Chapter 869


A huge boulder hit a depression in the city wall. The heavy impact made the city wall unable to hold on any longer. It collapsed suddenly, revealing a collapsed surface more than 30 meters wide and three meters high. Dozens of imperial soldiers guarding here He and three crossbows screamed and fell down the city, and a large amount of rubble poured out of the city instantly buried them.


At the same time, the imperial soldiers on the front of the city suddenly yelled, a black behemoth appeared in the fog, and the revolutionary army’s battering ram appeared. These six-meter-high and twelve-meter-long beasts were slowly moving towards The city wall came.

The siege ram, which is a giant siege weapon, has always been the main siege weapon for large-scale assaults. Not only does the empire possess technology, but also enemies have appeared in the war between the empire and the different races in previous years.

After a large number of former imperial high-ranking officials or giants, led by Warner, joined the Revolutionary Army, the Revolutionary Army is even catching up with the imperial level for this type of equipment!

This kind of battering ram has the disadvantage that it is not easy to carry, so it can only be made fresh. Fortunately, most of the terrain before Baoshui Pass is plain. Therefore, the battering ram made by the Revolutionary Army this time is not easy to carry due to the shortage of raw materials. The quality is just improvised!

This kind of siege ram is generally used to hit the city gate, but because this battle was originally unfavorable for the defender, Yuuki ordered someone to seal the city gate with a huge stone when the battle started. The siege of the city gate was too much It was a waste of time, so it didn’t make much sense. The revolutionary army switched to hitting the city wall, causing the wall to collapse, so that the army behind it could rush to the front of the city.

The dense boulder impact made the city bricks become loose, and if they were hit with a ram, the city wall would inevitably collapse.

Yuuki stared sternly at this huge battering ram. Although she had arranged a defensive strategy early and was waiting for the opportunity at that moment to appear, her heart was extremely anxious.

“These guys actually made a siege ram so soon, I hope the reinforcements will arrive soon, otherwise…”

The moat inside has dried up, and the revolutionary soldiers laid thick and wide planks on it, so that the huge battering ram could pass through the moat smoothly. Arrows on the city’s head were raining down, and more than a thousand revolutionary soldiers used huge shields to cover and push. The battering ram continued to advance and finally withstood the city wall, but the width of the moat to the city wall was only more than four meters, which made the huge body of the battering ram straddle the moat.

Yuuki stared at the behemoth closely, and when it completely crossed the moat, she gave the order.


Hundreds of rockets shot into the dry moat. In an instant, the moat fire was raging, the fire was raging, the flames rose, and the wooden planks laid on the moat were burnt. The huge battering ram plunged into the moat. When facing upward, it was stuck vertically in the ditch, the hammer body fell off, rolled aside, and was quickly engulfed by the fire.

It turned out that Yuuki ordered the soldiers to pour a large amount of gunpowder into the moat after the opponent’s first attack on the city was repelled. Therefore, the moat would only be a little bit after the rocket fired from the top of the city entered the moat. With.

“Ah ah ah ah ah!”(Read more @




More than 10,000 soldiers of the Revolutionary Army died and wounded countless, screaming and struggling in the fire, and finally being swallowed by the fire demon. The remaining thousands turned around and ran away, but forgot to defend, and were shot down by the arrows of the imperial soldiers.

“No retreat! Anyone who dares to retreat and kill without mercy! Give me an increased offensive force, the enemy has not much vitality! The first person to break into the water barrier will be promoted to the third level to reward the daughter!”

Seeing that a large number of soldiers on the front line were defeated and returned due to the fire, the soldiers in the back row had long been ordered by Warner, and immediately a middle-level officer took the lead in beheading several soldiers who had returned and shouted!

Everyone, especially the soldiers who retreated from the front line, died. They didn’t expect that they didn’t die under the sword of the enemy, but became the souls of their own people! The other soldiers in the war supervising the war also tried to kill them in order to stop the frontline’s decline!

In the flames of the sky, the fog gradually dissipated, but the two hundred trebuchets of the Revolutionary Army did not retreat from the battlefield while the fog dissipated. Instead, they continued to attack fiercely!

As for the soldiers who retreated from the front line because the moat was ignited, they were cut and killed on the spot by the soldiers in the back row!

The sun dispelled the fog and the fire slowly faded. The charred corpse of the revolutionary soldier and the remains of the battering ram were trapped in the moat. There was a pungent smell with green smoke and a pungent smell. However, there was nothing at this time. People are going to take care of those. At this time, people’s shadows are everywhere in the city of Bangshuiguan fighting each other, and the corpses under the city are piled up like a mountain!

It turned out that this revolutionary army was relying on piles of corpses like a mountain, and let the army at the rear climb up the city wall on its own corpses!

“Kor, you guys attack! Remember, take your own life first! Esters, let’s go too, but please delay it for a while!”

Seeing more and more enemies at the head of the castle, Yuuki’s cold expression finally fluctuated, and she spoke to everyone around her.

In front of the revolutionary army camp.

Because the siege was so important to the revolutionary army, the commander-in-chief of Warner also came to the battlefield to supervise the battle!

This time, he couldn’t tolerate his carelessness. After all, if Boshuiguan was not captured before the reinforcements arrived, their hundreds of thousands of troops would be stuck here in a dilemma. They had already obtained the information, the land of the West and the land of the South. A large-scale enemy army has been found at the junction of the land, so be sure to conquer Baoshui Pass as quickly as possible and then break through the imperial capital in one go!

Although Warner’s expression was very serious, he finally showed a smile on his face after seeing more and more of his own troops attacking the city, and he was relieved.

“Everyone, at the moment Boshui Pass is about to break the city, please be sure to restrain your subordinates, and remember not to let them cause chaos. After all, this place is close to the imperial capital, and the power of the peaceful road to the east should not be underestimated, and as long as we break through There will be troops on Anning Road in Boshuiguan, and even if the empire has reinforcements, the troops will be dispersed due to the raising of troops on Anning Road. This is our opportunity. We must take the imperial capital at the first time!”

Seeing that victory was in sight, Warner also stated some of the regulations he had thought of in his heart. After all, he also knew the style of some people in the revolutionary army very well. He didn’t want to see the victory soon but because of a small loss…

“Don’t worry, Warner, we all understand that we definitely won’t ruin our great cause because of small things!”


“Woo… woo… woo…”

However, ‘Divine Will’ was unpredictable. Just as Warner and the others were talking about it, a trumpet resounding from the left side of the revolutionary army camp suddenly made everyone’s expressions change!


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