The voice of Sunday continues:"He made the stars into pen tips, and made symbols for pronunciation and counting. He made the stars into rivers, and pointed out the good and righteous in the upper reaches, and the evil and unrighteous in the lower reaches. From then on, all things have been marked, and people in the world can know good and evil and benefits."

"This is the third and fourth day."

March Seven touched his chin and commented:"Sunday's line skills seem to be quite good, and they sound beautiful."

Luo Ming looked at her,"Why, do you want to throw yourself into the arms of order?"

"I'm just sighing, why are you making such a fuss?"

Sanyueqi glared at him in dissatisfaction. Liuying said softly:"If the order is really so perfect, His fate will be even broader, instead of being assimilated by the harmonious Xipei after the breeding war."

"No, the death of Order is not that simple."

As everyone walked deeper, Luo Ming chatted,"The Taiyi of Order is one of the oldest star gods. In the era before He fell, the ancient Order suppressed many disasters and was a powerful star god comparable to Kripa."

"But then Breeding was promoted to Star God, and the locusts devoured endlessly, completely destroying the order of the universe, so Taiyi found Krippo and had a great battle with Breeding and the Gluttonous Star God. There was also joy in it, and they almost fought each other."

"As a result, order was gone, harmony assimilated the fate of order, and the universe entered a new era of disorder, and then the disordered star gods such as destruction and abundance were born."

"Wait." March 7 stopped him and asked doubtfully:"Destruction and abundance seem to have happened a long time ago. Could they be related to order?"

"Of course it is related."Luo Ming saw that Ji Zi and others were listening attentively, and smiled and said,"I mentioned before that Hu also participated in that war. After the death of Order, some disordered star gods appeared in the universe, and they reached a balance with the orderly star gods such as Krippo."

"Is the Balance Interaction also the mastermind behind the death of Order?"

Sanyueqi's eyes widened, as if he had heard some cosmic secret.

"Whether it is a dirty trick or not, the Star God does not distinguish between good and evil. All actions are fulfilling their own destiny."

"The fates of the star gods sometimes conflict with each other. For example, in reproduction, He destroyed the order of the universe, threatened the balance of the world, and blocked the road to development. It is normal for Him to be beaten up by a group of people."

"But for breeding itself, this is the meaning and destiny of His existence. Is it wrong?"

After a moment of silence, everyone laughed on Sunday:"It's a very interesting interpretation. Then Mr. Luo Ming, if these are all true, do you agree to resurrect Taiyi and let the universe return to the light of order?"

Luo Ming laughed:"The two words Star God are too big and have nothing to do with me. My vision is too narrow. I just want to protect the safety of those around me."

After saying that, he laughed at himself and looked at Ji Zi and said:"Maybe this is why I can't embark on the path of pioneering even if I am on the train."

Ji Zi smiled gently:"But you will always be our partner."

Xing nodded his head heavily and looked at him very seriously:"Sister Ji Zi is right, even if you can't embark on the path of pioneering, I won't look down on you!"

March 7 also echoed:"Yes, at most I will torture you when you make me angry!"

Luo Ming glanced at the two of them unhappily:"I really give you two little Karami faces."

After saying that, he took the smiling Liuying and strode forward.

Xing sneered in counterattack, and then immediately followed him. After all, in this kind of ghost place, only by following Luo Ming's side can she feel a little bit of security.

Following the instructions.

The group entered a room similar to a VIP viewing box. Through the window, they could clearly see every corner of the theater.

March 7 pointed to the corner of the box and said,"Look, another picture frame!"

Luo Ming said,"As usual, I'll go in first, and you follow."

Sunday is now nothing more than stalling for time, waiting for the Harmonious Music Ceremony to be held, so that he can seize the body of the Qixiang Choir, seize the power of harmony, and bring down the Taiyi Dream that will devour the entire Asdena Galaxy.

If Luo Ming tried his best and used a knife to cut into the void, he might be able to stop the sacrifice, but at the same time he would also destroy the entire Pinoconi.

So we still have to follow the original plan, through the will of thousands of sea patrol rangers, break through the upcoming dream of sinking, and then catch Sunday, who brought everything, and more than 10,000 members of the Oak family in one fell swoop.

As for whether there is any invisible big hand behind Sunday, we can only deal with it as it happens.

Entering the dream space.

Everyone came to the second act of the prelude, which is the Ode to the Foolish Servant.

The scene here is much neater, more spacious, and brighter than before. If you ignore the gray abyss, it looks like the interior of a mansion.

Sunday's voice sounded again, still in that kind of narrative tone.

"The following story revolves around the struggle for power. The seven major families of trees, grass, flowers, birds, beasts, fruits and insects are established one by one in Pinocchio."

"Peace never really came to the exiled land. This history is so complicated that I will present it to you in the form of a parable."

"The order in the exile land is very chaotic, and there are internal and external troubles. The seven families are united on the surface, but in fact they are independent and there are constant disputes."

"The first to withdraw from the civil war were the Black Blin family. In the White Desert Incident planned by the Clover family, they became history forever."

The Black Blin family managed and guarded the depths of the Memory Domain, but they were plotted against by the then Clover family master, and none of them escaped.

"The head of Clover tried to join the company and exchange his freedom for survival, but his eldest son killed him for the sake of justice, and the latter took over the position of head of the family."

"The Milky Way is cruel and merciless. The Lantern Moth family tried to reclaim the silver tracks left by the train, but encountered the remnants of the insect swarm and was destroyed."

Luo Ming led everyone to the depths of space.

One of the three pioneers, Captain Revolver's Tie Ernan, was the patriarch of the Lantern Moth family at the time. He led his people into the Milky Way to find a way out for Pinocone, but only Tie Ernan was saved by the Patrol Ranger. The bullet medal that Huang Quan returned to Portio was given to her by the bloody sin spirit that Tie Ernan was watching on the other side.

Sunday's voice continued:"Until Gophermu led the family to the Land of Exile, the five major families converted one after another, and Pinocone was able to truly embrace its new name-the Land of Dreams."

March Seven whispered:"Although we all know that the family's intentions are not right, it seems to be the only choice for Pinocone at the time."

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