Chapter 853

“I…I’m sorry, everyone, this is my duty…I…”

Although Chi pupil replied very vaguely, and her eyes were full of guilt, after all, she came to Cornelia and the others.

The words and actions of Crimson Eye directly proved that Cornelia’s words were true, and Tazmi and the others immediately became angry. They glared at Crimson Eye and shouted:

“Crimson Eye, why! Didn’t you finally decide to follow BOOS because BOOS told you about the darkness and corruption of the empire? Is it all a scam? Did I just come to the capital to join NightRaid? Have you forgotten everything you told me!”

The “betrayal” of the red pupil is really an immeasurable blow to the people of NightRaid. Not to mention her powerful strength, just to say that since getting along with everyone in NightRaid, everyone has cultivated the feelings behind them, and regards the other side as each other. Like his own family, this is even less morale blow to everyone than Chi pupil’s blow in combat power!

“Hey, Chitong, can you tell me why you did this? I remember the first time I met you and after lobbying you, your eyes were really moved by me, and I know Chitong You, you are not even a “two-faced three-swordsman”…”

With a light sigh, Najiexitan saw Chitong silently face the questions of Tazmi and the others, but her expression had already betrayed her, but things have reached this point, even if Chitong turns around now, everyone will be in their hearts. There is a pimple, and she really wants to know what caused the red pupil to make this choice!

“Najetta, I’m sorry, I was indeed arranged by His Highness! In fact, after you convinced me, some of our actions were already known to His Highness. Then… I think His Highness is right. I am worthy of my conscience, but at the same time I can’t listen to the one-sided words, so I chose to believe in the words of His Highness, and use my heart to look at the world, this empire, and even the revolutionary army!

But unfortunately, after I followed you into the revolutionary army, although the revolutionary army did appear to be completely different from the empire in many aspects, but more, it was…if it wasn’t for my deliberate observation…so Na Jetta, I hope you can understand me! ”

Taking a deep breath, Chi Tong knew that he could no longer escape at this time, and raised his head to look at each other with Na Jie Xitan and calmly replied.

“Unexpectedly, this is the reason. The regent is really a good method! But I am also convinced! Yes, as you said, the revolutionary army also has many problems at the same time. Some of these things are only vaguely vague. I know, originally I was thinking that if a new empire can be established, it will not be too late… Forget it, Akita, I can’t judge your choice, but I still respect your choice! Susano! The soul of evil appears! ”

With this soft drink of Najiexitan, Susano Man’s body suddenly appeared a layer of light, the whole body of the’person’ changed greatly, and his hair became white, and a simple style suddenly flew out from the body. The disc was suspended behind, and the aura of the whole body changed drastically, causing the complexions of Cornelia and others to change slightly!

“let’s go!”(Read more @

Seeing that Susano completed his’transformation’ in the blink of an eye, Najie Kitan, who was extremely sensible, calmly ordered the others.

However, just then another variable appeared.


There was a loud and resounding sound like a horse’s neigh, and a terrifying aura instantly enveloped the entire Colosseum, and with the emergence of this sudden pressure, I saw that the dangerous species that was ready to take off at any time suddenly Creeping on the ground shivering, and constantly whispering in his mouth, looking like that is obviously begging for mercy!

“What’s going on! This…”

It was the first time even Najiexitan saw such a situation, but immediately afterwards, a black spot on the sky not far away allowed her to see the source of all this!

I saw a black, purple eyes full of gloomy breath, a crystal clear white unicorn on the top of the head looked so special, from the back of the head to the back of the horse’s mane to white, forming with the black body The sharp contrast makes it even more chic, elegant and noble.

“What is this! My dangerous species is level 6, is it a super dangerous species!?”

Regarding this horse that seems to be no different from a horse but has an additional one-horned creature that she does not know, Na Jie Xitan actually has an instinctive fear of the breath of the other party, and this fear is even more than that of the year. She faced the pressure that Esthers put on her!

“Hey! Midnight is finally here, hehe, you don’t know the goods, this is our Highness’s mount, the king-level dangerous species, the Nether Unicorn King!”

Seeing the dramatic changes in the faces of the people on NightRaid, the ghost-like Chikushi deliberately’intimidated’.

That’s right, it was the unicorn at midnight, but today, more than ten years later, after it followed Yuzan and Yuzan got the “star”, its strength has undergone a qualitative change, and it has made a breakthrough in one fell swoop. The bottleneck from level 9 to level 10 has become a veritable king-level dangerous species!

“Boom! Boom! Boom!”

“call out…”

“call out…”

But at the moment of midnight, before the people of NightRaid had any other reaction, they saw that the box where the little emperor was located suddenly made a huge roar, and then suddenly several figures flew out of the box. !

“Guy, Green, Pony, you quickly leave here with Your Majesty and Lord Ornest, Nahasiu will be resisted by me!”

“Crimson Eye, Barbara, Chelsea, stop them, Cole and Tsukushi, you guys will solve the Night Raid soon and support the Red Eye!”

Immediately after these figures appeared, three of them took Ornest and the little emperor and quickly fled outside the Colosseum after receiving orders!

At the same time, Yuzan’s voice also sounded, and the red pupils were still hesitating, and when everyone in NightRaid was also uncertain, Barbara and Chelsea were chasing in the direction of Guy, Green, Pony and others at the same time Go, and Chitong hesitated slightly for a moment and also chased him up!


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