"But if you sign a contract with me and become my summoned beast, we can explore the world together. It's better than you staying alone on this island country surrounded by the sea. It's better to go out with me to see the outside world. Maybe we can find a way to turn a snake into a dragon."

After hearing this, the little green snake lying on the ground fell into deep thought. It was obvious that Hinata Shinichi's words touched it, so after thinking for a while, the little green snake responded.

"All right, then I'll trust you for once! It's boring for me to be alone anyway, so I might as well go out with you."

Hinata Shinichi was very satisfied with the answer of the little green snake. He immediately took out a scroll from the ninja tool bag behind his waist, took out a brush and dipped it in ink, and quickly painted on the surface.

In the blink of an eye, a mysterious spell appeared on the paper. This was the summoning spell used to sign a contract with the summoned beast. Once both parties successfully signed the contract, Hinata Shinichi would be able to summon the little green snake to his side by performing the summoning technique.

"Oh, by the way, I still don't know your name."

Hinata Shinichi suddenly remembered that he hadn't asked the little green snake in front of him its name.

"I am just me. I have no name."

The little green snake raised its head high and said,

"So... How about letting me give you a name?"

Hinata Shinichi stroked his chin and said thoughtfully.

"It's up to you."

The little green snake didn't seem to care whether he had a name or not.

"Look, you are about to go out with me to see the vast world, and you are a little green snake, so why don’t I call you"Ao Qing"?

""Ao" means to go out and take a leisurely stroll, which is just right for you to follow me out, and"Qing" represents the color of your body. What do you think of this name?"

Hinata Shinichi explained seriously.

The little green snake listened and blinked humanely, thinking for a moment and then said

""Ao Qing... Well, this name is not bad! It suits me very well! From today on, I will be called Ao Qing!"

Then Hinata Shinichi asked it to write its name on the spiritual spell of the contract. Ao Qing came to the scroll and looked at it for a while, but it didn't move. Hinata Shinichi thought something was wrong with it.

Then, Ao Qing turned around and asked Hinata Shinichi.

""Well, how do you write the word Ao Qing?"

Hinata Shinichi smiled, picked up a branch and wrote the word Ao Qing on the ground stroke by stroke. Ao Qing watched carefully and memorized the writing of the two words.

Then, Ao Qing opened his mouth, showing his sharp teeth, stabbed his tail, and bit a small hole in his tail.

Blood flowed out of it, and then Ao Qing used his tail as a pen and used his own blood to carefully write the two words"Ao Qing" in the blank space reserved in the center of the summoning ritual.

After Ao Qing finished writing, Hinata Shinichi bit his index finger without hesitation, and wrote his name vertically in the blank space next to the summoning ritual with his bleeding fingertips.

Finally, he gently pressed his finger under the name, leaving a bright red blood fingerprint. At this point, the contract with the summoned beast was officially completed.

Hinata Shinichi rolled up the scroll, put it in the ninja tool bag behind his waist, and then said to Ao Qing with a smile on his face.

"Ao Qing, in this way, we can be considered partners fighting side by side!"When mentioning the word"partner", Hinata Shinichi couldn't help but think of the purpose of his trip, which was to go out to find herbs for Shengshu.

"Ao Qing, I suddenly remembered that I have something else to do. Do you want to wait here for a while and then take you away with me when I leave, or......"

Before he finished speaking, Ao Qing climbed up along Hinata Shinichi's legs, and when he reached his waist, he went straight into the gap of the breastplate.

Hinata Shinichi felt Ao Qing in the breastplate, and smiled and patted the breastplate.

He picked up the bag of herbs beside him and started running back to the direction of Uzushio Village.

On the way, he talked to Ao Qing hiding in the breastplate from time to time, saying that he came from the country across the sea.

And Ao Qing always listened quietly, occasionally making a hissing sound, as if expressing that he was listening in this unique way.

Not far from Uzushio Village, Hinata Shinichi could see a group of figures in front of him from a distance.

They were holding a variety of weapons, and the most eye-catching thing was the strands of bright red hair. These people were heading towards Uzushio Village.

Could this be the patrol that Uzumaki Michiko mentioned?

Just as Hinata Shinichi was thinking, a perceptive ninja in the group keenly noticed Hinata Shinichi approaching from behind.

In an instant, the entire team entered a state of combat readiness. When Hinata Shinichi was about to approach, the perception ninja shouted loudly

"Stop right there! Who are you?"

Faced with the vigilant shouts, Hinata Shinichi stopped in front of the crowd.

Seeing that Hinata Shinichi was just a child, they did not dare to take it lightly.

At this time, Ao Qing, who was hiding in the breastplate, also came out and stared at the group of people in front of him.

Hinata Shinichi raised his hands high to show that he had no hostility, and took the initiative to reveal his identity and said

"I'm from Konoha Village. I've been to the village before, but now I'm here to help Uzumaki Michiko collect herbs."

After hearing this, a middle-aged man walked out of the crowd. He looked at Hinata Shinichi and asked in a serious tone:

"Michiko asked you to come out to collect herbs? So where are the herbs?"

Just as he was about to take out the bag of herbs from his waist, some of the nervous Uzumaki clan thought that Hinata Shinichi was going to take out a weapon or something, and almost rushed over to do it, but was stopped by the uncle.

Hinata Shinichi opened the bag of herbs so that the uncle could see it, and then reached out to grab it.���A handful of this herb.

After confirming that there was no problem, the man opposite also said

"Then you follow behind us and keep a safe distance. We are about to reach the village, and we have to confirm your identity before we can feel at ease."

Hinata Shinichi also expressed his understanding. After seeing that he could not fight, Ao Qing also went back into his breastplate in boredom.

Following behind the team, Hyuga Shinichi began to observe these Uzumaki clan members and found that each of them had a serious expression. Even some of them were injured, and they all revealed an air of vigilance.

Soon, they arrived at Uzushio Village. The two guards standing at the entrance of the village saw the patrol team with Hyuga Shinichi, and they stepped forward to inquire about the situation. After learning the reason, the guard also explained that Hyuga Shinichi was indeed a guest from Konoha, and he did say before that he went out to collect herbs.

Everyone was no longer wary of Hyuga Shinichi.

When saying goodbye to everyone and preparing to go to the clinic, the uncle who stood up before also followed and said to Hyuga Shinichi

"Michiko is my daughter. This guy just apologized."

"Oh, it's okay. It's a special period, so we need special treatment. I understand."

…… ps: Please generate electricity with love for free, and please leave more comments, thank you.

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