Chapter 914

“Boom! Boom! Boom!”

Artillery continued to sound in the narrow strip of Tauras-Litro Valley.

At this time, the Tauras-Litro Valley no longer had its previous appearance, with pits and pits on the ground, and the wreckage of the armored vehicles of the Earth United side can be seen everywhere.

However, in this area, which is only less than 100 miles away from the Macross Gate, apart from too many wreckages of the Earth United Army’s armored vehicles, there are also wreckages of armored cavalry from the side of the Visser Empire.

The reason why the invincible Visser armored cavalry in the past battles with the earth united was damaged because the guys on the earth united side seemed to be crazy. While driving the armored car desperately, they faced those Visser. The imperial armored cavalry launched a suicide attack.

Their tank is a modified self-propelled ballistic missile armored vehicle. There are a large number of ballistic missiles in the vehicle. They explode beside the armored cavalry. Even if the defense of the armored cavalry is high, it will be damaged. Of course, in addition to having a’dimensional shield’ The body of energy barrier technology…

“Give it to me! Never let these damn old humans break through our line of defense!”

“Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish!”

A Visser of the Visser Empire was facing the communications commanding the defenses of the many knights of Visser. However, before he could finish his words, all of a sudden, the ballistic missiles behind the armored vehicles on the opposite side had already flown out. The long tail flame emitted from the base of the missile and whizzed in the direction of the Macross Gate extremely fast.

It turned out that seeing that the distance between one’s side and the super-time gate was less than a hundred miles, and that this assault force of one’s own side had suffered heavy casualties, the commander of the lunar base decisively issued the order of the whole army to attack!

After watching the rocket with a long tail flame in the sky heading towards the distant Superspace Gate, inside the special armored vehicle, the lunar base commander’s face also showed a relieved expression, muttering in his mouth. Muttered:

“You damn Martian barbarians, all go to death!”

“Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!”

“Om… hum… hum… hum… hum…”

Immediately afterwards, a ray of light illuminating the entire battlefield came, and then he plunged into eternal darkness. Of course, he would never see the doomsday scene of the whole moon breaking apart and the mountains and the earth cracking!

“Wow! Wow! Wow!”

The ground of Tanegashima Military Base was littered with wreckage of tanks and armored vehicles, and the military facilities in the base were almost completely paralyzed.

Burning houses, military installations, and the remains of various tanks and armored vehicles that have not been burned and sparkled, intertwined into a hell of a nose filled with flames, at least in the eyes of the soldiers who have survived on the Earth United side. …(Read more @

“These earthlings are so weak, so our determination to land and the purpose of this seems meaningless, what do you think? Count Zazbarum!”

In the cab of “Deucalion”, Viscount Vorraine looked at the tragedy in the Tanegashima military base below and did not show any mercy. Instead, he felt a little regrettable and asked Count Zazbalum in the communication video.

Because the previous order the two received was to break into Tanegashima base as a pioneer and destroy the military installations and defenders of this base.

Originally, they had some plans, but they really didn’t expect that the troops on the Earth United side would be so unattended, they would be completely vulnerable in their eyes.

“Ah! Yeah, it really makes us worry for nothing, Vorayin!”

The “Dios Curry” who controlled him completely wiped out the air strike forces over the Tanegashima base. Zazibarum went to solve the aircraft carrier clusters in the nearby waters while Vorayin was dealing with ground forces. Listening to himself The fiancée’s very relaxed words, of course Zazibarum would not refute it.

“It seems that this planet will be easier to get than we thought!”

Vorayin had just finished saying this, but Yuzan who was next to her spoke.

“This is not necessarily true, Sister Vorayin, and Zazibalum’s Uncle! First of all, although the armored cavalry of our Visser Empire is indeed powerful because of Aldnoah, they are not invincible! Iron armored cavalry After all, the number is too small, and the number of the earth united side is really too large. You must know that sometimes quantitative changes can cause qualitative changes… If you wait for the earth to slow down, if there is a full-scale war on the earth…”

Count Zazbalum was very angry about Yuzan’s attitude towards him, especially when he heard the other party calling himself “Uncle”, but he also knew that this was the other party adjusting the atmosphere, although the other party’s words were a bit’unpleasant’ The suspicion of ambition of others is not unreasonable. However, it is not waiting for him to refute…

“Beep! Beep! Beep!”


A sirens of anxious Cu sounded, and Zazbalum only felt the constant vibration of his body, and it was a bit unsustainable even to maintain the flying attitude…

“How is this going?”

Zhazbarum hasn’t reflected what is going on, and then rows of data are displayed on the screen of the “Dios Curry” driver’s cab, and his complexion is changed suddenly!

“This is… a strong time-space distortion wave? Isn’t it… a time-space gate?”

As a Zhazbalum who knows the situation of such fluctuations, he immediately thought of what went wrong, except for the time-space-distorted fluctuations of this intensity, so he immediately looked up.


At this time, the moon in Zazbalum’s eyes has begun to crack, and many fragments of all sizes can be seen with the naked eye, and the center of the moon burst out with a strong light and shock waves. And the ripples formed by the fragments spread…

“The moon turned out to be…”

“Wolein, Yuzan, we have to leave as soon as possible! What’s the matter? Leave as soon as possible, the ground is too dangerous!”

After murmured these words, the shocked Zazibalum suddenly thought that his fiancée, Viscount Volleyin, was still in the “Ducalion”, and even when he contacted the other party to signal the other party to leave…

And at this time, the look of Vorayin in “Deucalion” was also very anxious. No matter how she controlled her, the huge body of “Deucalion” couldn’t leave the ground at all as if it was restrained by gravity.

“Because the strong space-time distortion has a huge impact on the anti-gravity device, the current “Ducalion” cannot fly! ”

“How is it possible… Don’t worry, I will save you now!”

Hearing the slightly desperate tone of his fiancée, Zazbalum’s heart felt like a knife twisted in pain. When he was about to control his “Dios Curry” to go to the rescue, in the communication video, Yuzan said that A calm face resurfaced and said:

“Earl Zazibarum! Even if you come to the rescue, it is too late. On the contrary, it will hurt yourself. Don’t worry about us, you can leave quickly, and we will have a way to get out!”


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