God knows what incredible things Liu Chen instilled in the 9-year-old little Hinata, even he himself does not know what he said, after all, who will remember these things…….


Yanagi Chen, who was in the sea of consciousness, quietly watched the back of that Uchiha Sasuke.

Knowing the plot, he naturally knows that this is one of the two protagonists of the original work.

He is a genius young ninja of the Uchiha clan.

Also currently an orphan of the Uchiha clan.

In the disaster of previous years, Uchiha Sasuke was the only survivor of the Uchiha clan, and there was no one, and as for the two murderers, such as Uchiha Obito and Uchiha Itachi, they were not counted.

And this kid…….. He is the eldest son of the Six Dao Immortals and the reincarnation of Indra.

Don’t look at him, he only opened the Sharingan and a plug-in.

In fact, he opened multiple plugins.

Although his protagonist’s aura is not as big as Naruto’s, how can I say that he is also one of the two protagonists, this kid’s future achievements will definitely not be low, and when he is the strongest, he can even reach the level of six dō.

Of course, this is also a young man who lacks love, the kind that is very easy to be fooled.

In the original book, he was not fooled around by the big snake pill.

Only in the end did I discover the truth……..

Only then did he make up his mind to protect Konoha.

Liu Chen shook his head.

He is actually not interested in Uchiha Sasuke’s future achievements, you can’t envy having a hanging wall! The eldest son of the Six Dao Immortals is reincarnated, and this external hanging is not ordinarily large, anyway, it is much larger than Hinata’s.

To be honest, Liu Chen now does not think that he can defeat the sixth level.

But if you hit the peak of the thousand-hand pillar.

He still has a lot of confidence.

“It seems that I can’t slack off either…….. This year is only 25 years old, the strength has not really reached the peak, at least 20~30 years of room for improvement. ”

Liu Chen muttered in the sea of consciousness, 20~30 years.

With his achievements in clearing the pirate world at the age of 25.

Isn’t that time yet possible?

Become more powerful?!

Those strong people in the One Piece world are generally between 50~60 years old to reach the peak of their real lives.

At that time, they were at the top of their strength, and he was far from 50~60 years old, Liu Chen was still far from it, and he was still young.

Hinata walked into the fourth-year class, and the classmates were still those classmates.

All of them are very familiar faces.

It’s just that two months have passed.

Many people have become a little more mature.

Naruto Uzumaki.

Sakura Haruno.

Sasuke Uchiha.

Ino Yamanaka.

Nara Shikamaru.


The future Konoha 12 strong, in this class, accounted for almost half of the majority.

After everyone waited in the class for a few minutes, Iruka-sensei, who had not seen her for two months, walked into the class with a ninjutsu textbook in her hand.

Seeing the familiar faces in the class, he couldn’t help but sigh slightly: “It seems that no one is absent this year, and everyone seems to be in very good spirits.” ”

His attention was more on Hinata Hinata.

Iruka remembers clearly…….

When he fainted for the second time at the ninja school, he was stunned by Hinata Hinata.

Although I don’t know what ability Hinata uses.

But I have to say that the “trick” is very powerful.

The speed made him unable to react.

Maybe it’s the Jiuquan forbidden technique in the Hyuga clan, the power of that move is not ordinary, Hinata Hinata, who was not a Shinobi at that time, used that move to directly knock his own Naka Shinobi away, which is simply unbelievable.

But why hasn’t that move been seen in Konoha’s physical arts collection?!

It stands to reason that no matter how dangerous the forbidden technique is.

Even if it is a very secret forbidden technique.

You can see it in the library cabinet.

Could it be the secret of the Hyuga clan? Not…….. This is very likely.

Since it is the secret of the Hyuga clan.

Then don’t ask too much yourself.

However, what Iruka didn’t know was that it was not Hinata who knocked him out at that time, but Yanagi Chen. At that time, Liu Chen also harbored the idea of wanting to test the strength of the other party, and then tentatively flicked his fingers.

As a result, Iruka-sensei, who is not particularly good at physical skills.

It’s a complete tragedy…………

Directly ejected and flew out.

One of the black histories of life.

Coughing lightly, he did not hold a vengeance, and with a serious look on his face, Iruka-sensei spoke: “Dear ninja school students, after two months, we have met each other again. ”

“Today you are all fourth year students, if you deduct the winter and summer vacation, you have less than two years left before graduation, at most one and a half years left, and you will graduate in one and a half years.”

“So there is only a year and a half left, and I have to teach you more.”

“They all include actual combat drills, and there is a certain chance that people will die.”

“You’d better be mentally prepared…”

His tone paused, shook the textbook in his hand, and continued: “In order to prevent you from being lazy and lazy during the holiday, the school specially organized a preview exam, not only for you, but for the entire school!” ”

“If anyone fails …….. I’m sorry, you’ll have to go back to third grade. ”

“I’m done, do you have anything to say?”


The students looked at each other and did not say anything more about it, because none of them were lazy during the holiday.

And they are also very familiar with the prep exam.

So almost no one worries about anything.

No, the few at the end of the crane are expected to be worried.

After all, they study no matter how …….

No matter how hard you try……..

After all, it is not comparable to hanging on the wall.

“Since everyone has nothing to say, then teacher, I will announce it today, and you all have to listen carefully and clearly to the content of this year’s exam.”

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