Chapter 939

“Let you go, you go, I say you can, you can!”

However, despite the unbelief and shock on the face of this guy named Larry, Yuzan’s words made him unable to refute.

After all, with Yuzan’s identity, it is impossible to deliberately deceive him such a small person, and he can see it. At this time, he himself has become Yuzan’s experimental subject, and Yuzan’s research is self-evident… …

But then, his heart couldn’t help but become excited and ecstatic. He knew that as long as he performed well this time, then there might not be no chance to stand out in the future, and to be appreciated by the Duke of Augustine. Such opportunities are rare. !

But although this is an opportunity, it is not a disaster without delusion. After all, if this experiment is successful, then I might have a chance to’fight the sky’, but if it fails, I know the secret of Lord Duke ‘, then, you can imagine your fate…

“Good, good!”

With that said, Larry walked to the reduced version of Aldnoah Kei next to the desk in front of the stove with a panting and excited mood, took a deep breath, and slowly moved out with a slight tremor in his right hand…

“Aldnoah, wake up! You must succeed!”


With a roar in his heart, he kept praying. Under Larry’s surprised eyes, the Aldnoah Kei was inspiring, and a light burst from the Aldnoah Kei…

“It’s a success, my lord, it’s a success! Great, it’s a success!”

Larry didn’t know why he was so happy, maybe because of the success of this experiment, he would have a chance to “float” in the future, maybe because of the success of the experiment, he didn’t have to worry about the Duke’s disadvantage to him, maybe… in short, a thousand words Wan Yu couldn’t express the excitement and anxiety of Larry at this time.

After Larry’s right hand touched Aldnoah Kei’s furnace, Yuzan’s eyes were also staring unblinkingly. After seeing Aldnoah’s light, there was a glimmer of joy in his eyes, but he was He hid it well and continued to restore his plain expression.(Read more @

“Well, good, this time you did a good job, not bad, I am very satisfied!”

Nodding lightly, Yuzan’s eyes flashed with a cold light, but he was not noticed by Larry who was in ecstasy, so he was still overjoyed.

However, after seeing Yuzan’s plain appearance and the fact that the other party did not have that kind of surprise, Larry also reflected it, and said:

“My lord, since I have succeeded, my subordinates retired. Please rest assured, my subordinates will never tell others what happened today!”

“Hey! I’m really sorry, Larry, it took up so much of your time today, please don’t mind, I still need to take up a little of your time!”

Yuzan’s words are very abrupt, but at the same time they make the smart Larry a little flattered! After all, the identity of the other party was there, and he actually apologized to himself. This really made him a little bit at a loss, but there was also a hint of surprise in his heart.

But before he was able to savor this detail, Yuzan quickly shot and pinched his throat, but slowly opened his mouth under his horrified gaze:

“I’m really sorry. Today’s matter is too important. I don’t want other people to know about it. But for you, I feel a little worried. You know, although you vowed to me just now that you won’t be rumored, you are not immune. Too clever, I have never liked such a self-righteous person, I’m sorry, I can only let you sleep forever, sorry!”

As he said, he gave a slight squeeze without giving the other party room for retort. With a ‘click’, Larry, this low-level housekeeper of the Augustine family ended his ‘painful’ life.


Until Larry had lost consciousness and completely collapsed, there was still a look of shock, anger, and incomprehension on his face.

He really didn’t expect that Yuzan would still be able to do it under the premise of success… but he also didn’t want to think that Aldnoah cracked this kind of research on the whole human world, not only Yuzan was researching, and even the royal family of Visser himself was researching, but But no one can research any results.

But now, Yuzan has the same ability to grant Aldnoah Kei to others as the Visser Empire. This also shows that he has cracked Aldnoah. If such a thing is spread, the consequences will be a series of consequences. …So Yuzan also had to be cautious about this, and he didn’t even reveal any confidant that he had cultivated in the past few years. He only found such a small person to be his guinea pig, so that nothing could happen. …

“Xingchen, it seems that we succeeded! I really didn’t expect that you can crack even this kind of scientific and technological civilization!”

After dealing with these things, Yuzan began to sigh.

“Master, these are not too difficult for us. Back then, I traveled many multiverses with my previous master. Of course, there were also technological civilizations. In fact, after the technological civilization reached its peak, it was actually the same way as cultivation, biology and other civilizations. of……”

At the end of November 2010, after more than a month of talks and consultations, the bilateral talks between the Earth Union and the Visser Empire finally made breakthrough progress. The two sides finally signed a bilateral friendly agreement at the end of December, and it was this year. , The Visser Empire and the Earth Union formally moved towards’peace’.

In the same year, the title of Duke of Augustine of the Second Generation of the Wieser Empire was inherited by the only son of the Augustine family, Yuzan Augustine, and the Emperor Religa Wieserlebass personally carried out the honour ceremony for him. This also means that the Augustine family officially transitioned from the Victorian era to The era of Yuzan.


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