Chapter 942

In March 2014, it was reported that the first empress of the Visser Empire and the first heir of the empire in the Visser Empire, and Her Royal Highness Princess Ethelam Visser Elliosia will personally lead as the bilateral friendship and goodwill ambassador. More than a month after the news of the delegation’s visit to the earth, the largest delegation sent by Visser to the earth in history officially boarded the spacecraft to the lunar base and set off.

“Brother Yuzan, can’t you really go with Ethelam?”

Standing in front of the boarding platform, Ethelam looked a little reluctant at this time.

Although she is looking forward to the earth very much, this is also her dream since childhood, but when it comes to going to earth, she is a little bit reluctant to raise her for fifteen years, and she is also reluctant to stay with herself for fifteen years. His grandfather, and Yuzan’s brother, who has been telling stories and teaching himself for many years.

As a farewell person second only to the emperor Religalia, Yuzan was a little bit dumbfounded by Ethelam’s question, but he did not answer. Instead, he looked aside. Religalia with a kind face.

“Athelam, this won’t work for the time being! Your Yuzan brother still needs to help me deal with a lot of things. If he also left Grandpa, wouldn’t you want Grandpa to be exhausted!”

Lovingly touched Ethelam’s head, Religalia teased.

Today, he is dragging the sick body to see off his granddaughter. After all, he has been by his side for fifteen years, and although the granddaughter went to the earth for a friendly visit, it took at most six months back and forth, but as an old man, the granddaughter left suddenly. Half a year around him did make him a little…


“Well, Ethelam, I can’t accompany you this time, but don’t worry, next time, I will accompany you next time! And, maybe it won’t be long before I will change my mind and give you a surprise. Uncertain!”

Watching the departure of the spaceship that the delegation headed by Ethelam took, Yuzan and Religalia turned their eyes back, and after returning to the palace, Religalia called Yuzan to them. Bedroom.

“Yuzan, what is going on with the’change your mind’ you just said?”(Read more @

Religalia asked in a deep voice.

He is not an inexperienced little girl like Ethelam. For the founding emperor of a huge empire, an emperor who has controlled Weisser for many years, he obviously heard the unusual expression in Yuzan’s words, and he I think that judging from Yuzan’s way of doing things over the years, if he hadn’t deliberately let himself hear something, he would never say that.

“Your Majesty, the minister would like to ask you, do you want to avenge your Majesty Gilzeria?”

To Religalia’s surprise, Yuzan didn’t answer his question head-on, but suddenly asked back after a long silence.

Yuzan’s problem was that Religalia was caught off guard, but immediately after him, his old body began to tremble slightly.

It is impossible to say that he does not want to avenge his only son. Since ancient times, the hatred of killing his father and the hatred of taking his wife has not been shared, but Leligalia is the pain of losing his son. Compared with the previous two Not much worse.

As he gets older, his body becomes older and weaker, and the reason in his heart becomes weaker, all the time, and even dreaming that one day he can avenge his only son, but this emotion is his only remaining Suppressed by a trace of reason.

Religalia clearly knows that although Visser surpasses the earth much in terms of technology and military strength, it is far inferior to the earth in terms of population, materials, and war potential. But if it is true that Visser can conquer the earth , Then this idea is unrealistic.

Regardless of the fact that the 37 orbital knights in the earth’s orbit are very powerful, even if all the 37 Yanglu cities land on the earth, they will only have an early advantage, and they will only occupy 37 regions on the earth at the fastest speed. That’s all, the earth can be completely surrounded by human sea tactics.

But now, Yuzan’s words are like a curse, like giving Religalia a key to open Pandora’s box. At this moment, the thought of revenge in Religalia’s heart is rising again, but he still uses The last reason was suppressed, and he looked at Yuzan seriously and asked:

“Yuzan, what do you mean by this? Do you also want to provoke Visser to war again with the earth? Do you know the cost, if you are not the person I trust the most, the closest person, then at this moment I…”

“Well, Your Majesty, you must know how I have been acting for so many years. The reason why I can say this is that I must be sure and not aimless! So, Your Majesty, do you want to Take revenge for your Majesty Gilzelia!”

Seeing Yuzan’s determined appearance, Religalia’s mood became more and more excited. He really didn’t expect Yuzan to be telling the truth.

“I, okay, Yuzan, I really want to avenge Gilzeria, but why do you say you are sure? How sure is this? And why would you be after Isailam went to Earth Ask it again? Don’t you…no, I don’t allow you to do that, but Athelam is…”

Seeing Religalia, Yuzan seemed to have seen something, but Yuzan seemed indifferent, and said indifferently:

“Relax, Your Majesty, I am not a merciless person! Yes, some of the plans in the middle are indeed as you think, using Athelam a little bit. However, this plan is not my plan, this The plan was thought of by the restless idiots of Habsburg and Guy Tratsey! They thought they were doing it perfectly, and I didn’t know about it. I was just working on their plan. I just took advantage of it for a while, and you can rest assured, your Majesty, the safety of Ethelam, I won’t let her be in trouble!”

Seeing Yuzan’s calm and relaxed look as if everything is under control, Religalia even had the illusion that he was the emperor. He shook his head to get rid of these thoughts, and asked again anxiously:

“It turned out to be them? But Yuzan, how do you ensure the safety of Athelam, do you want to…?”

“Yes, this time is a good excuse, and in the end we can eliminate some ulterior princes such as Habsburg and Guy Trates! The newest Yanglu City is almost finished, Your Majesty, this time I will avenge your Majesty Gilzelia and my deceased father!”


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