Chapter 873

After receiving a clear answer from the young monk, the yellow-robed monk sitting cross-legged suddenly fell into silence. The atmosphere in the cave was slightly depressed, and the other two elders did not speak but just watched quietly. A monk in a yellow robe.

Seeing the yellow robe monk was silent, the young monk looked a little uncomfortable and couldn’t help but speak:

“Uncle Master, this incident is not trivial! This is the first time for our Huangquan Temple in so many years, even when the initial emperor had not unified the East, the entire eastern war has never happened!”


Hearing the young monk’s opening, after a long silence, a long sigh spread from the yellow-robed monk.

“Unexpected, unimaginable! In fact, the ancestors of the ancestors had noticed this situation as early as a thousand years ago, but the actual situation at the time and too many other factors were mixed in, but the first emperor’s dominance of the East was unstoppable and helpless. The ancestors of the past will finally support Shi Huang! But in the end, he still let Shi Huang refine himself into the appearance of a human and a ghost. This is also a great fortune in misfortune!

But I don’t want the royal family to reappear after so many years…Even when we heard about the regent, we had already made countermeasures, but in order to preserve our own strength, we didn’t want to tear ourselves apart from each other and made the “Oberger” and the Holy See in vain… But I never thought it would turn out to be such a result!

Since the regent dared to disclose his strength and even killed both Yin and Zhen in public, then he must have the confidence to be able to deal with our Huangquan Temple! Ladies and gentlemen, we can’t wait for death in Huangquan Temple anymore! I propose to cooperate with ‘Oberg’ temporarily for the inheritance of my Huangquan Temple! ”


“It should be so!”

While the decision-making elders’ house in the Huangquan Temple conspired to deal with Yuzan and the empire, the imperial capital was equally uneasy.


“His Royal Highness, according to intelligence, the entire east is still a little restless, and even some coastal provinces are ready to move because of the menacing group of southerners at Pangshuiguan! In addition, the peaceful road in the eastern part of the imperial capital is also…”

Although Yuzan has gained actual control of the entire empire, he has not ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor. According to Yuzan’s words, his empire is not the half of the emperor, so even though Yuzan has moved into Miyagi. His subordinates still call him His Royal Highness.

At this time, bald Hughes, as Yuzan’s intelligence chief, was reporting to Yuzan.(Read more @

“How about Boshuiguan?”

Yuzan has also heard of Anning Dao, and he is not without vigilance about this organization that has developed in a “religious” model, but Yuzan also knows the severity of things and knows the situation in the current empire. The first thing to deal with is the revolutionary army, and the revolutionary army poses the greatest threat.

“Bangshuiguan is not a major problem now. Although the loss was quite large some time ago, it relied on the proper command of General Yuuki and General Esders and the arrival of General Goring’s reinforcements, and finally repelled the revolutionary army’s offensive. We are in a confrontation with the enemy, and according to the information returned from the front line, the revolutionary army should increase its offensive force in the near future and even spare no effort to deploy more troops from their rear…”

Hughes spoke after submitting a document.

“Well, I know, now that there is a deadlock on the front line of Boshuiguan, I can also start to implement the next step, let Fashion and Dotya come to see me!”

Three days later, in the east of the empire, the headquarters of Anning Road, Jelock City.

Jelock City is the first place where Anning Dao originated and the birthplace of the leader of Anning Daoism.

This city also has a great influence in the empire because of the rise of Anning Road.

Rather than saying that this city is still under the control of the empire, it is better to say that the whole city is completely peaceful.

In the city, not only the prefects, but also the civilians, almost everyone in the garrison stationed here is a believer in Anning Dao.

The southern part of Jelock City is the settlement of the city’s dignitaries.

And there is a large-scale manor in Nancheng. Although the owner of this manor is not an official person, he is also a noble figure in the entire city. He can rank in the front of the huge religious organization on Anning Road. The five powerful figures, Berlik, as the assistant to the Taoist master of Anning.

Since the rise of Anning Dao more than ten years ago, Berlick has always appeared in front of people as an assistant to the master of Anning Daoist. At the same time, because of the special status of Anning Dao in this city, he has also changed from a civilian who had nothing to today. Become a powerful figure in the entire city.

But recently, all the servants in the entire manor knew that their master was in a bad mood, and his face was gloomy all day long. Some of the servants made some minor mistakes and rarely beaten, scolded or even executed them.

This is because of the fear in his heart, a man of tranquility and power with infinite beauty and power.

Berlick was still a small man more than ten years ago, but he became a big man because of Anping Dao, but, unknown to outsiders, he was originally a spy of the imperial intelligence agency at the time, and he was instructed by his superior to join. With An Ning Dao, not only did he still have some talents and the operation of intelligence agencies, so that he could only reach today’s step by making steady progress in An Ning Dao over the years.

Only half a month ago, the sky in the entire empire changed. His master, Minister of State of the Empire, Ornest, and even the little emperor, were ousted from the power by the legendary regent. Now it is even more unknown. , This not only caused Berlik to lose contact with the liaison of the intelligence agency, but also hindered the original plan of “replace the Taoist leader of Anning” that Ornest had made for him. It is even possible that his life would be lost. Lick has been in a panic lately!

But today, Berlick is welcoming a guest he couldn’t imagine.

Inside the manor study.

“My lord, what you said is true? You can really…”

Berlik in the study looked excited, and asked with ecstasy as he looked at the young man sitting on the opposite side wearing a gorgeous monk robe.

“What’s my identity? What’s your identity? Would I deceive you for such a small person? Okay, you’d better arrange my meeting with the Taoist master of Anning as soon as possible. There are some things I need to talk to him face-to-face!”


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