Chapter 955

“Shut up! I can’t tolerate your brutality, absolutely unforgivable! In the name of my first empress Visser!”

After saying these words, and then saw a light flashing from Aldnoah dedicated to Visser, Ethelam finally revealed her true face again.

Now Thorland was terrified!

A person who had died in his impression suddenly appeared in front of him at this moment. One can imagine how shocking his mood was!

“Ah! Her Royal Highness Princess Ethelamweiser Eliosia! No, no, this, this is impossible!”

Torland at this time is so hysterical!

The first reaction in his mind when he saw Ethelam lifted the optical camouflage on his body was incredible, and then he was a bit contradictory. Let’s not say that because the princess is not dead, his dreams may be broken, or even worse. There will be a catastrophe, but he has no courage to attack Ethelam for the time being!

Not to mention that the other party’s identity in Visser for so many years of education made him hesitate to make a move, just to say that he is now in the outside world, who knows whether he will be discovered when he makes a move, then he can… and now Since the princess is not dead, who knows if she has sent a signal to contact those royalists or Yuzan!

“No reason, no reason, no, I don’t believe it! You are fake, yes, you are fake!”

Now Torland is like a madman, yelling constantly, as if only in this way can he conceal his inner fear.

And just as he was in chaos, and even “Nilolas” did not launch another offensive, a thousand meters away from the river below the cable-stayed bridge that Torland had not noticed, an earth united ship was on the ground. It drove up quickly, and all the weapons and facilities above had been opened and aimed at the “Niloclas” on the bridge!



The missiles, rockets, and other weapons on the ships are constantly bombarding the “Nilolas”. Although the firepower is strong, it seems a little futile!

Because the characteristics of the “Niloclas” dimensional barrier are also doomed to their attacks without success!


However, what surprised Torland was that after receiving several violent bombardments in the first round, a few shells were mixed in these attacks. Several shells were not directed at Niloclas at all, but instead. Attacking the bridge where “Neloclas” is standing!(Read more @


A huge splash of water splashed, and at this moment “Niloclas” looked very embarrassed, and Torlan in the cab was already mad, yelling constantly and furiously, as if only in this way could he vent his anger. Dissatisfaction and accumulated fear and low self-esteem!


But at this moment, Tolland was alerted by the radar on the screen. Behind “Nilolas”, an orange training machine “Srepnier” that had been eliminated by the Earth Union was moving quickly. It rushes!

“Huh! Smelly mouse, don’t blame me if you are going to die!”

As always, Tolland looked down on the people of the earth, and even looked down on the opposing armored cavalry. Of course, in the next moment, he opened his mouth in surprise, which was incredible!

“No, this, how is this possible!”

I saw that the rushing “Srepnil” was very different from the other Earth armored cavalry it had encountered before. Not only was it much more flexible in action, but it also exceeded the other in terms of cutting into and grasping the battle situation. So I don’t know how many armored cavalry I have met!

Just when the arm of “Niloclas” was about to be raised and wanted to smash the guy who rushed forward to provoke him, the short knife in the right hand of the “Srepnil” had already stabbed, and it was still stabbing. The only flaw in “Niloclas”, the gap of the dimensional barrier!

Just as the practice machine “Srepnier” piloted by Inaho Boundary Mound had just defeated “Nilolas”, at the other end of the bridge, a handsome boy with white hair was staring wide-eyed. Looking far away at the figure that appeared in Kagami——Athelam!

Two hours later, the entire city of New Awon City at this time was in ruins!

And Slein, who had just escaped and repaired the transport aircraft just before the meteorite bombing, also returned to Kurutou City, and was reporting the incident to Count Kurutou at this time.

“You mean, Tolland, dead!?”

After listening to Slein’s narrative, Count Kurouto’s anger was full of his eyes, and he stared closely at Slein’s words.

“Yes! Torlanqing was involved in the meteorite bombardment. Even the “Nilolas” with a dimensional barrier could not withstand the meteorite bombardment at all, and if it weren’t for me just before the meteorite bombing came. If the transport plane is repaired, I must be…”

Slein’s voice was very calm. Although his heart was also very nervous, he tried to be as calm as possible. In addition, the meteorite bombing took place within the area of ​​influence of Kurutou City, which made Ku Count Rutheo was also very angry, and didn’t notice Slein’s anomaly!

“Asshole! Unexpectedly, this time has come, there are still people fishing in troubled waters, and they are still trying to mislead my leader map! Don’t they have the dignity of being the orbital knights! Forget it, since things have already happened, then these are the same now. To no avail, I will catch that guy one day! Come here, help me call Brand, so that he can wipe out the remnants of the earth in the nearby area as soon as possible. He must avenge the princess as soon as possible!”

Augustine City.

“This is the order you received and the subsequent assassination plans? Are you sure you didn’t miss something? For example, the identity of the guy who contacted you, or the person behind him?”

Yuzan was leading his adjutant in Yanglu City and asked Wolf and the others who had been brought back to Yanglu City.

“No, we tell you what we know. We don’t know the identity of the person who contacted us at the beginning. We only know that he has a deep background and a strong force behind him. We only know that behind them is the Orbital Knights. I don’t know one or more of the others!”

“Master Yuzan! Just now there was news that Habsburg City in orbit changed and launched a meteorite bombardment on the Earth, the target is Japan!”

“Master Yuzan, Count Zazbalum is calling!”


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