Chapter 918

On October 20, 1999, the Earth, the Earth Joint Headquarters, Noustarisk.

It was also in the original conference hall located in the deepest part of Noustarisk.

At this time, all the faces of the people present were very heavy.

Because this time, HeavenFall, caused by the moon’s cracking due to the runaway of the hyperspace gate, gave everyone, including the initiator of the plan to destroy the lunar hyperspace gate, General Justen, the first person in the Earth United Army, to have some surprises. Not in time.

Although everyone knew that the implementation of this plan would definitely cause varying degrees of damage to the moon and even the earth itself, there was really no good way to withstand the aggressive attack on Mars at the beginning, and it was almost unanimously approved as a last resort. The resolution passed the plan.

But now looking at the information coming from all over the world and the photos taken by the observation satellites in space, looking at the vast land, everyone will inevitably feel an inexplicable sense of guilt in their hearts.

“Everyone! Now let’s talk about it, what do you think about the truce request on Mars?”

Finally, in the end, General Justen broke the deadlock and spoke first.

“What else to say! Aren’t their Martians very arrogant? Don’t they pretend to be superior? Now that they have completely cut off their supply lines because of the moon’s cracking, they don’t want to fight anymore. How can there be such a good thing in the world! The first to attack! It’s them. Now they say that if you don’t fight, you don’t fight. What do they think of our earth?”

Just after just finished speaking, a military representative immediately said excitedly.

“Yes! They can do whatever they want on Mars, no matter where there is such a reason, this time, taking advantage of their supply line is cut off, our earth unity can just give the group of arrogant Martians a heavy blow, even if it can’t be wiped out. There are 37 Yanglu cities in the orbit of the earth, but at least they have to…”

“Enough! Fight? Why should we fight? Do you think that even if Mars cuts off the supply line, even if their remaining troops are less than half of what they had crossed from the moon, you think we can beat each other? Do you think that the 37 Yanglu cities are so easy to deal with? And now our cosmic forces are also out of ten due to the moon’s cracking. In addition to the current situation on the earth, even if we want to send more troops. Somewhat unsustainable! Can you guys in the military move your own minds to think about what the consequences of our ongoing fight?

Even if we can wipe out all the Mars army that only exists in the orbit of the Earth, what’s next? Can we still counterattack Mars? Do you think we have an absolute advantage? Can you wipe out the opponent without a single soldier? ”

The military representative hadn’t finished speaking yet, and a guy who looked like a politician retorted loudly in the IM video.

Although his words were a bit awkward, which of the people present was a simple generation, even if the military representative who said that he did not agree with the’peace talks’ before, he just vented his depression. Everyone knows it because of HeavenFall’s It happened, not only on the Mars side, but also on the Earth side. They also have to carry out post-disaster reconstruction. Everyone knows that this war has suffered a loss by now, and it is impossible to continue…(Read more @

“Okay, everyone, we are all sensible! Since everyone agrees to the peace talks with the earth, let’s now talk about what conditions should be put forward… In addition, I believe everyone knows what happened to HeavenFall. What happened, the follow-up of this matter…”

Although Justen did not say too clearly, everyone understood what he meant, that is, to hide the truth, otherwise what awaits them will be torn apart by the only remaining angry people after the disaster on the earth… …

“Beep! Beep! Beep!”

But at this moment, suddenly there was another anxious electronic bell ringing in the conference hall, which suddenly changed the expressions of everyone in the conference.

They thought that the Mars side had launched an offensive again, but now they don’t have a lunar base. If that is the case, then the Mars side must be fully attacking the rhythm of the earth’s body.

“General Justen! According to the news from the Japanese joint search force, our people have found survivors on the wreckage of Tanegashima base in southern Kyushu, Japan!”


Hearing the eager voice from the communication, everyone breathed a sigh of relief but was very angry at the same time.

“When you find the survivors, you will find it. Don’t you know you will tell it afterwards? Don’t you know that we are now in the highest-level meeting!”

Everyone can hear his anger in Justen’s voice.

But the next sentence of the person in the communication immediately dispelled their doubts, and expressions of joy appeared on everyone’s faces.

“Yes, but General! The news from the search force shows that, except for one of the three survivors, one of the squad captains of the tank and armor regiment in the former Tanegashima military base, the other two are all. It’s a Martian! And, moreover, one of them is the little duke who visited the earth on behalf of the Emperor of Mars this time…”

Kagoshima Prefecture, Dr. Joy Stroyette’s home.

After nearly a month of self-cultivation, Zazbalum’s body has basically returned to normal, and he can walk and perform simple exercises like normal people.

“Doctor, is there still no news about Tanegashima?”

Seeing Joyce returning from the city by car, Zazbalum asked eagerly, regardless of etiquette.

“Hey… No, there is no sound of wind at all…”

Although he had already given no hope, Zazbarum looked at Joyce, who shook his head slightly, and couldn’t help but feel disappointed in his expression.

After a pause, Zazibarum suddenly raised his head, looked at the other party firmly and said:

“Doctor, now that my body is okay, and I myself have been missing for a long time, I think I should leave! For your life-saving grace, Doctor, I will remember it in my heart! One day! , I will repay your favor!”


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