Chapter 883

“Ats! For some special reasons, the game ends here, do you have any last words?”

As Yuzan noticed the awakening of the other demigods on the mainland, Yuzan immediately decided to fight quickly and stop fighting with the four of Huangquan Temple. After all, Yuzan was aware of the breath of the other demigods at the same time. The approximate locations of the other demigods, so he knew very clearly that there were also demigods in the eastern part of the empire at this time.

Before knowing that the demigod who also exists in the empire is an enemy or a friend, Yuzan doesn’t want to have extra branches, so he must solve the four people in Huangquan Temple before the demigod arrives…

“Boom! Boom! Boom!”

The vast aura spread out, and in an instant, the originally clear sky of the entire Jelock City suddenly became surging due to the sudden momentum, and the sky gradually became darker!

This sudden change made everyone unexpected. Not only the two sides on the ground who had been fighting on the ground looked at the sky with horror, but even the four elders of Huangquan Temple in the sky looked at each other.

Even if the four people in Huangquan Temple wanted to break their heads, they couldn’t figure it out. Just now, they were almost the same as themselves and others, and at most they were better than themselves and others, but now the power that this exudes is…

“How can it be!”

“Senior brothers, don’t panic, this must be him bluffing!”

“Could it be…”

“Demigod! Unexpectedly, it is the legendary demigod who has always been hostile to our Huangquan Temple!”

Horror, unbelief, guessing, and finally Kona’s confident self-talking, the faces of the four people in the Queen’s Fist Temple were involuntarily showing a little dead gray.

“Half, half god?! Brother! Are you sure?”

The four people who had surrounded Yuzan in the middle just a short time ago have all gathered in one place again, as if they would feel safe only if they were gathered together.

“Although I haven’t seen the legendary demigod, but now his power and the feeling it gives me, besides the demigod, I really can’t think of any other strong men who can compare to him now. It’s…”

Liakong’s answer was so difficult, the hoarse voice revealed deep bitterness and helplessness, but it was more of fear for himself and even Huangquan Temple’s future destiny.

“call out…”

When Yuzan’s momentum rose to the apex, he didn’t say anything more, just glanced contemptuously at the four people from the Huangquan Temple who had already gathered on the opposite side, and immediately launched his offensive!

“Brother, you go first!”(Read more @

Yuzan’s speed has now been increased to the extreme. It seems to the naked eye that he hasn’t moved before, but the four in Huangquan Temple are all level 10 powerhouses anyway, so although it is impossible to detect or predict Yuzan’s attack But at least there can be an inexplicable warning.

I saw one of the elders of Huangquan Temple suddenly slapped towards the sky and slapped the whole person quickly in the direction of Yuzan, but after he learned of Yuzan’s true strength, he saw that he and others were gone. After the hope of surviving, he is ready to die with Yuzan, and do his last strength to allow Huangquan Temple to retain vitality…

“The worm shakes the tree!”

The ideal is very full, but the reality is very skinny. At this time, the difference in strength between the two sides is no longer able to make up for the quantity or the fierceness or the decisive heart. Therefore, the elder of Huangquan Temple I only felt a slight tingling in my neck and after hearing such a disdainful word, I plunged into darkness.

“Junior Brother!”

“Do not!”


The elder in the Huangquan Temple suddenly slapped a palm towards the sky until the separation of his body and head happened in just a moment. All this happened so fast that everyone except the person involved was not in sight. react.

Seeing that the good old brother suddenly fell into a strange place, the big heads fell from the sky, and the other three people fell into madness in an instant, but after the anger was over, it was more of a rabbit and a fox sorrow.

The elder of Huangquan Temple who died was also the top 10 powerhouse in this world, but such a powerhouse was killed in such a short instant, and there was still no room for resistance. This made the other people have a deeper understanding of the legendary demigod!

“Heart, dust, and leave separately, be sure to inform Master Uncle to save the inheritance of my Huangquan Temple!”

Hollow’s mind is better, and he recovers faster. Knowing that it’s not a matter of anger, if he and others are all dead here and no one is notified, the teacher is still waiting in Huangquan Temple. Uncle and the entire Huangquan Temple are not immune to it!

After yelling, Kong didn’t care about the stunned other two people’s ‘huh’ and flew towards the east quickly!


The sudden roar of Lu Xin and Lu Chen was also very stunned, but both of them had lived a lot of age, and instantly understood Kong’s mind.

“Go? Did you leave?”

Just as Xin and Luchen looked at each other and swept in different directions, Yuzan’s frivolous words suddenly reached Xin’s ears.

Human beings are terrified of the unknown, and demigods are the same for level 10 powerhouses. The world is that almost most level 10 powerhouses have an impression of demigods. They have only heard some legends, but they really want to When it comes to the abilities of the demigods, it is difficult for anyone to be able to say clearly, and it is this uncertainty that makes the demigods so mysterious…

This is exactly what Lexin is at this time. When Lexin is escaping quickly, she suddenly finds herself as if she is in a quagmire. The more struggling, the deeper and deeper she feels, like a person who falls into the water and drowns. Feeling scared and flustered, but at the same time more fear!

The back mountain of Huangquan Temple.

“So, the imperial regent you are talking about is not even thirty years old now?”

Mani looked at Hui Chen with a worried look on his face blankly.

Through some short conversations just now, Mani has learned about the situation in Huangquan Temple and even the whole continent, especially the recent situation in the years he has been sleeping!

What made him frightened was that the newly promoted Demigod Eight Achievement was the regent of the “peer and graceful”, and the Huangquan Temple he founded was actually hostile to the other party, which instantly disturbed his next Some layouts and plans!

“Patriarch, it’s hard, is there any problem with the regent?”

In Hui Chen’s view, his ancestor is a legendary demigod, and there are still fewer than five fingers on the entire continent that can match it. Why has such a strong man been so interested in the topic of that little ghost since just now? …

“You, hey…not good!”

And just as Mani was about to reveal a little bit to Hui Chen, he suddenly changed his complexion, and his whole person instantly turned into a stream of light and flew towards the distance…


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