“This time, due to many special reasons, the content of the original exam has been revised, and the person who proctored your exam is other than me…….. And there is a mysterious person who will surprise you. ”

“I won’t say much about what the mysterious person is, you don’t have to guess more, you just need to focus on the next exam, and you don’t need to think too much about other things.”

“You don’t need to put too much pressure on yourself, so as not to play poorly during the exam.”

Iruka’s gaze swept over the students in front of him, looking at the familiar and immature faces, and he said in his heart that it was impossible without reluctance.

After all, he and these little guys have also been getting along for three years.

In three years, I have cultivated a very strong relationship between teachers and students.

The thought of these little guys about to become ninjas.

I’m about to fight the enemy.

Even at the risk of his life, Iruka’s thoughts became very complicated.

Sometimes he doesn’t really want to train ninjas.

After all, the number of dead and wounded is too much……..

Even if it is a short period of peace, there is no way to avoid the death and injury of ninjas.

Exhaling slightly, suppressing the thoughts in his heart, Iruka knew that there was simply nothing he could do to change anything, after all, he was just a Naka-ninja.

And he is not a powerful existence in Zhongnin.

After being silent for about a few seconds, he continued to speak: “You all follow me, the next exam content will be promulgated by a mysterious ‘chief examiner’, I can only wish you a successful graduation.” ”

Everyone couldn’t help but look at each other, but still listened to Iruka’s words.

I have to say that Iruka still has a lot of fame among students.

Compared to him, he is also a rare good teacher.

It is not for nothing that teachers are better than him.

But the numbers are too scarce.

So little that it almost doesn’t feel like it’s non-existent.

“You said Iruka-sensei, who is that mysterious supervisor?! Looking at Iruka-sensei’s appearance, it seems that he feels very respectful to him, is it difficult…….. Is the other party a Shinobu Konoha?! ”

“It should be unlikely that a Shangnin will be our chief examiner!”

“Yes…….. This is the Shimo-ninja exam, and it’s not the legendary Naka-ninja exam. ”

“Why are you all so confident.”

“Aren’t all of you in a hurry to pass graduation?!”

“Ah, la-la, it’s really not okay, it’s another year.”

“I think I can pass the graduation exam of the ninja school this time.”

“I really envy you who rely on the family.”


The discussion of the crowd came to an abrupt end when this sentence fell.

Because no one knows how to interface.

In fact, the inside of Konoha is not fair at all.

There is nothing unfair in the ninja school.

For example, those students who have a family behind them have been refining since they were young, and Chakra cultivates ninjutsu, and even has many special family ninjutsu.

And those civilian students, regardless of talent, are behind the starting line.

Even if it is possible to catch up with the other party later.

But that’s only for later……..

Who can guarantee that they will live to that day?

The geniuses of the civilian have not been absent in the past, and even because the size of the civilian population is very large, there are still very many geniuses of the civilians.

But why is it that the famous civilian genius does not lose much?!

Because most of them don’t live to grow up.

Most of them are when they are about to grow up.

Died under the enemy’s kunai, or the enemy’s shuriken.

This contradiction is not only in Konoha Village, but also in other Shinobi villages…….. This class contradiction is also very deep-rooted, and if no one carries out a thorough reform, I am afraid that the class contradiction will intensify step by step.

At that time, a certain class may become a “knife in the hand” of some ambitious people.

Everyone stopped talking.

Although they are all 12~13 years old, this age stage fluctuates.

But that doesn’t mean they’re naïve.

Opposite…….. They have become and will become subordinates, whether it is mentality or city government, in fact, they are not much shallower than adults, and some are even deeper than adult city governments.

Therefore, it is completely impossible to treat these people as children.

In that case, anyone will suffer a big loss.


Iruka-sensei led everyone to a very large training place, which was a large training ground that had been built by the ninja school for nearly a year, because funds had been allocated from above.

Located on the back mountain of the ninja school, it covers a very large area.

It’s almost the size of a ninja school in fifths.

There are even many lower and middle ninja who come to the ninja school and use this place to train.

After all, the area of this training place is indeed very large.

Perfect for ninjas to train daily.

“This training place was completed a year ago, but no student is allowed to enter it without the permission of the principal or teachers.”

“But because you have an exam, you can all come in today.”

Iruka led the crowd into the training ground.

It’s not empty.

On the contrary, there seem to be quite a lot of people.

“These people are all ninjas of Konoha, if you have a good relationship with them, maybe they will teach you one or two moves, even if they teach you one or two moves, they can make you endure the road in the future and benefit for life.”

Iruka pointed to the ninjas who had borrowed the school’s training ground to cultivate and smiled.

And the arrival of their group also attracted the attention of many people.

“It’s a student of the ninja school…….. Graduation exams, right? ”

“Hey! Iruka, long time no see. ”

“These rabbit cubs look quite energetic, but I don’t know what the pass rate is.”


Iruka also smiled and said hello: “Don’t worry, my students have an absolute 100% pass rate.” ”

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