Chapter 881

“Boom! Boom! Boom!”

A huge roar constantly resounded over the city of Jelock.

Various elements such as thunder, light, flame, and water flow alternately flashing in the sky…

Unlike the magnificent scene of the battle in the sky, although the battle on the ground does not have too many gorgeous scenes, it is not inferior to the great powers in the sky.

“First team, right side, second team, left side, hurry, go to support!”

“There is no need to deal with the city gate. Give me all the vital power to use the city head. The enemy has not prepared any siege equipment…”

“Let’s go straight ahead, give me back the team that is rushing in!”

“Quickly, brothers, stand it up for me. Our number is several times that of the enemy. They dare not consume it with us. We only need to wait for a few adults in the sky to defeat the evil regent, and then we will counterattack and merge. Save the suffering compatriots who are still living in the empire!”


Locke felt tired, very tired.

To be honest, Locke, a former general of the empire, still has his own merits and certain talents. He can reach today’s position besides being appreciated and promoted by Ornest. The grassroots came out one step at a time.

Although his position and power under Ornest were not big at the beginning, Ornest trusted him very much. This is not only related to his loyalty to Ornest, but also to himself. The ability has a lot to do.

Otherwise, with his qualifications, Ornest would not be able to arrange him in this position almost equivalent to Anning Road’s lair. His main purpose is actually not only to monitor Anning Road, but also to monitor the greedy Berlick.

Since the fall of Ornest, Locke was persuaded by Berlick and joined the camp of Anning Road and Huangquan Temple in order to protect himself, he has also given full play to his military talents and has dealt with everything. There is a way, and it has made him almost the first person in the military now in the entire Jelock city.

But today, Locke only feels that in addition to the unprecedented pressure, he is more tired.

Although it is said that there are half a million active forces in Jerlock City, the large number of people is actually a disadvantage in addition to an advantage in some cases. In addition to issues such as the deployment and coordination of personnel, the transmission of high-level orders also takes more time than the Imperial Army, and the quality of the individual soldiers on both sides is also more than that of the Central Army, which is known as the elite of the Empire. Not as good!(Read more @

The high-levels of Anning Road were overly conservative (waiting for Yuzan to be defeated by the four elders of the Huangquan Temple and counterattack) out of their vigilance and precaution against the empire, especially Yuzan. The strategy also made the advantage of Jerooc City disappear. Nothing exists under the long-term.

“General Douglas, now your Highness still needs some time, we’ll go first, and you will just do what you planned to do later!”

Below the city, the main army of the Central Legion is protected by many army regiments in the center. It is the actual commander of the Central Legion this time, the former imperial imperial city guards commander Douglas.

Although Yuzan’s name was Yuzan’s own conquest this time, the military affairs were actually handled by Douglas, who is now reinstated. As for Yuzan’s own words, he achieved his goal of using himself as a bait.

“Okay, I understand, leave it to me. It’s just that your Highness…”

Although Douglas knew Yuzan’s plan for a long time, he had seen Yuzan’s strength firsthand, especially on the day of the coup, Yuzan’s conviction for Yuzan after he successively defeated the two 10th-level powerhouses and the first emperor of the Emperor Fist Temple on the day of the coup. It reached the culmination, but this time Yuzan was no longer facing the unprepared Huangquan Temple, and also in terms of numbers…so the worry on his face could not be concealed.

A faint glance at Douglas beside him, and even after seeing the same worry in the eyes of other senior generals beside Douglas, Yuzan, as the person who trusts Yuzan the most and also believes in Yuzan the most, Yuuki speaks again. Road:

“General Douglas, what should not be asked and should not be known. I think you should not know it. You will know when your Highness wants you to know! You don’t need to worry about the strength of Your Highness at all. You will wait and see. Okay, that’s all, Esders, let’s go!”

“Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!”

The cooperation among the four elders of Huangquan Temple in the sky is incomparable!

The four besieged Yuzan in four directions.

“At midnight, I will clean up these four old guys from Huangquan Temple soon. The key to breaking through the city of Jelock lies on you!!”

Even though he was besieged by the four 10th-level powerhouses, Yuzan didn’t even change in the slightest, as if it was not the four 10th-level superpowers who surrounded him at this time, but the four who could be themselves at any time. It’s like a pinched ant.

But after a brief fight just now, the four major 10th-level powerhouses have also put away the original contempt for Yuzan, knowing that Yuzan’s strength is not in vain, and none of them is his. Opponents, if you want to defeat Yuzan, you can only rely on teamwork!

On the other hand, Yuzan himself had a vague understanding of the strength of the four powerhouses while the opponent couldn’t break his own defense for a long time, and then gave a command to midnight to prepare to carry out the original plan he had made before.

“Don’t think about it!”

“Yellow mouth boy, you are too presumptuous!”

“What are you doing with him so much talk, kill!”

“It should be so!”

Previously, Yuzan’s expression of not putting himself and others in his eyes had already made the four powerhouses extremely angry. At this time, hearing Yuzan’s words of such’big words and shamelessness’ made everyone feel furious, and the strength of the four men’s attacks was also unstoppable. It has increased a bit!

However, the plan that Yuzan made before was something that the four of Huangquanji didn’t think of. They never thought that someone could be so big when facing the four of them. Of course, although they also heard about it. More than half gods exist, but even if they reach their level at this time, they have never seen it before, and I can’t even think that Yuzan is not at level 10, but has broken through to the half god level!

Therefore, when the four people reflected that they wanted to stop it, it was already too late. I saw that midnight was arrogant and extremely human with a disdainful look at the four powerhouses of Huangquan Temple, and then fell down extremely fast. go with……


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