in this instant, and flashed directly in the direction of Leo Nai and Dottya without any hesitation, because She has discovered that Leo Nai is not the opponent’s opponent at all in strength. Although the opponent obviously does not have much combat experience, the woman is still an alchemist, and there are at least six modified dangerous species beside her. , Even though Leo Nai’s resistance level is okay for a while, Aka Hitomi still chooses to support her first. After all, the nearest side of the battle is Susano, and Susano is the basic biological type Tegu. Will not be afraid of the trauma the other party will cause him!(Read more @

The following series of changes were unexpected to everyone except Yuzan, who clearly knew the strength of the red pupil, but at this time, it was useless to say anything. With the addition of the red pupil, Dottya has something special about her. The help of the transformed dangerous species is also precarious… As for the others, even if they want to support for a while, they will not be separated. Only Esters is completely released at this time and will not support at all. Dotya seems to be a mortal situation!

In the box, Ornest’s face was completely gloomy. He was still saying that his son Sheila was very good and had a good eye. But now, it is his son who is not even one round. When the time came, he was killed in a flash. Although the red pupil was notoriously bad, Sheila had repeatedly promised to himself that it was a big flower, and Ornest found that some people in the box even couldn’t help but couldn’t help but laugh. , Let him lose face!

“Sheila, this trash, it seems that I’m still too soft-hearted!”

Ornest had already put Shela on a big cross in her heart, completely negating Sheila, even if Sheila completed the task this time, Sheila would still be regarded as an abandoned child by Ornest… …

Thinking of this, Ornest no longer behaved like the “winner in hand” as before. He immediately clapped his hands and ordered behind him:

“Sheila, this trash has already failed, I guess you won’t let me down again!”

“Yes! Your lord!”


In this box, apart from the protection of Jaegers, Yuzan only brought Yuuki and Nahasiu, Ornest also brought four figures covered in black robes.

At this moment Ornest spoke to the four people behind him.

After receiving Ornest’s instructions, the four immediately answered in unison, and all disappeared into the room in the blink of an eye…

“The old fox, Ornest, doesn’t even believe in his only son! But that’s right. With his character, it’s impossible to believe anyone but himself! This guy has other than these four people. There are still six lurking in the dark. It seems that he is also prepared for me, but fortunately no one knows that my strength has broken through, but now I can’t expose too much, otherwise it will definitely let the other three old guys. Doubtful!

And he didn’t expect Tazmi’s strength to get such an increase. According to the words of “Xingchen” just now, he seemed to have gotten his luck at that moment. Unexpectedly, this luck was so magical! In addition, Dotya is a talent, obviously the vitality is very young and strong in my perception, but its soul… It seems that she has also researched some incredible things, which are actually similar to my original forbidden technique. The same tricks but the same work…”

A series of Ornest’s actions, Yuzan did not stop, and did not even care too much. His gaze at this time was to look at Tazmi, who was fighting against Bud but not going down for the time being, and facing Chi. Hitomi and Leo Nai’s double-fighting relied on Dotya, who was struggling to resist the special danger, and the light in his eyes flashed…

In the arena, after getting familiar with Dottya’s fighting style and understanding some of her details, Leonai immediately turned from passive to active. If it were not for the support of those dangerous species, I am afraid that Dottya would do this. Time is not far away, but with the addition of Crimson Eyes, Dotya is even more precarious. Seeing his own special dangerous species fall one by one under Crimson’s’butcher knife’, Dotya. A hint of fear also appeared on the originally pretty face.

The situation on the battlefield may change unexpectedly at every moment. Just like now, Dotheya had the upper hand in the previous moment, but now, perhaps because of the addition of the red pupil, not only Dotheya has fear, but other The morale of the people in Night Raid also rose even more because of the red pupils.

“Fill you!”

“call out…”

The red pupil also instantly caught Duotea’s fear in his heart that caused the whole person to’panic’ during the battle. A flaw appeared in front of Duotea’s eyes. The imperial tool in his hand “One cut kills Mura Yu” The tip of Dotya’s blade was constantly enlarged in Dotya’s eyes, and the panic and fear in her eyes also caused her pupils to dilate instantly, and the whole person trembled…


It’s too late to say, but even Dotya himself felt that he was about to meet death, and even after the extreme fear, there was a little regret in his heart. It was regrettable that his research had not been completed, but at this time, the whole sky Suddenly, there was a loud thunder, the sky full of thunder flashed, and several thunders vented like they had seen something unforgivable!

The ground in the entire Colosseum was shrouded in this endless thunder, the earth was trembling, the sky was roaring, and the giants and nobles in the boxes of the Colosseum looked at the wonderful fight below and felt very much. It was very interesting, but at this time, everyone looked shocked or frightened, or at a loss, or began to flee out in a panic, or…

(Note: The Bud’s strength here is stronger than that of the original, and the range that the Lei Di recruited is not just a part of the original Colosseum but the entire Colosseum, above)

“what happened?”

“Ah, so much Thunder, what is this…”

“Damn it, I didn’t expect that old guy would be so terrible after being provoked, but fortunately I have “Dimensional Square Shangri-La”!”

“Have you angered Bud?”

Many of the fighting parties in the field were also shocked by the roaring thunder in the sky, and they stopped fighting each other to save their lives by their own means!

And the reason why Budd was like this was because of Tazmi. He had been’lost in face’ because of Ma’in before, which made him extremely angry, but now, the one who was captured alive by Asides’ subordinates (Except for Esdes, Liva and Niu, no outsider knows that Yuzan was the one who captured Tazmi alive.) Tazmi’s explosive strength made him unable to beat the other at once, and even the two of them had a tacit understanding. In cooperation with him, he was once again shot twice by Main and punched by Tazmi!

This immediately made the “arrogant” Bud feel a shame, so the already furious Bud had no scruples, and did not hesitate to release the thunder and lightning stored in the Teigu to communicate the sky and nature. The thunder in the natural world called the name. For the large-scale trick of the’Lei Di’s call’, Bud has almost lost his reason at this time. As long as these Night Raids die, he can no longer control so much as to whether he will accidentally hurt himself, and he treats him with the little emperor. The trust will not say much!

It’s just that Bud is still a little bit sane after all, knowing that the emperor will do it again, so he controlled the range of the thunder so that the thunder did not spread to the box area!

“You chaotic party, you have so much aspiration and strength, but it is a pity that you mistakenly voted into the camp of the rebels, you bastards! Go to death for me! Lei Di invites!”


As the thunder in the sky continued to roar, the location of the attack on the ground also increased exponentially. Finally, as if reaching a critical point, Bud’s body was flashing extremely dazzling electric lights, and his hair was even more lightning-struck. Excited and erected one after another, and after an angry shout, the Teigu on both arms also collided with each other…


Bud’s anger was like a signal. The countless thunders that had accumulated in the sky poured down like a catharsis. Suddenly, the entire Colosseum roared everywhere, and the huge scene of thunder pouring all over the sky. It shocked everyone even more. The dazzling light seemed to illuminate the clouded sky at this moment like day…


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