Under the orders of the three generations of Hokage, whether it was an ordinary member of the Dark Department or a member of the Root Division on the Danzo side, they were frantically investigating the beginning and end of this matter.

In just a few days…….. Almost the entire Konoha was turned over by the roots and dark parts.

However, the final result was not surprising.

Under the crazy investigation of the dark part and the root like crazy.

They still can’t investigate anything.

There are no foreign powerhouses in the village, at least there are no shadow-level powerhouses, and that terrifying momentum seems to be in the eyes of many people…….. At the very least, it has to be a shadow-level existence to emit this kind of momentum, right?!

However, under Konoha’s investigation, there were some different gains.

It is also a relatively unexpected gain.

That is the dark part and root of Konoha.

In Konoha Village, I caught many spies from other countries! Among them, the spies of the other four major ninja villages can be said to have the largest number. It is naturally self-evident that so many spies were sent to Konoha for what this was for.

However, for those so-called spies, Sandaime is not actually interested.

What he cared about was still the momentum that swept through Konoha that day.

What kind of strong person is it……..

To have such a kingly momentum?

Let’s be honest…….

Many people think that the other party is a shadow-level powerhouse, but the third generation of apes flying into the sun does not think so, because he knows very well that even if he is a Hokage, there is no way to exude this terrifying momentum.

“Can’t you find anything after all?! Although it is not unexpected, there are some worries in the end, and the development of things has been beyond control. ”

Inside Konoha’s Hokage’s office, Sarutobi has a pipe in his mouth.

Wisps of blue smoke covered his face.

The joy and anger on his expression could not be seen…………

Although his expression did not change, his heart was still very solemn, which could be clearly seen since Konoha had not lifted the first-level alert state since a few days ago.





A slight knock on the door suddenly sounded, and Ape Fei Ri was slightly stunned, and then said: “The door is not closed, just push it open, please come in.” ”

The wooden door to the office was pushed open and a bearded man walked in.

Men are not very old.

But because of the beard.

Looks very old…….

The man wore the costume of Shangnin, looked at the ape flying sun, and said respectfully: “Naruto-sama, I still can’t find anything, but according to our statistics, the momentum that swept Konoha at that time made 78.77% of the people in Konoha Village fall into a coma. ”

“There are quite a few buildings, walls, inexplicably there are a lot of cracks, I think… We can start investigating these cracks, and maybe there will be a little other windfall. ”

Above the wall, inexplicably, there are very many cracks?!

Ape Fei Ri nodded, rubbed his tired eyebrows, and immediately smiled helplessly: “Asma…….. In private, you don’t need to call the old husband Hokage, but call the old husband father. As for the rift thing…”

“Hmm…….. I will arrange for members of the dark department to pay more attention to this aspect. ”

The bearded man nodded: “Okay…….. Father. ”

What the third generation Hokage investigated there, Liu Chen who didn’t know how far away, didn’t know, and at the same time, he didn’t care about these things.

Even if he is really found out by the other party, he can easily subvert Konoha’s power.

Is there something to be afraid of?

It just doesn’t exist.

At most, you can’t let Hinata, the little girl, develop a wave of obscenity.

Of course, Liu Chen did not think that the other party could find out.

Because he didn’t leave any evidence at all.

Cracks in the walls……..

In fact, it does not give the other party many clues.

Liu Chen, who existed in a special form, looked up at the sky that was already noon, and then at the sweaty little Hinata, and he spoke: “You easily eat dozens of bowls of ramen, and the energy intake of so many foods has created your physique far beyond ordinary people. ”

“It’s just that you won’t use this physique, or in the ninja world…….. Not many people will take advantage of this physique. And I can perfectly play your physique in the right direction it should play. ”

There was no change in Liu Chen’s expression, he did feel that Hinata was naturally suitable for physical skills.

You can eat dozens of bowls of ramen casually!

Normal adults eat up to two bowls.

Hinata, who is only 9 years old, has the amount of food for more than a dozen adults, which is absolutely shocking to the world, and the body ingests so much energy, she did not properly convert it into power, this is a violent heavenly thing.

In Liu Chen’s previous impressions, it was basically: big stomach king = physical perversion.

And that’s exactly what happened.

The more you eat, the more guys.

The more perverted the physical technique.

Hinata’s use of this physique without understanding is a luxury waste.

Or even the famous Hyuga family.

They all feel that their eldest lady is very wasteful……..


It may be that in the Hokage World, the reason why physical skills are not the mainstream, those guys with strong physical skills are basically cultivating the eight-door dunjia, as if they are opening the plug-in, forcibly raising the physical skills to multiple heights.

So basically no one thinks that those big stomach kings, especially eat a lot.

But there is no way to grow a fat stomach king.

All of them are perverts above physical cultivation.

“Anyway, I really don’t know any ninjutsu, and teaching this little girl physical arts can be regarded as a reasonable use of her talent. Judging from her current foundation, as long as this little girl’s cultivation is not slack, it should be safe to become a shadow level. ”

Look at Hinata, who is carrying a few stone bricks and leapfrogging around the pool.

A slight smile appeared on Liu Chen’s face.

When he was trained by Zefa-sensei…

It seems to be so hard, right?! It’s up to Hinata that he doesn’t work hard.

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