Chapter 893

The leader who calmly stared at Yuzan heard the words of the other party and his eyes flashed a little bit of astonishment and doubt, but then slowly opened his mouth under the expressions of the tense people around him:

“Do I ask you to let us forgive our ‘crimes’? Your Highness!”

“Well, if this is your request, it’s not impossible. After all, the lonely person has already given you the right to dispose of you people!”

Although Yuzan was very interested in the Taoist Master Anning at this time, the words of the other party made him hesitate. After all, the other party was not an ordinary person.

But Yuzan felt that the leader was not simple based on his instinct, and his first impression of him was not such a superficial person, so he still said something that cannot be denied.

“Master leader!”


After getting a definite answer from Yuzan, all the people present who participated in the Anningdao rebellion looked at their leader with surprise and expectation.

However, these people have forgotten that their leader is not a ‘normal person’.

As the saying goes, the higher the expectation, the more miserable the fall. At this time, this sentence is in response to the group of people who gathered next to the leader with various purposes.

I saw that the leader showed his ‘kind’ smile again and then shook his head slightly:

“Of course not. I am not so superficial. If you lose, you lose. If you win, you win. Do you think that I am such a person? Not only will I not defend myself, but I will also not defend myself. Will help them out!”

At this moment, the expressions of surprise on all faces instantly solidified. Unbelievable, angry, and all kinds of expressions appeared on everyone’s faces again…



“If you want to die, don’t take us off into the water!”

“His Royal Highness, we are all bewitched by this guy…”


For a while, everyone seemed to be drowning. After grabbing the last straw, but desperately trying to get rid of others after the straw was broken, they all pointed the finger at the leader.

Seeing the demon-like appearance of the group of people who were respectful and respectful in front of them at the time, the leader’s expression remained unchanged and continued to speak to Yuzan:

“His Royal Highness, look, what a sad group of people. They think I don’t know if they think about it? They support me only because they want to use my personal reputation among the people to help them get more benefits. , From the moment they pushed me to the front of the stage, I understood that they were just using me, nothing more than trying to use me to fool the people who are really suffering, so as to reach their people. purpose!

I think if we did not fail but succeeded this time, presumably they are going to fight the revolutionary army… and then kick me away.

But fortunately, I am not as foolish as they see it. I know everything they did and did behind my back, but for the time being, I have the same purpose with them, so in fact, we are They just use each other.

But now, I’m very fortunate. Fortunately, we didn’t get the job done. Otherwise, I’m afraid that the current country will be even better… After all, I also underestimated people’s hearts… Haha, hahahaha…”

As he spoke, the voice in the hall gradually disappeared from Yuer, and everyone looked at the teacher with a surprised look at the teacher who was a little crazy after the introduction.

Looking at the leader steadily, Yuzan was also a little emotional.(Read more @

Looking at the leader at this time, Yuzan felt as though he was once himself, and he realized that there were too many similarities between them.

The same ‘young ambition’, the same self-thinking that he could control everything but failed, the same…

The difference is that one is to fail for their own ideals, the other is to lose their love when they think they are going to succeed, and the reason for their failure is the same appearance of things beyond their control…

(Note: Things beyond the control refer to Yuzan himself and his strength here, and Sakura for Yuzan)

“His Royal Highness, dare you to ask if you see me today because you want to see the jokes between them and me?”

When Yuzan was sinking in his emotions, the leader had already recovered, and immediately asked.

“Huh? No, no, no, I’m just curious about what kind of person the omnipotent and all-knowing Taoist Anning Taoist is like, that’s all! Sure enough, it didn’t disappoint me, you are indeed a very interesting person. It’s also very interesting!”

Although someone interrupted his “memories”, Yuzan didn’t show any anger at all, and replied politely.

“In fact, I also have a question I want to ask you! What do you think of the empire and the world!”

Without waiting for the other person to speak again, Yuzan asked immediately.

In the west, the Papal Palace, the headquarters of the Holy See of Kilimanjaro, the holy mountain.

The figure shrouded in Ru’s white halo sits quietly on the throne specially built for him, the current Pope Benfica XIII is crawling under his feet, with respectful hands presenting a stack of intelligence on the mainland in recent years.

I didn’t see any movement of the figure shrouded in Ru’s white halo, only the intelligence that was originally in the hands of the Pope slowly floated to the figure.

“Oh? So, the newly promoted demigod that appeared in the east is most likely the regent of the empire? This is a bit tricky!”

After scanning the intelligence slightly, the figure enveloped in Ru’s white halo asked softly.

“Yes, your great majesty, according to your perception of the East and the intelligence we have collected over the years, this imperial regent is exactly the person you perceive!”

Facing the existence of the faith of the Holy See, the pope replied respectfully.

“Well, I know…Since there are factors of instability in the East, you have to prepare more for this jihad. You should be solely responsible for the jihad. It is better to postpone the time and be sure to be foolproof… This newly-emerging destabilizing factor can also be an opportunity…”

One kilometer underground in the middle of the mainland is a huge underground city. The headquarters of the well-known Oberger organization on the entire continent is located here.

At this time, in one of the most magnificent buildings in the dungeon, the figure with only a pair of bloody eyes covered in black shadows also sat high on his throne and listened to the report of the contemporary president of the Oberg organization. .

“Old ancestor, our intelligence confirmed that the newly promoted demigod you mentioned must be the regent of the empire!”

“I really didn’t expect that the fourth demigod that appeared in the mainland over the years would be my mortal enemy of Oberg! But this way, I have a reason to cooperate with the old god in the West, but with that old guy I’m afraid of the degree of greed…”

In an instant, the guy who called himself Oberg thought of a countermeasure against Yuzan becoming a demigod, and ordered the president below:

“You are now paying close attention to the situation in the empire, but remember, we must not be exposed, even if we temporarily abandon all the forces organized in the empire! In addition, we must pay close attention to the trends in the West, and believe that. The old god stick will also be unwilling to be lonely!”

“The empire? The empire is now dying and almost hopeless. I think if it weren’t for the appearance of His Royal Highness, the current empire would have collapsed! Even if the current empire is under your control, it seems to me that it’s too. To no avail, at most it can only be regarded as drinking poison to quench thirst!

And the world? This world is the same, the world now is hell! Whether it is our eastern empire or the western kingdom, or even the grasslands in the north that were put down by your highness, and the foreign nations caught between our empire and the western kingdom, the fights of these many forces will ultimately suffer innocent people. public……”

The leader looked at Yuzan calmly, and slowly expressed his personal definition of the empire for the world.

Originally, in the eyes of the leader, if Yuzan is a person who agrees with his own ideas, he will definitely agree with what he said, and if he does not agree, then it should be a mocking look from the other’s eyes.

However, Yuzan’s eyes were very flat, as if what the leader said before had nothing to do with him, and he was indifferent at all. This made the leader a little surprised, but it was more about Yuzan’s kind of “see through”. He usually has some pitiful eyes, but he is very uncomfortable. After all, he usually only looks at others with such eyes.

“What? Does your Highness think that what I said is wrong, do you have a better understanding?”

“Of course, even though I know it’s hard to persuade a person like you with a strong will, but I still want to try, because you are the first I know in this world and still carry the Heart’s person!

In fact, I don’t want to deny your idea completely, I just think your idea is too naive and unrealistic! Don’t you rush to refute me!

This empire and even this world is indeed almost hopeless as you said, but haven’t you thought about why this happens?

Or do you think that An Ning Dao, headed by you, can save the common people by launching the ‘rebellion’ called ‘Salvation’? It’s ridiculous, don’t you think that your actions will cause more innocent civilians in your mouth to die as a result? ”

Facing the ‘sarcasm’ of the leader who couldn’t bear his pitiful eyes, Yuzan said calmly.

“Naive? Unrealistic? More innocent civilians are killed? Your Majesty, I have to say that what you said is really awe-inspiring! Couldn’t those innocent civilians be persecuted by your so-called aristocracy by the upper echelons of the empire? Could it be me? If An Ning Dao does not activate them, it will be safe and sound? Do you think this is possible in the current empire?”


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