Chapter 926

“”Dios Curry” heading towards the earth? He even brought five armored cavalry in Zazbalum city? What is going on? Could it be…no, impossible, for no reason…can you figure out where “Dios Curry” is going? ”

In the main control room of Kurutou City, Earl Kurutou, who had just received the news, hurried over and asked in a hurry.

Although he had some guesses in his heart, the result made him very surprised. After all, it has been three years… But based on Kuruteo’s understanding of Zazbalum, the other party is a very calm person If it hadn’t been for the exact news, Zazbalum would definitely not act with such a big fanfare…

In the past three years, although Kurutou’s loyalty to the royal family has not changed, he is not without selfishness. In his own view, his selfishness and loyalty to the royal family can coexist well. …

Their Kurutou family has a huge influence in the entire Visser Empire. Among all the princes, their family is comparable to the Zazbalum family and the Habsburg family, second only to the Augustine family. The power even surpasses the always strong Guy Tratsey family.

For a long time, since he integrated the family, he wanted his own family to replace the Augustine family as the first family on Mars, but how powerful the Augustine family was at the time, so he could only use this kind of thinking as a luxury. deep in the heart.

But three years ago, the Duke of Augustine and the Second Generation Emperor Gilzeria both died on the front line, but he saw hope, and the ambition hidden in his heart burst out again… Therefore, when the Augustine family was in a’crisis’, He also chose to shoot.

Kurouto is a cautious and excessive guy. He will never do anything without at least 90% certainty, so he is different from Guy Tratsey and Habsburg as well as other wealthy families. To the great fanfare of the Augustine family, he was acting in secret.

But it was his behavior that made him hardly suffer any loss.

After that, I saw that the Augustine family not only did not decline in Victoria’s hands, but was stronger than before, and his thoughts went to other areas…that was the newly-born daughter of His Majesty Gilzeria, Ethelam Your Royal Highness…

In his opinion, the current Augustine family seems to be powerful, but in fact it is already a little unstable. After all, the head of the Augustine family is a woman, and she is not a woman of Augustine blood. The blood of the Augustine family has actually been cut off… No matter how capable a woman is, she cannot change this. When this woman remarries or dies in the future, then this huge Augustine family will one day become fat…

But now, after receiving the actions of Count Zazbalum, he immediately noticed a factor that he had neglected back then. The only heir of the Augustine family was not determined to be dead, but just missing… So now …He has no thoughts anymore, even for a moment, he has the urge to immediately descend Yang Lucheng…(Read more @

At the end of 2002, when Earl Zazbalum drove “Dios Curry” with his own armored cavalry formation and descended to the earth without any notice, the senior officials of all countries on the earth got news, and At the same time, these high-level officials also received news from the Earth Alliance military.

Originally, less than five minutes after the Earl Zazibarum and his armored cavalry formation arrived at Tanegashima, the Earth United Aircraft Carrier Formation appeared in the nearby waters and confronted the Earl Zazbalum and his armored cavalry. A notice was issued for expulsion.

But in this way, the anger that had been suppressed in the heart of Earl Zazbalum, who had been imprisoned in Tanegashima Island for the past three years, erupted…

In an instant, the Earth Alliance sent to nearby waters without receiving high-level instructions. It was only after discovering that the Martian armored cavalry had come to Tanegashima and issued a notice of expulsion, the aircraft carrier formation was completely wiped out by the angry Earl Zazbalum…

After receiving the news that the frontline aircraft carrier formation was completely destroyed, the Earth United also immediately held a press conference and condemned the Visser Empire, apparently wanting the wicked to complain first.

Later, when Earl Zazbalum received Yuzan and Vorayin and took them back to his Yanglu City, he faced the “spoken words and pens” on the earth, and obtained the victory from Emperor Visser Religalia. After the support of, Zazbarum also immediately sent out satellite broadcasts facing the entire Weisser, the orbital knights, and the Earth Alliance…

“We Visser sincerely submitted an armistice treaty with the Earth, and the treaty also stipulates that the two parties must exchange prisoners of war. However, the despicable primitive people on Earth sent a search team to search the wrecked waters. , They even secretly imprisoned the Duke Augustine and Viscount Vorayyin who were trapped on the earth three years ago…Glory Martian knights, for such a shameless act of uniting the earth, we must give justice to God!”

After a thought-provoking speech, the whole Visser and the earth boiled…

“Damn earthlings! They are so despicable and shameless! They dare to do something like this to the little Duke Augustin, who is our arrogant Visser… The little Duke was only five years old at the beginning!”

“Make the despicable earthlings look good!”


“What the hell are the high-level leaders doing? They are so shameless and shame us…”

“Are all the high-levels of the joint eat shit? Look at the good things they do!”

“To a child who is only five years old… is really embarrassing to us on earth…”


There was a one-sided voice for the reopening of war in Visser, and the public opinion on the earth was strongly suppressed by the high-level United Conquest, but it also verbally criticized the high-level United Conquest, and even caused the riots that had just improved and gradually subsided to erupt again…

At this time, Yuzan as the party concerned, after seeing the emperor Religalia and the “mother” Victoria through the visitor room of Zazbalum City, he was quietly waiting for the arrival of the Mars transport ship, for the earth and Visser The tense situation on both sides seemed to be irrelevant…


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