Chapter 993

Zhang Rongxin smiled, hiding behind the door, where the man in black can’t see, turned around and said to the fish. “I heard that you are very good at hitting ten, can you?”

“One is ten, let alone ten. Twenty are coming, just hit it.” Yu Yuzan stared unceremoniously. The eyes of the people in black were clearly directed at Zhang Rongxing, but their eyes never left the black. Clothing people’s eyes. Several blacks seemed to be underestimated and irritated.

Yu Yuzan went out, and at first he gave the opponent a few rounds of kicks. I found that the other party’s body is also hardened, which may be caused by long-term training. After a while, he couldn’t move and waited for her feet to retract, and even felt a little pain in the soles of her feet.

“It’s interesting, if you surrender so quickly, it won’t be fun.” Yu Yuzan looked down on them. Several people in black were taken by Yu Yuzan and all rushed up.

They attacked together and surrounded Yu Yuzan. How many people are in front? With a punch for the injured punch, Xia Yushan bent towards Yushang’s face, and the man in black walked around her, and she kicked the opponent’s abdomen with another foot. At the beginning, he didn’t exhaust all his strength, but now he exhausted all his strength to kick the man in black one meter away.

The man in black was kicked out one meter away, after which the bones inside his body cracked like a crack. His dad made a heart-piercing cry, which drew a few around him. The man in black was a little scared.

Several people in black watched Yu Sheng’s strength kicking another black black man one meter away, and then they dared not take it lightly and surrounded him. It seems to be discussing tactics in silent language.

In their eyes, Yu Yuzan may just be too confident, but now it seems. Yu Yuzan has not only self-confidence, but also strength. Zhang Rongxin stood aside from beginning to end. What you saw, he thought in his heart that he did not misunderstand the wrong person, Yu Yuzan alone is not as strong as an average person can look at.

Several people in black stared at Yu Yuzan’s eyes, like a snake Sasori ate him. They besieged together again and two people locked Yu Yuzan’s shoulders! Yu Yuzan could not move. The other two were going to face the attack, but they were raised up and kicked by two feet. They did not talk about one meter away, but suffered some injuries and injuries, and their hands were restricted. Unable to exert all his strength, he turned around. Throwing away the two people beside him.(Read more @

The blacks saw that he was at a disadvantage, and one of the most representative stood up against typhoid fever. “As long as you hand over the gems, we promise to leave immediately.”

“Don’t you find it funny? You can’t beat me and I still want me to hand over the things. I spent so much money to buy it. If you change it to you, will you teach it?” Yu Yuzan said a few words that blocked the black man. Speechless.

But Zhang Rongxin watched the scene of their fight and ignored it. Escaped from the other direction. The people in black did not notice that Zhang Rongxing was also in the room, they only knew. Encountered in the room, this is a fact of May 1st, at the moment they only think that the gem is in the hands of Yu Yuzan. Yu Yuzan also realized that Zhang Rongxing had left the scene. Although a little angry, this is undoubtedly the best way. As long as the gem didn’t join their hands, even if she was defeated, she wouldn’t be out of chips.

I don’t know where I shot a needle and inserted it into Yu Yuzan’s body. Yu Yuzan felt a little bit weak all over his body. Several people looked at each other, and then they laughed and said. “We are here to grab the gems, so the means we use will never be a legitimate job to earn a fight with you. If you know you, call the gems out, and we can spare your life.”

“You are delusional.” Seeing Yu Yuzan, Zhang Rongxing ran away and began to ponder his escape route. At the moment, it still fights with it, he will undoubtedly die like this, he can only save his strength and escape.

“You can’t run away, don’t be delusional.” One of the men in black seemed to see through Yu Yuzan’s heart, and stepped forward and kicked his badly injured left leg. Yu Yuzan didn’t call out, but his brows were tightly locked, his nails were sunk in the meat, the whole person squatted on the ground, and he couldn’t cry out in pain. He snorted in pain and stared at the man in black. There was a mole on the left eyebrow of the man in black.

Yu Yuzan touched the spring gun that Zhang Rongxing had just snatched from his pocket. He doesn’t know if it should be used now, but he knows that this gun is not a last resort and absolutely cannot be taken out.

This kind of injuries and injuries were trained in the team, but during Gushi exercises. He didn’t have such a heartbreaking yelling. What did he do in front of his teammates in the past? Such heart-piercing screams will not be ashamed. And at this moment, in front of a group of people in black, he would rather die than put down his estimation.

The opponent Jianyu Yuzan was a bit stiff, and the second fist was about to come up again, and the assassin did not have the strength to resist the second fist at all. He keeps trying to hide. He wants to escape from this scene. I’m afraid it’s not an easy task. He keeps looking around.

There was no way around here and there was no way for business. He rushed to the opposite side of the black man and jumped from the second floor to the first floor. Or how long will they just end? Individuals leave once sparsely, but they turn a blind eye to this scene. People here are used to seeing this kind of Changxing.

Yu Yuzan didn’t expect these people to help, he watched the man in black upstairs about to chase down. He limped to the crowd. Leaving the auction scene, I found the way I would go from my memory.

Yu Yuzan hid in the corner and saw the man in black passing by him. He breathed a sigh of relief, but the other person covered his mouth and pulled it to the corner to show him clearly when the opponent was shooting, Li Qiye’s archery. I was very surprised.

He couldn’t confirm whether Sister Snake was a friend or an enemy. She can’t fully grasp it yet. But at this moment, she could not believe or believe her. Zhang Rongxin will definitely not come back to save his son, but he can only survive on his own.

“Are you okay, put on this suit and walk with me first, and I will take you back to the room.” Actually, he didn’t do much to show why he was in this world and he didn’t ask him only to leave this right and wrong. The ground is the key. He knows that the room in the design refers to the wrong path. She suffered from the newly designed clothes for him, and her feet were obviously covered. He exercised a few bones, but he still pretended to be good. Zi swaggered down the road and returned to the room. ..

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