Chapter 855

In the sky, the battle between Yuzan and the two Huangquan Temple monks fought several times in an instant. The speed dazzled everyone below, and even the time for Yuzan’s “Space Frozen” to be displayed only passed for less than a moment. effort.

And what happened in this moment is that the entire Colosseum, whether it is still hiding in the box,’shivering,’ looking at the sky in fear, the many high-level empires fighting in the sky, or the people who fought in a group below, are all facing the sky. In that moment, the pressure that appeared and then was frozen was shocked and shocked!

Especially for the people of NightRaid, the previous betrayal of Chitong has already broken everyone’s hearts. Now although Barbara and Chelsea’s actions are not as severe as the previous blows by Chitong, they are also uncomfortable. They really want to It’s not clear that even the two newcomers are Yuzan’s, and Najie Xitan even wondered if the two were sent by the Revolutionary Army headquarters, so if there are more in the headquarters… She can’t imagine it anymore…

“Rebels, prosecutors and thieves, you all must die! Ah ah ah ah ah!!!”

In the time that Yuzan played against the two monks, it was Bude who was the most hit.

He has always been brooding about his father’s death. Although he didn’t know the truth of the year, and the people who knew Qingren was not Yuzan or Ornest’s, he would not tell him even if he knew it, but he was early There is a feeling that his father died at the hands of Yuzan, but there is no evidence and the temporary empire needs to be stabilized, and he is not completely sure that he can kill Yuzan, who has many protections from Yuuki and other masters!

But now, even though the battle in the upper air was caused by the’freezing of space’ in a moment, the people below could no longer feel the leaked breath and pressure from the upper air, but only from the slightest breath that he exudes before. I was able to completely confirm my conjecture, that his father died because of Yuzan, and it is even possible that Yuzan at the time made the shot himself! After all, as a general, he also knows the legend of the 10th-level strong…

There are two main reasons for his anger, one is because of Yuuki’s obstruction, the other is grief, grief that he does not have that strength, even if he stands in front of Yuzan, he has almost no hope of revenge…

But even though he exploded into a stronger aura because of his anger, he didn’t gain much advantage in the battle with Yuuki. On the contrary, there was a feeling of exhaustion, but he didn’t know it was all. Because Yuzan’s’space freeze’ caused his Emperor to lose contact with the natural thunder of the sky.

Although this trick is used to show that everyone except Yuzan himself can no longer communicate with’nature’ (this natural energy is similar to the chakra of the Naruto world), Yuzan has long been aware of his own strength and their respective imperial equipment. Some detailed understanding, although doing so will cause some restrictions on one’s side, but more restrict the enemy…

(Note: Bud’s imperial equipment is more of the thunder that communicates the nature of the world, while Admiral’s own storage of thunder and lightning is limited. As for the emperor’s equipment like Esthers, it also relies more on its own energy. All are set in this book, above)

Ornest’s side.

At the moment when Yuzan and the two monks were in the box, Gozzi and the others in the box escorted Ornest and the little emperor and escaped, but they were also chased by Naha Xiliwa. Stopped by both of them!

Originally, Gozzi wanted to stop the three of them by one person. After all, he wanted to come, no matter how talented Nahasiu was, he would not be higher than Yuuki. How long hasn’t he seen since he knew him should be able to stop the three of them, this It is also his confidence in his own strength.

But at the moment of the fight, he had already noticed that Nahasiu’s own strength was not worse than him or even stronger than him. In addition, the opponent still has the emperor, which made him immediately feel tricky. At this time, he heard the order of Yuzan. Crimson Eye, Barbara and Chelsea also surrounded them, and Liva and Niu immediately stopped Guy, Green and Pony, and they were in danger at any time!

“Damn it, I didn’t expect that guy not only had his own strength so much stronger than before, but also his group of subordinates… What’s even more annoying is that with such a strong strength and influence, he even set up such a round. There is no way, just The last hole card can be used!”

Looking at the situation in the court from left to right, Ornest also had a little cold sweat on his forehead. When everyone was fighting together, he decisively took out a pattern with a beautifully carved pattern from his pocket. Zhang Yu stabbed towards the little emperor with a grim face!


“Ahhhhhhh! Teacher, what are you doing! Why, why…”

The severe pain made the originally frightened little emperor look at the hideous Ornest with doubt and fear at this time.

He really couldn’t understand why Ornest would attack himself at this juncture, even if Ornest wanted to usurp the throne, shouldn’t it wait until they worked together to solve Yuzan?

The little emperor’s hissing from pain immediately caused the originally ‘noisy’ Colosseum to fall into a brief silence, and everyone looked at the ‘crazy’ Ornest in puzzlement.

“Bastard! Ornest, do you know what you are doing! I promise not to take a break with you! Puff…”

The painful cry of the little emperor immediately distracted Bud from a little bit, and it was precisely because of such a moment that Yuuki seized a flaw that caused Bud to suffer a heavy blow…

“Esdes, quickly solve the four ants, go to kill Ornest, and come back at midnight!”

At this moment, Yuzan’s voice was heard from the three fighting figures in the sky.


Even the two monks from the Huangquan Temple of the other side came out at midnight and did not cope with Yuzan after the battle with Yuzan. Its function was used by Yuzan to defend against the first emperor of the ‘highest emperor’.

And after receiving Yuzan’s order, it also screamed and immediately appeared in front of Ornest like a gust of wind, and its two rear hooves landed and the front hooves leaped high and kicked directly towards Ornest…

But in the face of all this, how can Ornest have the speed of midnight, and even if he can dodge a blow, he will never be able to dodge the second blow, so he seems to be a bachelor, no matter what. ‘Pray’ up!

“Great master! Please the most loyal servant, Ornest Green, summon you here… wake up, founder of the great empire, my great master!”

And just as the eyes of midnight’s hooves were about to hit Ornest, the beautifully patterned coat of arms in Ornest’s hand issued a dazzling red glow, and resisted the attack of midnight!

Seeing that the blood flowing out of the little emperor was like the’summoning’ launched by the 99th-generation emperor Anthony when he was forced by Yuzan to have nowhere to go. The pattern of the spell summoned by the blood appeared, and Ornest suddenly fell to his knees. His expression became fanatical and respectful before the spell formed by that blood.

“Om! Om! Om!”

As the spell pattern formed by the blood of the little emperor and the prayers of Ornest suddenly emitted a dazzling red glow, gradually, everyone present felt an extremely powerful aura emanating from it. The sudden breath instantly made the expressions of the people who were still unknown for the first time cautious, because everyone felt that the breath was the three people who were still fighting in the sky and the one who attacked Ornest. Only the same kind of danger exists…

“Ornest? I remember you, you are the spokesperson I chose!”

A low voice suddenly uttered from the altar formed by the charm pattern.

This is a voice full of domineering, even though the voice seems to be in a state of haunting and just waking up to others…

When the red light gradually dissipated, an old man wearing the emperor’s dragon robe costume appeared in the’altar’. This old man with sword eyebrows, star eyes, national character face, and a knife-like face appeared masculine, and his whole body was completely masculine. The aura that exudes is even more domineering. It is the founder of the empire who fought Yuzan in the’Coup D’atéra’ and made himself the first emperor…

Because Ornest was given a special coat of arms, the time to’summon’ the first emperor this time was much shorter than the last time. Although there are still some doubts, I took a look at the environment at this time. After the situation, Emperor Shi also immediately understood the reason why Ornest had summoned himself!(Read more @

“Junior! It turned out to be you again. I had already compromised with you back then. I didn’t expect you to be so insatiable! Give me death!”

With an angry shout, the first emperor was about to fly towards the sky to join the trio of Yuzan and others.

He had already seen that each of the three in the sky was a level 10 powerhouse, and the one besieged by the two was his own’descendant’ who had fought with him that year.

For Yuzan, the “descendant”, the first emperor is still fresh in his memory. He is clearly the “son” of the 99th emperor, but he can’t figure out why Yuzan can have such strength at that age. This makes him feel good about Yuzan. I was so afraid that I thought it was a confidant!

Now seeing that his confidant is actually fighting two masters of the same level, he is amazed at the growth of each other, and on the other hand, he has increased his determination to get rid of this confidant, so he did not hesitate to do it. Want to join the battle!


But suddenly, there was a breaking sound beside him, immediately alerting him.

He clearly felt that the sneak attack on him made him feel threatened, which made him feel a little puzzled, who hadn’t observed the situation carefully, could it be that there is still a level 10 powerhouse who has not taken action?


Subconsciously drew out the long sword in his hand and slashed it in the direction of the sound of breaking air from his side. Suddenly, a sound of metal collision sounded, and the First Emperor was knocked out!

It was midnight when the previous blow was fruitless.

The reason why the coat of arms that Ornest took out was able to withstand the midnight blow because the coat of arms was not only a hub that could speed up the summoning of the first emperor, but also an alchemy item, which had been stored by the first emperor for many years. The energy in it, plus the spell pattern when Ornest summoned the first emperor, was the emperor’s own energy burst, which resisted the midnight blow!

After knocking down the First Emperor, at midnight, he took the lead and directly bullied himself and flew towards the First Emperor. This time, after it launched an attack, its four hooves also burned with a deep blue icy cold. A black ball of light on the horn on the head of “Flame” quickly took shape…

“Shi, Emperor Shi! How could this be, how could anyone be able to…”

The first emperor’s appearance was unexpected by everyone, but Najie Xitan was the one who was hit the most. She never thought that the empire still had such a trump card. If it weren’t for today’s internal conflict in the empire, if it were to enter the capital today. The words of their revolutionary army…

Although she did not know how strong the first emperor was, it was obvious from the records of the previous empire and the aura he radiated from those who fought in the sky. If the person shoots at ordinary people, the consequences are simply unimaginable…

“It’s a lie, then, that guy called him the first emperor… Didn’t BOOS say that the first emperor of the empire was dead a long time ago? Is it possible for humans to… then Shayou and Iyeas…”

Everyone in Night Raid was also shocked by the appearance of the First Emperor, but Tazmi’s eyes were something different…

Regardless of whether it is Najiexitan or the others in NightRaid, they are distracted because they are temporarily unable to participate in the battle, and they are also unable to escape. Although no one cares about them now, their dangerous species is completely due to midnight. There is no way to act, and the only one among them who can fight is Susano, who is already in the state of’disappearance of evil spirits’, but he also has to face Cornelia and Chikushi!

“Are you really the son of the old fellow Ornest? You are so much worse than the old fellow!”

Taeko’s speed is not what humans can represent in Sheila’s eyes. His speed is completely like a ghost, and it is impossible to guard against.

After Taeko stopped Sheila and Dotya before, Sheila also thought that her strength was not bad, and his Teigu’s characteristics were not good enough for attack, but if he could save his life!

But after the fight, he will have trouble talking. The opponent’s speed is too fast, and the attack power is even stronger. He has nothing to do with the opponent at all. In this situation, he does not dare to move too much with the emperor. Far away, if you move to other battlefields, others will not care about yourself! And if he wants to escape, the time required for his Emperor is at least two seconds, but these two seconds are as close to the end of the world as there is no chance in the seemingly beautiful girl!


There are two more wounds on the body, and Sheila has at least dozens of bloody wounds all over her body. He only feels that his blood is about to be discharged. At this time, Sheila even I can’t stand up anymore!

“Your name is Dotya, right? His Highness transmitted to me before, saying that he was very interested in your alchemy and some research. Now tell me your choice!”

Seeing that Sheila became weaker and weaker, Taeko also cut off Sheila’s hands and recovered “Dimensional Square Shangri-La” before turning her gaze to Dotya, who had not attacked herself before!

Taeko understands Dotya’s thoughts. She and Sheila and others are just using each other, and there is no such thing as a companion. If Sheila has the upper hand, then they certainly don’t mind helping Sheila. Now Sheila and even his father are looking to… Then naturally the trees are scattered…

“Bah… Bah… Bah…”

A series of metal collision sounds sounded.

This is the battlefield of Yuuki and Bude.

At this time, the battle between Yuuki and Bude has entered the most critical stage!

Earlier, Ornest was hit by Yuuki because Ornest’s sudden attack on the little emperor distracted Bud. His body was already seriously overloaded. Now Bud relies on his last breath. Loyal obsession is maintaining the battle!

And until the first emperor appeared, Bude did not understand why Ornest would attack the little emperor. At this moment, he even had the illusion that Ornest was a “loyal minister”, which also made his angry heart gradually. Calm down, and in the battle with Yuuki, there is no such madness as before!

“You followed the rebels and the rebels in the rebellion, even if you are crushed today, I will make you pay the price!”

With an angry shout, Bude once again blocked the long sword in Yuuki’s hand, and in a flash, he suddenly released all the remaining lightning in the Emperor’s “Thor Wrath Admiral” and burst out!


Although his own strength is not even as good as that of Albert, and after Yuzan has frozen the space where the imperial capital is located, he can no longer communicate with the thunder between heaven and earth, but at this time he is even consuming the imperial equipment regardless of the cost. Under the premise of breaking out, his power greatly increased.

The whole body was once again bathed in a layer of dazzling thunder, the’tempest’ thunder and lightning escaped, forming a huge magnetic field in a certain area of ​​Bud’s body, and the thunder constantly bombarded the ground next to him unconsciously. Bud’s whole body gradually got off the ground and flew slowly in the air!

Looking at Bude like this, Yuuki’s expression became more cautious for the first time. Judging from Bude’s power and power, Yuuki already felt that the counterattack was still very threatening!

Although with Yuuki’s speed and her strength, there are many ways to dodge the opponent’s attack, but Yuuki’s eyes turned to the figure still fighting in the sky and she said to herself for the first time in her heart. At any price, you have to resist or even defeat the opponent head-on. If even such an opponent can’t be defeated head-on, then negotiate to help the person in your heart!


As if he was stimulated by Bud, although he was not as desperate as Bud, Yuuki’s body suddenly showed a very dazzling golden flame, and the whole body was wrapped in it, and it looked like Like a goddess bathed in golden flames!

Bud’s aura and the energy he can control have risen to the extremes he can control. He knows that if he doesn’t activate at this time, he won’t be attacked by the other party and he will be bombarded by this violent energy!

“Drink! Drink! Drink!”

Following Bud’s anger, I saw his hands raised towards Yuukihira, and the metal barrel of Teigu’s “Thor Rage Admiral” placed on Bud’s arms also shone dazzlingly. .

At this time, Bud’s skin was constantly cracking, and the blood ran through his muscles, and the whole person became a bloody person like a bath of blood. It can be seen how much pain he has endured before.

But Bud was ready to launch a unique move when he saw Yuuki. The energy he had originally prepared for the opponent to raid his own defense at speed was also invested in this attack.

“Prosecutors and thief, die to me! SolidShooter!!!”

Bud’s anger did not affect Yuuki in the slightest, and she snorted disdainfully. After all, she had seen Albert use the same trick that Bud used now, and it was more powerful than it is now. There is more than one thing to be stronger…

“Huh, it’s up to you? You’re still too far away!”

“call out…”

The compression thunder released by Bude from his body and Teikoku gathered more and more, and formed a spherical lightning shape with a diameter of one meter, but Yuzan could feel that this appearance looked like nothing but a ball. There is only a ball of lightning with a diameter of one meter, but in fact thousands of thunders have gathered inside. This is the last energy that he spurred by the cost of losing the Emperor’s “Thunder God of Wrath, Admiral”…

Under Bude’s gaze, the violent ball lightning flew towards Yuuki at a fast speed, even as fast as those in the sky!

The ball of lightning was extremely fast, and it reached Yuuki’s body in the blink of an eye. The violent thunder and the purple electric glow all exuded an aura of destruction, but Yuuki’s complexion was extremely calm, even his eyes. She didn’t even blink, but the depths of her eyes also revealed a touch of madness.

“day by day!!!”

With a soft drink, the long sword in Yuuki’s hands had already turned into a pool of molten iron after so many golden flames appeared all over her, but Yuuki’s hands appeared to be burning in vain. Jin Yan’s energy two-handed long sword! When the violent thunderball is about to attack her, directly pick it up!

The scorching breath instantly heated up the area where the two of them were, and the surrounding air was also emitting a billowing heat wave, and after the long sword in Yuuki’s hand was picked out, the space that had been frozen was even There was a faint crack in the sky…


A huge explosion sounded along with a small mushroom cloud, and Bud in the sky had disappeared at this time, and only the imperial tools scattered on the ground that had not completely melted away were left: “Thunder God Wrath Adel Miller” …


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