A spiral stream of air, roughly as thick as a finger and barely an inch or so long, tore through the air in front of it at the speed of sound like an armor-piercing bullet from a Barrett anti-materiel sniper rifle.

However, due to the small size of the airflow, no sonic boom cloud was generated.

There is also no such harsh sonic boom.

All it was the shrill whistle.

The spiral air stream tore through the air barrier and shot towards Tsunade’s throat.

It’s so fast that it’s almost unresponsive.

The pupils in Tsunade’s beautiful eyes shrank slightly, with a slight look of shock on her face, no longer calm before, her figure quickly turned to the side, and the spiral air flow almost grazed her skin and flew from one side.

Although she was not hit by the airflow, she still felt a slight tingling sensation.

Just rubbing it can feel a little pain.

If you are pierced through your throat by this airflow………

I’m afraid it’s going to die, right?!

The expression on Tsunade’s face was a little ugly, she quickly sealed the seal with both hands, and the two palms seemed to turn into an afterimage, and the seal was successful in less than a second: “Wei-noon-巳-chen-son-ugly-in!” Fire Dragon Flame Bomb!! ”

Both cheeks puffed out slightly, and Tsunade’s mouth suddenly opened.

Three incomparably hot balls of flame spat out of their mouths.

From the left, center, and right directions, it quickly blasted towards Liu Chen.

The hot breath made the weeds under your feet instantly turn yellow.

Some weeds even burned because of this.

The hot breath makes people feel uncomfortable.

Even the air you breathe is very hot.

Hinata in the distance saw these three raging fireballs, and her delicate face was suddenly shocked, even she, a ninja school student who had not yet graduated, could see it…….. This trick is very powerful.

However, she was surprised to see that Brother Guardian Spirit actually did not dodge!

Instead, he stood expressionless and quietly there.

It seems that the raging flame is nothing.

“This guy actually doesn’t hide?! This is a B-level ninjutsu, a ninjutsu that can instantly evaporate the water of a pond. If ordinary ninjas do not dodge, the blood and other water in their bodies will evaporate in less than five seconds. ”

Tsunade’s eyebrows frowned slightly, and she was a little curious why Liu Chen didn’t dodge it.

Could it be that the other party didn’t know the power of the Fire Dragon Flame Bomb?!

That’s almost impossible.

After all, the air is scorching hot.

It shows that this ninjutsu is very powerful.

“I just demonstrated shaving and finger guns, now I’ll cover up the iron for you. Iron is crucial when the enemy’s attack is too fast and you don’t have time to dodge, or when you want to take the blow hard and look for an opportunity to counterattack. ”

As soon as Liu Chen’s faint tone fell, three flame giant balls enveloped him.

A hot flame was burning all around him.

It even set off an explosion of considerable size.

Countless Martian fire debris splashed out in all directions, igniting the flowers and plants on the ground.

With Liu Chen as the center, the radius is more than ten meters.

It turned into a sea of flames.

The flames lasted for more than ten seconds, before slowly dispersing due to the passage of time, looking at the figure that was still standing steadily, Tsunade’s pupils shrank slightly, and he exclaimed in disbelief: “Actually…….. Unscathed! How is it possible, this guy…….. Monsters?! ”

She was shocked to see that Liu Chen was actually not injured at all.

Under this incomparably hot heat………

Liu Chen didn’t even burn his hair.

Even the clothes are in perfect condition.

It’s just that because of the explosion of the flames, there was a little dust on the clothes.

Patted the dust on his clothes.

Liu Chen’s expression did not change.

He continued expressionlessly, “This is the six-style iron block! As for why clothes also harden …….. You’ll figure this out for yourself later. ”

“Next…….. Is…….. Paper painting. ”

As soon as Liu Chen’s voice fell, a fist carrying huge power, wine grazed his ears and flew by.

It turned out that Tsunade saw that he didn’t seem to have anything wrong.

So while he speaks…….

First to attack!!





One after another fierce fist wind swept around Liu Chen, and every fist that could make Shang Shinobu smash and vomit blood was actually easily dodged by him.

Liu Chen didn’t even use his domineering appearance, but just used “paper painting” to dodge.

His body was as if it had become a piece of paper.

Floating wantonly in the air.

While dodging Tsunade’s fierce fist, he opened his mouth to explain, “The cultivation of paper painting is very difficult, it can be regarded as the most difficult one among the six styles, and you may suffer more when you cultivate than today. ”

“So it’s best to mention mentally prepared, otherwise you won’t be able to stand it then.”

After Liu Chen finished saying this, his eyes suddenly froze slightly.

His right hand quickly reached out and firmly grabbed Tsunade’s fist.

Tsunade’s strange power gradually dissipated in his palm.

“What?! Actually…….. Actually took my strange power fist?! ”

Tsunade didn’t know how much of the shock he had endured today.

She felt as if she was being pressed and beaten.

The other party crushed himself in all directions!!

“Auntie…….. Your strength is much less than that of one of my old opponents. ”

Liu Chen suddenly threw his force to the left with one hand.

Tsunade felt his body.

It’s as if it’s out of control.

The whole person flew to the left, flying straight out tens of meters away, she barely landed on the ground, looked at the red fist of her right hand, her eyes were full of shock and disbelief, she really couldn’t imagine that this young man could easily catch his strange fist.

She was even able to throw out her Konoha Sanshin, who was good at strength.

This kind of thing can’t be done even by contemporary Hokage!

One thing Tsunade had to admit was…

The man in front of me who doesn’t know his name…………

In terms of physical skills, the other party seems to be much more powerful than himself!!

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