Although Ape Flying Sun Chopper is called “Ninjutsu Professor”, it does not mean that he is a little white in physical skills, on the contrary, his physical cultivation is also very good.

After all, as a Hokage in Konoha, you can’t be powerful in ninjutsu.

No matter how weak your physical skills are, you can’t be weaker.

Otherwise, you are not qualified to be a Hokage.

And he still has eyesight.

It’s not yet the point of old eyes.

So he could immediately see the extraordinary nature of Hinata’s “physical skills”.

This terrifying speed……..

It’s just appalling.

Could it be the Eight Doors Dun Jia!? No…….. It’s definitely not the eight-door dunjia, because that little girl looks like this, no matter how you look at it, it doesn’t look like she opened the eight-door door.

That is to say, Hinata learned, a very mysterious strange body technique.

Anyway, it’s not Konoha-ryu’s physical skills.

Was this young man teaching ?!

Mysterious origin…….. Mysterious physical skills…….. Mysterious Strength…….. The mystery on Liu Chen’s body made Ape Flying Sun Chopper completely unable to see through, not even a little thing.

Suppressing the doubts that arose in his heart, he turned his attention all to Hinata.

This little girl deserves so much attention from him, the Hokage.

This mysterious physical technique intrigued Ape Flying Sunchop.


“Huh…….. This is? Wait, this is a human figure!? It’s so fast, and it’s coming at me! Damn, this little ghost’s shadow has bound my hands! ”

The dark part of the cat face mask suddenly changed drastically, and he just wanted to try to break free from the shackles of the shadow.

But it was already late, Hinata’s speed was too fast.

He almost had difficulty reacting.

Although the brain reacted……..

But the body didn’t react.

Even if the body reacted, it was estimated to be useless, because his arm was already bound by the shadow, and there was no way to move at all.

Obviously, it only takes a few seconds to struggle for you to successfully struggle out.

But it just so happens that it’s a few seconds…….. Something big happened!

A figure shredded the white fog, and the speed was so fast that it was difficult to see with the naked eye.






Immediately after this cat face mask in the dark part of Shinobu.

I felt a sharp pain in my shoulders, arms, and so on.

Blood arrows splattered out.

The blood stained the white soft nails.

The piercing sharp pain reached the brain, so that he couldn’t help but gasp, cold sweat instantly overflowed from his forehead, and the severe pain made his brain blank for a short time, but quickly reacted.

He felt as if his body had been pierced by more than a dozen shurikens.

Severe pain was coming from more than a dozen parts of the body.

Blood spurted from the wound.

The dark ninja wearing a cat-faced mask glanced at it, and he saw a more familiar face, and his face was full of disbelief: “It’s you……..!!” ”

He recognized the person who attacked him, the first day of the ninja school.

He had been wondering why Hinata hadn’t made a move.

Now the dark ninja wearing a cat-faced mask finally understood.

Hinata didn’t make a move at first, just didn’t find a really good opportunity.

Now she’s found a really good opportunity.

And directly shot without hesitation.

There was a chance that it took 40 minutes.

This patience is simply shameful.

“I’m sorry Dark Senior…….. Although this is a battle, but at the same time it is also a battle, as long as it is a battle, then injury is inevitable, so senior, if you are now, sleep for a while……..”

Hinata’s voice made the other side change, and at this time, the dark part was Shinobi.

He has completely broken free from the shadow shackles of Nara Shikamaru.

But he didn’t make any moves.


There is no way for him to use Chakra!

His cave passage was sealed by Hinata!

As one of the Naka-ninja of the Dark Division, it is impossible for him to know what Hinata’s trick is.

This is clearly the Hyuga clan’s acupuncture technique!

Sealed his meridians with dots!

Make Chakra not function properly.

So why is the point so powerful? Pierced his body out of more than a dozen holes, and even the dark soft armor on his body could not resist…………. This dark part Shinobu wearing a cat face mask is not very clear.

Hinata’s movements were very fast, and the hand knife struck the opponent’s neck.

The strength can be said to be used just right.

It doesn’t break the neck bones.

The dark ninja, wearing a cat-faced mask, rolled his eyes and fainted directly.

Hinata’s shot has been less than 10 seconds now.

Just knock a dark Shinobi out.

This scene…….. Many people were stunned.

For example, Nara Shikamaru, who was closest to Hinata, he was arguably the one who was the most shocked, because he watched Hinata’s three or two kung fu solve this extremely powerful dark Shinobi.

Although Hinata took advantage of his family secret technique to control the enemy’s hands at this time period.

But if it’s another person, take advantage of this opportunity to strike.

It is absolutely impossible to stun the other side.

But Hinata Hinata did it easily.

Seeing that Hinata did not have the slightest injury on his body, even Nara Shikamaru couldn’t help but secretly swallow a mouthful of spit, and muttered: “How strong is this guy?!” Instantly defeat a Naka Shinobi……..”

But at the same time, he was also relieved in his heart, because his Chakra had run out.

I felt a soreness all over my body.

If Hinata strikes a second late…….. It may be him Nara Shikamaru who fainted.

I have to say that the Nakanin of the dark part is indeed very powerful.

That kind of cross-ditch in strength is too big.

And the combat experience is not comparable to the other party, if it were not for Hinata’s timely help, it is not clear who is lying on the ground now!

Nara Shikamaru gasped sharply and said to Hinata, “You are even more powerful than I thought…….. In fact, you don’t need to find a chance to beat him, right?! ”

Hinata Hinata replied, “Yes, but at a considerable cost. ”

Nara Shikamaru nodded: “Understood.” ”



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