Looking at the town that was already not far ahead, and then listening to the sound of breaking the air closer and closer behind, a look of struggle flashed on his face, and finally he gritted his teeth, and his eyes showed determination and fierceness: “It’s out!!” ”

He actually stopped abruptly and endured the sharp pain in his abdomen and intestines.

The hands desperately quickly formed a more complex seal.

Mobilizes Chakra in the body.

A fierce look flashed across his face.

“I’m not proficient in this ninjutsu, and there is a 60% chance that I will fail if I use it forcibly, but I can’t manage that much now…….. Wind Escape Vacuum Dayu!! ”

The cheeks of his face bulged like toads, and you could even see the bruises on both cheeks.

The whites of his eyes were bloodshot.

Chakra lingered all over his body.

When his mouth opened, dozens of head-sized wind pressure waves rushed forward like a tide, but the direction of the surge was not the direction where Hinata was, but the bustling town not far from him.

Dozens of wind pressure waves destroyed the decay, easily tearing the branches of the trees.

Flew towards the town not far away.

He wanted to do this by attacking the town…….. Attract the attention of the ninjas in town.

Although it may be caught by the ninja of the Land of Water.

But it’s better than dying, right?!

If you are caught, you can escape from prison, but if you are killed, you have no chance, so this Kusanagi rebel named “Shobao” decided to try it again and ruthlessly.

Anyway, if you don’t try, you will die, and if you fail, you will be killed.

And try it to have a little chance of survival.

In this desperate situation……..

As long as it is an individual, it will be ruthless.

Just as dozens of wind pressure waves advanced in the balls, a tearing pain came from the back of the waist, making the rebel stubborn’s eyes suddenly widen, and his eyes almost didn’t pop out.

The blood in the whites of the eyes became denser, and a mouthful of reverse blood spurted out of the mouth.

He faintly heard his bones seem to be shattered.

Not broken.

Not a bone crack.

It’s broken.

An irresistible huge force burst out instantly, and with a scream, the whole person flew out directly, like a broken kite, hit several trees fiercely, and finally fell to the ground and even rolled dozens of times on the ground.

Then he hit a boulder before finally stopping his upside-down figure.

It was covered in all kinds of abrasions.

Blood spilled in many places.

He felt that there was no place on his body that was painless, and even his internal organs felt displaced, making him almost unable to stand up and look at it, and it was very difficult to even say yes.

I could only barely come intermittently: “Good…………. It’s so terrifying…….. Terrifying…….. Strength……..”

This time he had a deeper understanding of Hinata’s power.

As soon as he kicked over, he fell directly into a state of half-body paralysis.

The lower body is almost unconscious.

Looking at the pair of white eyes with green muscles in the corners of his eyes, and then at Hinata’s young and immature and excessively delicate face, as a rebel in Kusanagi Village…….. I feel that in the past thirty years, all the goods have gone to the dog.

A ninja from Konoha Village, it seems…….. Should. Less than 15 years old.

Own a Kusanagi village of Naka Shinobi…….. I’m 35 years old.

As a result, in close combat, even the opponent could not catch a move.

“You…….. What exactly are you…………. Are you Konoha’s Kami-Shinobi?! Or do you say…….. Ahem, or are you Konoha’s special superior Shinobi?! Ahem…….. It seems that I planted it today. ”

The rebel ninja of Kusanagi Village coughed up blood in his mouth, and every word he said felt a hot sharp pain in his lungs.

But he knew he had to say a little more now.

Had to buy a little time.

Do everything to buy time.

“Konoha Village…….. It really deserves to be the strongest existence in the 5 great ninja villages…….. You look like you’re under 15 years old, right?! Is this already a special upper patience? Ahem…….. You remind me of a guy named Kiki Kakashi. ”

“That guy is also from your Konoha, who was … The guy who was called a copy ninja, now he …….. Is the strength stronger than before? ”

“I didn’t expect that I actually …….. It fell back to today’s fate. ”

“It’s really, ahem…….. The world is unpredictable……..”

Hinata’s pretty face didn’t have any expression, some were just indifferent indifference, looking at this Kusanagi village rebel who had completely given up resistance.

She silently touched a handful of bitter nothing, and the sharp bitter nothingness revealed the meaning of Sen cold.

Just as she was about to get to know this guy.

A loud shout suddenly came: “What kind of person dares to spread wild in the country of water?!” ”

Swoosh –

Swoosh –

Swoosh –



Immediately after that, several sounds of breaking the air struck, making Hinata frown slightly, casually shooting down the shuriken that flew away, and quietly watching the few people who suddenly appeared.

She didn’t think either…….. The ninja of the Land of Water actually appeared so quickly.

Wait a minute…….. Those words that this grass country rebel said just now.

Is it all about stalling for time?!

Sure enough, I still have too little experience……..

If you have a lot of experience, you would have long ago stopped listening to the other party’s nonsense.

Directly took the bitterness and solved him.

“Five people…….. It seems to be a bit troublesome, if you don’t kill this guy, you won’t be able to return to Konoha Village on time to take the ninja school graduation exam, in which case you will have to wait until the next year to graduate. ”

Hinata’s little face had a slight solemnity, although the relationship between the Land of Water and the Land of Fire was okay.

At least for now, there has been little hostility between the two sides.

But he killed people on the territory of the Land of Water……..

The other party will never let it go.

Five ninjas of the Land of Water, one of them gave her great pressure, bringing a sense of oppression that was stronger than several rebel ninja in the Country of Grass.

That is to say, the other party is very likely…….. It’s an upper ninja!!

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