Chapter 862

“General Clay, there are too many rebels. Although we have repelled them several times, the other side obviously did not do their best. Even if they came in haste without many siege equipment, we do not have much chance of winning. , Even with the thick walls of the inner city, we can only hold on for less than three days at most! And this is still on the premise that the opponent cherishes the lives of his soldiers, if the opponent’s commander attacks regardless of the cost and loss, I’m afraid… …”

Listening to the report at hand, the inner city defender Clay, who is Bud’s confidant, frowned and remained silent.

After pondering for a while, he slowly asked:

“There is no way, now it is a few more days to defend, since the regent has been launched, then his character will never give up! We now have no other way but to stand by and wait for reinforcements to capture the king! What happened to the Colosseum?”

Regarding the fact that the rebels could enter the imperial capital without knowing it, they were even “lied” to open the gates of the city and let the entire outer city fall. This allowed the soldiers from the bottom to climb all the way to their current position. Clay is very incompetent in the atmosphere!

But the enemy’s arrival was too sudden, and the Western Army, as a frontier army, fought with foreign nations in the West for many years, its combat effectiveness should not be underestimated, even though their Central Army is known as the head of the four major corps, whether it is equipment or Personnel, but the soldiers of the Central Army have been away from the front line for many years after all, and years of easy life have made them lose the courage to dare to work hard…

Especially in a situation where the number of the opponent is far more than several times that of the one’s own.

If it weren’t for the effective command of Kray and Bud’s cronies, I’m afraid that the city gates have already fallen, but looking at the opponent’s momentum, this inner city can’t be guarded for long!

Therefore, when he found that the situation was becoming more and more pessimistic, Clay ordered the man to go to the Colosseum in the first place, hoping to catch Yuzan to threaten the rebels to retreat, but the man sent back to report that the whole The Colosseum is shrouded in a powerful enchantment. If you want to defeat it with brute force from the outside, the cost is not small. It is not worth the loss of time and personnel to waste here!

In desperation, Clay had to order the defenders of the inner city and the imperial city and Miyagi, the scattered guards and the imperial forest army to join the defense!

But Kray was a bit wrong. The entire empire knew that the Imperial Forest Army was controlled by Yuzan and only a small number of people. Kray was obviously not among them, and almost everyone who knew had fallen into the Colosseum. As for the other nobles who have taken refuge in Yuzan, it is impossible for them to tell this situation. They are still waiting for the army from the outer city to enter the inner city, the imperial city and even the Miyagi so that they can all be attached to the power of the dragon… …

“We have sent out the information that the imperial capital was attacked. As for the other armies in the inner city, they are all ready to join the ranks of defending the city. As for the Colosseum…”

“Boom! Boom! Boom!”


The adjutant’s report had not yet been answered, and suddenly there were a few loud noises from below the tower, and then everyone in the tower felt a wave of shaking, and the entire city wall was shaken three times!

“what happened!!”(Read more @

“Could it be that the other party has attacked the city again?”

“Didn’t it mean that the other party has no siege equipment at all! There is no armament depot in the outer city either!”

Everyone is very puzzled and surprised, if the other party really finds the siege equipment, then the fate of these people…

“Report!!! The Imperial Forest Army has rebelled. They are in a group with the rebels, and they are now robbing the city gate…”

At this moment, I saw a soldier with blood on his head stumbled in and passed out unconscious when he said that he was a complete individual…

“Yulin Army! Damn it, I didn’t think that the Yulin Army was also a rebel. Come here, give me a quick time to put down the rebellion!”

“Boom! Boom! Boom!”

Clay was stunned, but his order had not yet been issued, and the entire city wall once again made a few huge roars, as well as the roar of wild beasts!

Downstairs, where the Imperial Forest Army is!

Although the number is small and the fighting power is not as strong as the Imperial Guards guarding the imperial city and Miyagi, the imperial guards, as the imperial “guard of honor”, have always served as the face of the imperial family. Therefore, their equipment is not as powerful as the imperial guards. Not inferior to the Imperial City Guards, and even in some places their treatment is better than the other side!

Now, it is exactly this kind of army that has always been laughed at as inadequate, but it is the first time to show their fangs. Under the gate of the inner city, it confronts multiple enemies that are more than theirs and unfolds tragically. The fight!


“Kill me, the regent has an order, whoever seizes the city gate shall serve as the first meritorious service, reward money, be promoted to the third rank, and be crowned!”

A sword cut off a soldier of the Central Legion who attacked him. Douglas was bathed in blood, and shouted and promised to the soldiers of the Imperial Forest behind him!

Yes, it was Douglas, the former commander of the Imperial City Guards, who followed Carl’s footsteps on the day of the coup and finally failed and surrendered to Yuzan. He also accompanied Yuzan to the imperial capital and took Yuzan’s orders secretly. Take over the Imperial Forest Army…

Under the heavy reward, there must be a brave man. As expected, as Douglas shouted out a series of generous rewards, the morale of many soldiers of the Imperial Forest Army became even stronger!

They knew that although the number of their enemies was a multiple of theirs at this time, as long as the city gates were opened, hundreds of thousands of Western Legion troops in the outer city would be able to enter the city. At that time, they would be rewarded with the merits of their own and others from the dragon. But I can let my family and descendants be Fukuzawa for a lifetime…

Especially Douglas called out the title this time, there is still a title!

In this era, in this empire, becoming a noble is not a simple matter. Even if it is only the lowest lord among the nobles, the status in society is completely different. Although the lord cannot be hereditary, he can still Let yourself be glorious!

“Douglas! It turned out to be you old fellow! Die to me!”

At this time, an angry shout resounded through this area, and Clay’s eyes flashed with angry flames coming out of the tower and saw that it was Douglas who took the lead!

He also knew each other. After all, Douglas was what people like him needed to look up to, and it was just after the coup day that he was raised step by step by Bud!

“Hey, Uncle Douglas, it seems you are in trouble! Then I won’t accompany you, leave the gate to me and my pets!”

Not far from Douglas, a bloodthirsty smile appeared on the black pupil’s face, sitting on top of the head of a huge super dangerous species and looking down on the entire battlefield…


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