Chapter 961

“Broken, the machine can’t go!” Yuzan and his party were in the suburbs.

“Ah! What can we do about this!” Wan Yu said.

“It’s okay, little things, old troubles, I will lead the cow tomorrow to pull it back.” The uncle said.

“Hey, hey, look, there is a car.” Yuzan saw the wedding car not far behind and said to Wanyu and Zhanbo.

“Master, master.” The three stood on the side of the road and stopped the wedding car.

“Master, where are you going?” Wan Yu asked.

“Ah! I… I’m going to… the city!” said the driver in the car.

“Master…you are drunk too much!” Wan Yu asked embarrassedly.

“You girl, how do you talk! I can’t tell the difference between stuttering and drinking too much! I really can’t talk.” The driver said, he was about to drive away.

“Master, can you take us a ride!”

“No, this is a wedding car, used to pick up the bride! No,” the driver said.

“Master, just send us to the previous village. Uncle’s karting broke down.”

“What a thing? Are you amused! Go kart!” The driver looked blank.

“Master, we really won’t get dirty. We are sitting on the tractor, and you only need to bring the tractor.” Zhanbo said hurriedly.

“Master~ please~” Wan Yu also took advantage of the trend and became cute.

“Okay, I’ll be a masterpiece for you, come up!”

“Hey, thank you.”

The plot is still developing. A BMW surpasses the wedding car. Under the influence of alcohol, the driver starts racing with the BMW.

After a while, it attracted the attention of the traffic police and was stopped soon.

After explaining the reasons, the traffic police decided to send them to the love apartment.(Read more @

At the banquet in the love apartment.

Lu Ziqiao was wearing a priest’s clothes and bluffing, while Chen Meijia was eating and drinking.

Not long after, Yuzan and his party arrived at the love apartment in the wedding car.

The square was full, and when Yuzan and his party got out of the car, there was a warm applause.

“…The people here are so enthusiastic!” Yuzan said.

“Yes, yes!” Wan Yu also echoed.

“Sister…what happened!” Zhan Bo looked blank and asked Hu Yifei, who was also in the news.

“Oh, Zhanbo! Why are you, the bride! Also, who are these two?” Hu Yifei asked in surprise.

“Oh…Sister, this is Yuzan, my friend, and you have the same surname, this is Wanyu.”

“The bride is coming!” I don’t know who shouted behind.

Zeng Xiaoxian stepped onto the stage and began his long talk.

“Everyone, I just made a little joke with everyone, the bride and groom are coming soon.

At this wonderful moment of celebrating the grand occasion, I can feel the strong blessings everyone has given to the new couple, so I am here. We also received a special congratulatory letter from the very young couple, the founder of our apartment. “Zeng Xiaoxian said, took out a congratulatory letter, and read it.

“I am very happy to see such a young couple in my house tied the knot. I send my blessings to them. You have fulfilled one of my wishes. I welcome all friends and couples, and they can move in. Come in our apartment. So I want to give a two-point gift to the newcomer. It is within my ability. I can fulfill one of their wishes.

The second gift is for everyone. Any couple who fall in love in our apartment can enjoy free water and electricity! Cut the rent in half! “Zeng Xiaoxian finished with applause.

Lu Ziqiao and Chen Meijia in the audience looked at each other, really…

The newcomer finally appeared. Lu Ziqiao also stepped onto the stage and stood between the two.

“It’s an honor to bring two new people here to accept God’s blessings and become a formal husband and wife, but I am very sorry that this may be the last time I perform this duty.”

“I~may not be a priest anymore, because in this loving place. I can’t stop emotions from calling me, accidentally. Absolutely accidentally, very accidentally, too accidentally, I just found it in this apartment, and I’ve been there all my life. She is looking for, you, my Mika.”

Zi Qiao stepped down and knelt in front of Mei Jia, “Your eyes are clear and moving, your hands are gentle and delicate, and your heart is crystal clear. You are my life partner. Let me be your man, okay.”

“Your arms are powerful, your chest is broad and stalwart, and your leather swords are impenetrable. You are my future, but I will accompany you to grow old.” Mei Jia helped Lu Ziqiao and said.

“It’s too exaggerated!” Yuzan said to Wanyu and Zhanbo.

The wedding continues.

“Ladiesand folks”

“IveryhappyTodaythistwopeoplegotogether…Tie Zhu WangDoyouagreeThegirlbeyourwife”


“Second girl TianDoyouagreeThemanbeyour husband?”



Zi Qiao gestured for ring exchange. At this time, the hostess came to the stage and handed the ring box. Yuzan in the audience had a black line, “English is really bad.”

Wang Tiezhu and Tian Erniu exchanged rings. Lu Ziqiao shouted “OKMusicFlower”..

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