“Tsunade-sama…….. How did you get left with a wound? And just fainted in that place, who did it? Could it be that the shadow of some village infiltrated the Land of Fire and then attacked you?! ”

Shizune asked with a look of anger as he dealt with Tsunade, who had his eyes closed.

Falling into her heart was very doubtful, and at the same time very angry.

I wonder because I don’t know why…………

Tsunade-sama was suddenly injured.

The one who is annoyed is the one who is hand-to-hand with Tsunade……..

The other party actually injured Tsunade-sama like that, and fainted to the ground!

So that Shizune at that time almost didn’t cry out urgently.

Fortunately, her temperament is relatively strong.

Carry Tsunade into an uninhabited cave and drive the bear away.

I think of this cave as a temporary settlement.

“Although you didn’t receive fatal injuries, and it seems that you didn’t deal with a fatal hand, it’s still too abominable! And also…….. Tsunade-sama, can you please stop messing around in the future, if something happens to you…”

Shizune was like a little housekeeper while dealing with Tsunade’s injuries.

While talking non-stop, let’s talk.

The brains of those who listened hurt.

Tsunade still has her eyes closed, and she has a fear of blood…….. I don’t want to see blood on my body.

Feel the faint pain in your muscles.

She helplessly smiled bitterly: “The current young man is really not ordinary terrible, I didn’t even break the corners of his clothes, and I was stunned by him.” ”

“Whether it’s speed, power, reflexes… Wait, I’m nowhere near him. ”

“What an amazing guy


Although he also has a lot of abilities and hole cards that he has not used, the other party also did not use any hole cards, so he directly stunned himself, one of Konoha’s three Shinobi, and did not expect this kind of thing to happen.

What caused Tsunade the most headache was that the other party did not seem to be a ninja from Konoha.

They may not even be residents of the Land of Fire.

Because the other party’s dress looks …

Not quite like the style of the Fire Nation.

It’s not even dressed in the style of any country you’ve traveled to.

And that suffocating level of physical skill.

It makes people feel a sense of despair.

In terms of physical skills, Tsunade has many people who have been convinced, but this time she has to admit that she is not the opponent of that man in this aspect of physical skills.

Even the power to hurt the opponent does not have that kind of power himself.

Simply a strong terrible man……..

The most powerless thing about Tsunade is.

The other party did not shoot with all his strength at all.

“That guy should not be the shadow of any village, or even a ninja, otherwise with his strength, he would not be able to be unknown to this day.”

Tsunade sighed, his eyes opening slightly, looking at the rock walls of the cave.

Deliberately avoided those wounds on his body.

She muttered, “That little girl from the Hyuga clan…………. It should be his student, right?! That is to say, such a dangerous man actually lives in Konoha, and Sarutobi-sensei has no idea. ”

“It seems that the man is not hiding in the ordinary depth, or Sarutobi-sensei, and those dark parts of Konoha, and maybe even that Shimura Danzo, did not notice him at all.”

“A superficial strength has even …….. Surpassed the man of Hokage!! ”


Shizune on the side listened to Tsunade’s muttering, and she couldn’t help but have a hint of surprise on her face, as if she had heard something strange.

Although Tsunade’s murmuring was not loud, she could still hear it clearly.

Shizune couldn’t help but ask suspiciously, “Tsunade-sama, you’re not kidding, are you?!” A man whose strength surpasses Hokage, how can there be such a person in this world?! ”

Tsunade shook his head: “The world is so big, there are people outside the world, there are people outside the sky.” ”

At the beginning, Tsunade also felt that the shadow-level powerhouse was the top person in the world.

For example, the current ape flying sun, this third-generation Hokage.

But after meeting Liu Chen today………

The idea has changed.

It turns out that there are still such powerful people in the world.

And what shocked her the most was…….. Liu Chen’s age is too young, it seems that he will definitely not be more than 30 years old, at most between 25 and 26 years old, this age group has such a strong power………

It’s really not an ordinary monster, it’s just like a tailed beast in human skin.

“This kind of person Konoha Village can only befriend him, and must not be an enemy with him.”

“Otherwise…….. The whole village will be destroyed!! ”

A trace of jealousy flashed in Tsunade’s beautiful eyes.

In the entire Konoha, she is the only one who has really fought Liu Chen head-on, and she has a very clear understanding of Liu Chen’s strength.

Even if the Konoha Sanshin reassembles, can he beat the other party…

It may still be an unknown.

And it is impossible for the three Shinobi to assemble.

After all, the big snake pill he……..

It’s a crooked path.


For what Tsunade thinks now, Liu Chen is not clear, and will not care, even if he knows, he will not say anything, because he is too lazy to say.

But Tsunade’s last sentence was right, if Konoha really messed with him.

The whole of Konoha will be reduced to ruins.

The kind that can’t be rebuilt.

In the Ichiraku ramen restaurant in Konoha Village, Hinata has eaten more than a dozen bowls of ramen, and when she comes with different flavors, she is originally covered in scales, and many bruises and redness have begun to fade.

This is the physical technique of the One Piece world, which has the simplest way to heal injuries – overeating and drinking.

Another way to heal is to sleep all day and night.

In this case, even the most serious injuries can be healed.

Special injuries like that kind of dark wound…

There is nothing more to do, that kind of injury even Whitebeard is tortured, can only be treated by doctors, and may not be able to cure well.

That’s why Liu Chen said before…….. A bone crack is not an injury at all.

A meal is almost healing.



PS: I recommend my wife’s book “My Class Can Evolve Infinitely”! By the way, this is chapter 45, there were two chapters before, the chapter serial number is wrong, and it can’t be changed

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