Seeing that no one was talking, and knowing that they had nothing to say, Sarutobi Hiruzen announced the candidate that had been decided in the previous meeting.

"The supreme commander of the battlefield between Konoha and Sand Village in the Land of Rain is Yuhi Shinku, and Kato Dan serves as the deputy commander to assist Yuhi Shinku……"

Soon Sarutobi Hiruzen had assigned all the positions, and several clan leaders also said how many people their clans could send.

After the personnel and number of people were determined, it took more than half an hour to confirm some matters, and the meeting ended.

Sarutobi Hiruzen stood up and said

"Okay, everyone go back and prepare, and gather at the Konoha gate at six o'clock tomorrow morning."

After the meeting was dismissed, the selected jonins left in a hurry and began to prepare for the next action.

At the same time, the patriarchs of each family also returned to the clan to inform the clan members.

As for the supplies, the village had already prepared them in advance and loaded them on the carriages, waiting to go to the Rain Country together tomorrow morning.

Hyuga Shinichi found Nawase, Inuzuka Mukuro and Aburame Tomohiro. Their Eyes, Nose and Ears combination was naturally on the list of those going to the Rain Country battlefield, and Nawase was also assigned to them, forming a team of four.

This team consists of one jonin and three special jonin, and such a team configuration is rare.

The few of them exchanged a few words and went home to prepare what they were going to bring.

Hyuga Shinichi and Nawase were on the way back to the Senju clan. Nawase had been holding a kunai and condensing water attribute chakra there since yesterday.

And now he is holding Hyuga Shinichi's Tingfeng Sword and condensing water attribute chakra there.

"Sure enough, it is easy to use chakra metal to condense chakra on it."

"Then you can also make a chakra metal short sword"

"Oh, forget it. I am more suitable for using ninjutsu to attack the enemy from a distance. Kunai is enough for melee combat."


At 5:30 in the morning of the next day, the sky was still shrouded in darkness. Hyuga Shinichi and others arrived at the gate of Konoha Village, and they found that many people had already gathered at the gate waiting.

Seeing that it was still early, Hyuga Shinichi, who felt a little bored, walked towards the Hyuga clan ninjas and chatted with them.

Not long after, the Uchiha clan ninjas arrived one after another. Hyuga Shinichi spotted Uchiha Sukeka in the crowd, and the latter obviously noticed him.

Hyuga Shinichi nodded slightly to Uchiha Sukeka as a friendly greeting. Uchiha Sukeka was slightly stunned, and then nodded slightly in response.

At the same time, an Uchiha who looked only a few years older than Hyuga Shinichi suddenly walked up to Hyuga Shinichi.

Not only was he a head taller than Hyuga Shinichi, he also looked up and looked down at Hyuga Shinichi, and spoke in a contemptuous tone.

"Are you the so-called genius of the Hyuga clan? You don't look that good! Also, as a member of the Hyuga clan, you actually carry a sword on your back, which is really ridiculous, hahahaha."

His voice was so loud that everyone present heard it and looked in this direction.

"elder brother……"

Uchiha Sukehide hurriedly stepped forward and grabbed the man.

Hinata Shinichi was a little confused at this moment. Who is this man? Do I know him?

But when he heard Uchiha Sukehide calling this man,"

Brother?" The man in front of him is Uchiha Sukehide's brother?

The two of them are too different. Although Uchiha Sukehide also deserves a beating, it is quite normal for Uchiha to do so, and he did not think there was anything wrong. But the man in front of him not only deserves a beating, but also exudes an arrogance that everyone looks down on.

Hinata Shinichi, who reacted, could not help but fight back when being ridiculed, and he also responded:

"Who are you? Your mouth stinks so early in the morning. Are you angry or didn't brush your teeth?"

After saying this, he covered his mouth and nose with his hands, stepped back a few steps, looked at the man with disgust and continued

"You didn't really forget to brush your teeth because you got up too early, did you?"

Hinata Shinichi's weird look made the crowd laugh, and this person heard that these laughs were mocking him, and his face turned red because of anger.

Hinata Shinichi knew that the other party was red-blooded, and thought that the other party's ability to withstand pressure was not good, so he turned red-blooded.

He didn't know how to control this person's temperature.

"Uchiha Fen, have you had enough of the trouble?"

At this time, an older Uchiha came over and looked at Uchiha Fen expressionlessly.

Hinata Shinichi also knew the name of Uchiha Zuka's brother.

But he didn't care about this, but kept looking at the Uchiha who stood out.

The other party had long hair parted in the middle, and the most prominent facial feature was his mouth, with the corners of his mouth tilted downward.

If Uchiha Fen gave Hinata Shinichi the first impression of being brainless, then this person was unhappy.

Uchiha Fen didn't get angry again when he saw this person, and said to the other party

"Master Fugaku, I……"

When Hinata Shinichi heard the name, he thought to himself that it was Uchiha Fugaku! Sure enough, he was right! If

I remember correctly, Uchiha Fugaku should be 18 years old at this time? He looks like this at the age of 18, and he doesn't look like a young boy at all. I don't know how Uchiha Mikoto fell in love with him. Moreover, the two are five years apart, so Uchiha Fugaku can be said to be an old cow eating young grass.

"Stop embarrassing yourself! Go back to the queue and stand in line!"


Uchiha Fen turned his face away and left. Uchiha Suke looked at Hinata Shinichi, and finally followed Uchiha Fen and returned to the Uchiha team.

Uchiha Fugaku didn't think anything of Uchiha Fen's attitude, as if he had long been accustomed to it, and then said to Hinata Shinichi in an apologetic tone

"Sorry, Uchiha Fen has a bit of an arrogant personality."Uchiha

Fugaku's words surprised the people of the Hyuga clan. It could be said that he was apologizing for Uchiha Fen. Usually, in the verbal confrontation between the two families, neither side took the initiative to show weakness.

Now Uchiha Fugaku took the initiative to apologize to Hyuga Shinichi, which surprised the people of the Hyuga clan. They all thought that they were still asleep.

But Hyuga Shinichi didn't think it was strange, because he knew what kind of person Uchiha Fugaku was.

In the original work, Uchiha Fugaku, as the patriarch of the Uchiha clan, actually wanted the Uchiha clan and Konoha to live in harmony and live a peaceful life without fighting. alive.

It's a pity that he met two high-ranking officials of Konoha, Sarutobi Hiruzen and Shimura Danzo.

One is an extreme dove, as long as it doesn't start a war, he will turn a blind eye.

The other is an extreme hawk, as long as it will threaten Konoha, he will find a way to solve the hidden danger.

Years of suppression have pushed the Uchiha clan to the opposite side of Konoha.

On one side is the hard-won peace, and on the other side is the dissatisfaction of the clan members. Uchiha Fugaku can be said to be in a dilemma.

In the end, he had no choice but to choose the option of launching a coup, and the Uchiha clan also faced the result of being exterminated.

…… ps: Please generate electricity with love for free, and please leave more comments, thank you.

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