“Sure enough, using the overlord color domineering, you can impact the spirit of the spellcaster, so as to crack her illusion, the same as cracking that demon fruit ability, but I don’t know if the overlord color can work against the writing wheel eye.”

A slight color flashed in Liu Chen’s eyes, and he naturally knew that there was someone outside the door.

And I also knew it was a woman.

A woman who is good at illusion and has good strength.

Plus this is Konoha Village.

It’s only sunset red, right?

The other party is very close to him, less than 20 meters away, such a close overlord color domineering impact, Sunset Hong has not passed out, which is enough to show that her strength is very good.

Of course, for Liu Chen, it is just good, that’s all.

If he really started to kill…

Sunset Red lives no more than five minutes.

“This…….. What’s going on?! How, why did everyone faint?! ”

Hinata looked around in disbelief.

She was still thinking about what it was just now.

As a result, the surrounding classmates and Iruka-sensei.

They all fell to the ground.

And there is Iruka-sensei’s shuriken on his neck that has long disappeared, replaced by a clean neck, looking at the way he breathes in an orderly manner, it is obvious that there is nothing wrong, just passing out.

Liu Chen’s voice sounded in her mind: “They are not a big deal, if you are worried about them, you might as well pretend to faint now, lest when the time comes, you will be found to be wrong, and then you will be in trouble.” ”

Liu Chen naturally didn’t worry about anything, and with his strength, he was enough to conquer the Ninja Realm.

At least in the early and middle stages of the plot, it’s fine.

Under six paths!

Count him invincible!

But Hinata is a little weak chicken, maybe her strength in the future is good, but the current Hinata…….. I don’t know if she can beat her sister Hanabi, it is estimated that she will not be able to beat it.

If Hinata at this time, show something weird and wrong.

It will definitely be alerted by the people of Konoha.

Liu Chen was just a kind reminder.

However, even if Hinata was really found to be something wrong by Konoha’s people, Liu Chen could easily protect her and protect a little girl, and the difficulty was easier than fighting with Whitebeard.

But Hinata was very obedient and actually pretended to faint on the table.

The expression and demeanor are very similar.

If it weren’t for the fact that this is a hot-blooded fan…….

Hinata is afraid that he can debut as a child star.

And the sunset red outside the door was in the next moment, directly broke into the classroom, she looked at the fainted students, and Naka Shinobi Iruka, with a little shock on her face: “This…….. Is it all because of the terrifying momentum just now? They were all stunned by the momentum. ”

Even Iruka, who was a middle ninja, was stunned by the momentum.

Although Iruka is not strong in Naka-ninja.

But the momentum alone can stun Iruka.

If this is placed on the war, the ninja below the middle ninja…….. I’m afraid that in an instant, the whole army will be wiped out directly?! There may even be a large part of the middle patience, and there is no way to resist the rush of momentum.

“It’s not a good sign that so many students are in a coma.”

Shaking his somewhat headache head.

Sunset Red’s expression was very solemn.

She muttered, “You must hurry up and pray to Naruto-sama, otherwise if something strange happens, it may not be as simple as a comatose group of students and a ninja school teacher.” ”

What she didn’t know was that the people who were now in a coma were not just a group of students, but also an Iruka.

More than seventy percent of the entire Konoha people fell into a coma.

After all, upper Shinobi or strong Naka Shinobi.

Or special upper patience.

Or a ninja with strong willpower.

After all, it’s just a minority.

And as the third generation of Konoha Village, Hokage Point Ape Flying Sun, he also knew the news for a long time, and was already the first time to send the dark department to investigate the matter.

In the mind of the ape flying sun…………. This is a matter of Konoha’s survival!

After all, what happened was so weird.

People have to be very vigilant.

Konoha entered the first level of alert!

At that time, when the Nine Tails were in chaos, Konoha was also in a state of first-level alert.

It is enough to show how much the ape flying sun chop attaches importance to this matter.

After watching Sunset Red leave.

Liu Chen sensed it with a domineering look, and found that she was at least hundreds of meters away, before he came out of Hinata’s sea of consciousness, and then knocked Hinata’s little head and said with a smile: “Get up, little girl, the woman outside the door, has left for a distance.” ”

Hinata quietly narrowed his eyes and rolled around.

It seems to be quietly observing the movements around him.

Then he slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

Looking at all the comatose classmates, she couldn’t help but secretly swallow her spit, saying in her heart that it was all fake if she wasn’t shocked, and she asked curiously: “Brother Guardian Ling…….. You…….. How did you do this, is it an illusion? ”

Liu Chen shook his head: “This is overlord-colored domineering, only one person with overlord qualifications can appear among millions of people.” And this person can awaken the overlord-colored domineering under specific coincidence conditions. ”

Overlord color domineering?! Another strange term that I don’t understand.

Although Hinata’s little face was a little confused.

But it always feels like it’s awesome…….


“If only I had that ability…….. In that case, there should be no one who can bully me, right? In fact…….. In fact, it can’t be said to be bullying, but they usually make too much trouble…”

Hinata’s little face was a little lost, and he muttered in his heart, with a little longing.

“Overlord color domineering depends on luck, you don’t want to be bullied, you have to work hard. Spend 10 times more effort than others to cultivate, and if you have any problems, I can also answer them for you. ”

Liu Chen had a slight smile on his face, he had plans to cultivate Hinata.

After all, he didn’t know if Hinata was dead.

What will happen to you?

Do you die with it?!

Not…….. Forget it, Liu Chen is only 25, he doesn’t want to die so quickly!

In order to avoid unexpected things, take the time to cultivate Hinata.

It is also a very reasonable arrangement.

“Hinata little girl…….. Do you want to get stronger?! The kind that kills a Hokage with one punch. ”

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