Chapter 922

“Jeff, how is your place?”

In the observation room, Jeff, who had just walked in the door, immediately heard the voice of Raikiri that he hated.

“Very good, that guy is just a kid after all. Under the persuasion that I moved with emotion and reason, he has obviously relaxed. I believe he will succumb soon! How about you? What happened to you there?”

Jeff obviously lied, but how can he admit defeat in front of his competitors, so even if he lied, he was justified in telling lies.

If it weren’t for Raikiri, he knew his competitor very well, I’m afraid he would be deceived.

Seeing the other person’s confident appearance, Raikiri’s mouth showed an inexplicable smile, and smiled:

“Ah! Congratulations, Jeff, you are really capable! Didn’t I hear that the kid doesn’t get in oil and salt? Look, you have only been out for a few times, the other party just…Where is me like, that woman has a hard mouth That’s great!”

Although Raikiri congratulated himself, Jeff clearly heard the ridicule from the other’s tone. He knew that his lie had been exposed, his face changed slightly, but he still bite the bullet, his face was not red, his heart was not beating, and he continued with him. The empty vernacular.

“Huh! Of course, but Raikiri, you don’t have to worry, since that kid is not far from surrendering, then that woman must be almost the same…”

Jeff, who came back to his office, became more angry the more he thought about it.

Today, apart from being ignored and mocked by Yuzan, he was later teased by his opponent, Raikiri, which made him really annoyed by the narrow-mindedness.

“Huh! Raikiri, I can’t do anything with you for the time being, but don’t be proud! And that damn kid, yes, it’s all the damn kid’s fault! Hey…have…humph, kid, me See how long you can be proud of!”

Just as Jeff was talking to himself and scolding, suddenly, a flash of light flashed in his mind, and suddenly a plan that he thought was good came to mind.

One week later, it was still in the observation room.

“Jeff, are you sure you and I will be effective if you go together?”

Raikiri’s expression revealed a touch of thought. He really couldn’t understand why Jeff, who had always been at odds with him, would ask him to go with him to see the imprisoned Martian woman, and then the two went to the little devil together… …

After thinking about it for a while, he didn’t get the answer, even though he was a little unsure, he really couldn’t find any reason to refuse.

“Well, Raikiri, after my thinking this week, I guess they also have their own concerns. We used to go alone every time… This will make them feel a little… And this time, we two People like this…what do you think?”(Read more @

Listening to Jeff’s whispering words to himself pretending to be mysterious, Raikiri felt disdainful in his heart, thinking that this guy is really an out-and-out idiot, so why didn’t the other party understand such a simple truth? Understand that if the other party is so easy to deal with, their Aldnoah plan must have already been functioning normally…

Forget it, let this idiot run into a wall and use it as a spice of life for watching a play, Raikiri thought in his heart.

However, what Raikiri didn’t realize was that after he agreed to the other party, the cruelty hidden in the other’s eyes flashed away…


The furnishings in the room are no different from Yuzan’s room, only a little more fragrant.

Wo Leiyin sat calmly at the desk looking at the book in her hand, and heard the sound of the door opening, her brows frowned slightly, but she did not turn around, even without putting down the book in her hand, she said lightly :

“I have said it many times! It is impossible for me to cooperate with your Aldnoah plan! Even if you have obtained the wreckage of “De Calion” and disassembled the Aldnoah Driver from it to create a new armored cavalry or For other things, you who don’t have the Kei dynamic factor are also destined to not succeed! ”

“Raikiri, this woman is really a hard bone!”

What surprised Wo Leiyin was that she actually heard the voice of a stranger she had never heard before, and slowly turned her head. Sure enough, beside her more familiar Raikiri, she was standing next to Raikiri, who was also wearing white. The middle-aged man in a lab coat…

“Beautiful Viscount Volleyin, haven’t you figured it out yet?”

Without waiting for Wo Leiyin to speak again, Raikiri appeared to be very gracious and asked politely again.


“Zi! Zi! Zi!”


Just as Volleyin was about to answer the opponent, an accident happened.

After a blast of electric current passed, Raikiri’s eyes suddenly fell dark, and beside him, the guy Vorayin didn’t know was holding a stun gun in his hand…

“Bang! Bang!”

Raikiri kicked the feet of Raikiri who fell on the ground fiercely, and a grinning smile flashed across Jeff’s face.

“Jiejie, Raikiri, you bastard, don’t you look down on me, you have today too!”

For this kind of sudden situation, Volleyn was obviously a little unexpected, but she was a soldier from the Visser Empire, so she did not do anything else, because she knew that since the other party dared to be in her room To do such a thing, then the other party should have a panacea.

Sure enough, Jeff’s eyes quickly returned to her, and he smiled:

“Hey, you are a smart woman. What a pity, what a pity! Originally a beautiful beauty, I heard that you still had a nobleman on Mars. What a pity! I don’t have enough time, otherwise I really want to try Your flavor…”

As he said, suddenly the stun gun in his hand was aimed at Vorayin…

“Boom! Boom!”

“Om! Om! Om!”

However, at this moment, the whole room shook suddenly, and there was a loud noise in the base. For a while, the alarm sounded loudly in the whole base…

The inside and outside of Yuzan’s room was already in a mess at this time. The export was all rubble, and the guards outside the door were all gone. Yuzan slowly walked out of the room step by step, his direction was the Volleyin room. The direction of…

At this time, Yuzan’s mental outlook changed drastically. He was no longer as introverted as before, revealing a kind of killing and domineering all over his body.

“Jeff, it seems you really don’t want to live anymore! Well, I don’t want to stay here anymore. Since it happens to break through at such a critical moment, let the whole world dance for me!”


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