Chapter 947

The 19 Yanglu City in the Orbital Knights have all gradually arrived, or are landing.

At the same time, the various military bases of the Earth Union also took action and quickly unified to accept the command from the joint headquarters Noustarisk.

“The enemy’s tactics are extremely simple. The shock wave generated by Yanglu City’s landing will sweep all the buildings in the surrounding area, excluding our combat power while establishing a stronghold, and use this time difference to prevent our support from reaching Dang. At this time, there can be enough open sight to hide our support and sneak attacks!

However, this kind of combat plan was calculated by many tactical and strategic experts of our side as early as 15 years ago. Therefore, this kind of combat strategy also has drawbacks, that is, as long as we concentrate all the combat power, we can achieve the fastest speed. Before the enemy ground forces attack or occupy and expand the area, encircle them separately and perform a concentrated attack to destroy the enemy! ”

After the order of the Earth Joint Headquarters was issued, various military bases on the earth also took action, and the garrisons in various places were no longer reserved. The land, sea and air forces one after another moved towards the landing site of Yanglu City.

However, the Earth Alliance can come up with a battle plan against Yanglu City. Couldn’t the people of the Visser Empire who understand the characteristics of Yanglu City think of it?

Earth, North America, New Orleans, Cernaquis City.

The city of Cernaquis, which had just landed and stabilized, has not yet made any moves, but the Earth Alliance has already begun to launch an attack.

“Start to attack, let this group of ignorant and stupid old humans on Earth see the power of our great Visser Empire!”

As a staunch racist supporter of the “Mars supremacy”, Count Cernakis also had contempt for the attitude of the people on earth, and immediately after issuing a series of orders, he also left the main control room and moved to store his body. The’warehouse’.

After the huge Yanglu City has landed and landed, the entire structure is unfolded, completely no longer the streamlined form in the universe, from the outside it looks like a blooming flower, but this flower It is deadly and hostile.


“Found enemy missiles!”

“Hurry up and stop!”

“No, we lost track of the missile!”

“what happened!”(Read more @


After Yanglucheng’s missiles were spoken, the Earth Alliance also got news. However, just after the Earth’s command was issued to meet the attack, it suddenly discovered that its own orders could not be communicated. For a while, the entire Earth’s communications All have been severely hindered and interfered.

“Reporter sir! Our satellites, both military and civilian, have been attacked by Yang Lucheng from orbit…”

“Me, my goodness, what is that?”

In the Earth Joint Headquarters, the temporary commander was listening to reports from various places in the command center during the war, but suddenly a scream caught his attention.

“What’s going on? Calm, you are all the elites of my earth unity, don’t panic! This…”

However, his reprimand was not finished yet, and suddenly a picture was shown on the main screen. This picture is the latest appearance of a giant that seems to be the same as Yanglu City is attacking the satellites in the earth orbit. The last screen returned.

What is shocking is not the others. What is shocking is that the size of this newly emerged Big Mac and other Yanglu City is like a baby and an adult…

Regardless of the interior of the Earth Union, at this time in the orbit of the Earth circle, whether it is Yanglu City that has landed or not, at this time, the picture of the giant is returned, and the Visser Empire inside Yanglu City is also Very surprised.

Suddenly, the screen flashed, and the figure of a young man appeared in all the main screens of Yanglu City.

“Everyone! This is Yuzan Augustine. Originally, this time I was worried that Princess Ethelam came to inspect alone, but I didn’t want such a thing to happen, but the matter has reached this point, but it can’t be undone. So, it’s just like before. What Earl Zazbalum said, whether it is for revenge for the princess, or for the people in your own domain, or for the glory of being the great orbital knights of the Visser Empire, now I am Yuzan In the name of Augustine, launch an all-out war with the earth, above!”

Yuzan’s personal arrival and his declaration on all Yanglu City immediately caused a storm of turbulence in the entire orbit of the earth, including the base on the moon.

“Hahaha, I didn’t expect Qing Augustine to come in person. Since Qing Augustine gave such an order, then we are disrespectful. Come, let me prepare for the descending of Lucheng, the goal…”

This is the thought of an Orbital Knight who originally wanted to wait and see.

As he had thought before, their opponents were not people on earth, but they were also their own people as orbital knights. He also understood the principle of shooting the first bird, so he didn’t order the landing on the earth in the first time. It’s just that Now because of Yuzan’s arrival, he not only has an excuse, even if the emperor is dissatisfied in the future, there will be people who can be blamed. He also looks at the huge Yanglu City of Yuzan and thinks of the heritage and strength of the Augustine family, and he has the same idea as him. There are also many guys…

“It’s troublesome now. I didn’t expect this kid to come in person. Did he see anything? No, no, I did it so secretly… But, it allows me to take advantage of it a little… Otherwise, the current strength of my Habsburg family is not as good as Augustine, let alone occupying space on the earth…”

Earth Joint Headquarters.

“Report, five more Yanglu cities have begun to decline, and the estimated coordinates are…”

“Report, our air forces in Yanglu City are completely destroyed…”

“Report, our siege is completely against the enemy…”

“Report, the enemy’s armored cavalry is too strong, our side…”

“Damn it, it’s troublesome…”

Hearing the reports sent back by his subordinates from various places, and before all satellites, cables and other communication facilities on the earth lost their function, the temporary commander heard the bad news again, and his face suddenly turned black.

It was not until this time that he realized that everything was too simple as they thought. Whether it was the plan for the landing of Yanglu City or other encirclement, it seemed so ridiculous, even if he surrounded Yanglu. What about the city? Even if the Earth Union also has armored cavalry in general, what about the difference in quality can no longer be made up in quantity…


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